
【英文Only】Comfort Zoneについて考えてみましょう:Let’s think about our comfort zone

【私の記事では 日本人英語学習者の為の "生きた英語" を文章で伝えることを目的としています。是非記事の内容に関することや感想をコメントで頂き、コミュニティ・ディスカッションの場にできれば幸いです!】

I suspect most of us follow a standard routine to get prepared for your day. Wake up at the same time. Eat a similar breakfast. We do roughly the same things in the same order from washing our toes, to how/where we exercise, to how many cups of coffee or tea. All super important to efficiently get out the door (so to speak) or cross the hall. Most of all - so we’re comfortable and have some sense of control of things around us.

And yet, we all know that we need to get out of our comfort zone to grow and evolve. I would argue we don’t need to throw our whole routine under the bus, but rather, try some small (and mildly disconcerting) ways to trigger your brain to move off auto-pilot. Here are a few things I’ve been trying. They may not be groundbreaking or life changing, but different doesn’t need to be big to be real.

  • Wear your watch on your opposite arm: it completely weirds me out, it’s like having a new watch, or something different going on.

  • Brush your teeth with your opposite hand: Other than getting toothpaste all over my face and wall during my first attempt, I may be brushing my teeth better than ever because I’m so focused.

  • Take a different route (walking, biking, driving…):  Its amazing what we see when we take a new path (…and what we don’t see when it’s so familiar).

Well, why don’t you try to get out of one of your comfort zone at the end of golden week?
