
Day 1,467: intricacies, embryo

The intricacies of how an embryo buries into the womb and connects to the blood supply are also mysterious.

Artwork of the day 
Number 1 (Lavender Mist) (detail)
Jackson Pollock
Date: 1950
Style: Action painting
Period: Drip period
Genre: abstract
Media: oil, canvas

Word of the day 
intricacies: complicated details
embryo: an animal that is developing either in its mother's womb or in an egg, or a plant that is developing in a seed:

Quote of the day
“No story is a straight line. The geometry of a human life is too imperfect and complex, too distorted by the laughter of time and the bewildering intricacies of fate to admit the straight line into its system of laws.”
― Pat Conroy, Beach Music
