
Day 1,766: cement, erosion

In six weeks’ time Narendra Modi is expected to win a third term as India’s prime minister, cementing his status as its most important leader since Nehru. The electoral success of this tea-seller’s son reflects his political skill, the potency of his Hindu-nationalist ideology and his erosion of democratic institutions.

Artwork of the day 
Retirando el cemento de la fachada
Lara Almarcegui
Date: 1999
Style: Conceptual Art
Genre: installation

Word of the day 
cement: to make something such as an agreement or friendship stronger:
erosion: the fact of a good quality or situation being gradually lost or destroyed:

Quote of the day
“Friendship is a serious affection; the most sublime of all affections, because it is founded on principle, and cemented by time.”

Mary Wollstonecraft
