
Day 1,376: epigenetic

Groups of academic and commercial researchers are studying how to rejuvenate cells and tissues by changing the “epigenetic” markers on chromosomes, which tell cells which genes they should activate.

Artwork of the day 
Genetiese Heimwee / Genetic Longing
Marlene Dumas
Date: 1984
Style: Neo-Expressionism
Genre: portrait

Word of the day 
epigenetic: of, relating to, or produced by the chain of developmental processes in epigenesis that lead from genotype to phenotype after the initial action of the genes

Quote of the day
“we’ll learn about epigenetic changes—the chemical modifications that occur in our cells as a result of a traumatic event.”

Mark Wolynn, It Didn't Start with You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle
