
Day 84 : Fishing Lure

I sometimes go fishing, mainly at coastal levees or on the fishing boat on ocean, with fishing baits. But I have been somehow wanting to do lure fishing.

When I was a kid, I was attracted by a fishing manga, "Fisherman Sanpei".  That was when I first knew the lure fishing, and since then I've had that kind of yearning.

I think I've done it probably just a couple of times, and could catch no fish but some trash...

The lures are cool. Men like that kind of coolness to some extent.

ekoda_fish_farm has tried to make his own original lures.
That's so cool, too, isn't it?!

Someday, I would like him to make one lure just for me, hopefully, haha!

Word of the day:
levee : 堤防、土手

Quote of the day:
Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.
- Henry David Thoreau
