
理念・趣意書 / Philosophy and Prospectus

理 念

人は誰でも幸せに生きたい。 共に暮らす地域の人々が声を掛け合い、

Everyone has a desire to live happily. Let’s create a society where people not only live together, but also, they help each other, and greet each other with smiling faces. Let’s create a community of happiness and gratitude together.


日本では年々出生率が減少している一方、来日する外国人居住者が増えております。区民人口526,323人 (外国人29, 386人)令和3年10月1日現在都内では新宿区、江戸川区、足立区に次いで4番目に多く、傾向として、亀戸地区では 中國人が、大島地区ではアジア各国からの人々が居住し、言語、文化、習慣の違いからそれぞれに溝がある如く交流が進みません。



While the birth rate in Japan has been declining year by year, the number of foreign residents in Japan has been increasing. As of October 1, 2021, the Koto-ward population was 526,323 (among which 29,386 foreigners), the fourth largest in Tokyo after Shinjuku, Edogawa, and Adachi wards. People from various countries, specifically from different Asian countries live in Ojima district, and due to differences in language, culture, and customs, it seems as if there is a gap between the residents.

After talking with several families from different countries, we found that there are many more families than expected who want to live long term in Japan. Some of them even have already acquired Japanese citizenship. In our local community, everyone from infants to the elderly, as well as people with disabilities and foreigners with different cultural backgrounds, are living together in harmony.

Therefore, we would like to work together with the residents to think about what we can do to make the area safer, more comfortable, and more enjoyable to live in.
