
Day 113 Morning Glory / Ipomoea aquatica

Again, a topic on China!

I just encountered a word "Morning Glory".
This is known here in Japan as Asagao, very popular flower in Summer.

It's known in English as Ipomoea nil, and Ipomoea aquatica.
They seem very same to me, but should be different in erudite comparison.

Another big difference is that Ipomoea aquatica's tender shoots along with the leaves are usually stir-fried with chili pepper, garlic, and ginger.
Here in Japan, that cooking is known as Kuushinsai.

スクリーンショット 2019-11-05 19.07.48

Maybe I should try stirring Asagao's stems next summer....!

Word of the day:
erudite : 学術的な

Quote of the day:
“The beauty of a morning glory, is that of its patient wait for the sun to rise in the morning!”
― Mary Kate
