
Day 109 : Ceviche

Again, a Latin topic, this time...

Last weekend, when I went to the farmer's market (I go there often in weekends..), they were selling fresh thyme and rosemary.

I felt like eating some sashimi on that night, so I thought, would this thyme match with sashimi?? That could taste like a little bit of fusion type of food.

So I googled "sashimi, thyme, recipee", but didn't hit any..., so I gave up.
At that night, I cut mackerel and squid by myself and ate the pure Japanese style sashimi.

But, since then, I've been wondering if there's never any example of sashimi matching with thyme.
Then I suddenly noticed, "Yes, ceviche!"

Ceviche is a Peruvian-originated fresh fish and vegetable marinated dish.

Then I googled again "ceviche, tyhme, recipee", and found many ones!

Among them, this site looks exquisite!
I'll try this in the next possible weekend.

Oops, it's lunch time already...

Word of the day:
exquisite : 極上の、最高の、美味な
Quote of the day:
“It is only in deep waters that a fish knows how strong it is.”
― Matshona Dhliwayo
