
Day 1,195: arrhythmia

An arrhythmia is a problem with the rate or rhythm of your heartbeat.

Artwork of the day 
Honesty Isn't Measured With the Meter But With Heartbeats (from the Archways series)
Vasile Dobrian
Style: Abstract Expressionism, Hard Edge Painting
Genre: abstract
Word of the day 
arrhythmia: a medical condition in which the heart does not beat with a regular rhythm, or at the normal rate
Quote of the day
“wise physicians would stroke their chins and opine about the Brugada syndrome and the long QT syndrome, and potential abnormalities in sodium and potassium channels, and lethal arrhythmias hitting with the destructiveness and unpredictability of rogue waves, all in the same solemn tones that were once the exclusive province of monks invoking the mysteries of the will of God.”
― Barry Eisler, The Detachment
