
Day 1,593: gridlock, plump for

The proposed directly elected prime minister (who sounds more like a president, except that Italy already has one of those) would anyway need a majority, or gridlock would ensue, just as it does in countries with an executive president who does not control the legislature.

The prime minister would supposedly be from that alliance, though nothing would prevent a voter from choosing a prime minister from one party or alliance but plumping for an mp from another.

Artwork of the day 
Grid IX
Piet Mondrian
Date: 1919
Style: Neoplasticism
Genre: abstract
Media: oil, canvas
Location:Gemeentemuseum den Haag, Hague, Netherlands

Word of the day 
gridlock: a situation where roads in a town become so blocked by cars that it is impossible for any traffic to mov
plump for: to choose something or someone, especially after taking time for careful thought:

Quote of the day
“Hyde Park Corner is what happens when a bunch of urban planners take one look at the grinding circle of gridlock that surrounds the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and think—that’s what we want for our town.”
― Ben Aaronovitch, The Hanging Tree
