
Day 54 : Picture book

What does "picture book" remind you of?
What does it relate you with?

Your infant days, memories when you were a kid, reminiscent tone, childish, kindergarten-style..., you name it, whatever...

But almost every picture book has some kind of messages that even adults could learn, sometimes more thoughtful, insightful messages than the ordinary books, with very artistic pictures.

I am not the one who reads picture books that often, but sometimes I think like,  if I ever have any chance to know more about the picture books.

Kiri has been reading a picture book every day, and whenever I check her note, I feel very safe and relieved. What a great feeling that I can't have in my daily life...!

I love reading books, but it's been a while since I read a picture book, so maybe I should buy and read some...

Word of the day:
reminiscent: 思い出させる

Quote of the day:
“Before they read words, children are reading pictures.”
― David Wiesner
