
Day 1,126: sideloading

Sideloading typically refers to media file transfer to a mobile device via USB, Bluetooth, WiFi or by writing to a memory card for insertion into the mobile device, but also applies to the transfer of apps from web sources that are not vendor-approved.

Artwork of the day 
Side and frontal view of the female head
Albrecht Durer
Date: 1528
Style: Northern Renaissance
Genre: sketch and study
Media: woodcut
Word of the day 
sideloading: the process of transferring files between two local devices, in particular between a personal computer and a mobile device such as a mobile phone, smartphone, PDA, tablet, portable media player or e-reader.

Quote of the day
“I imagined loading the God of the Sea into a taxi and taking him to the Upper East Side.”
― Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief
