

Facebookの通知で気づいたのですが、JUPITER-XやJUPITER-Xmで、MODEL EXPANSIONやWAVE EXPANSIONを使った場合の、MIDI CCや、プログラムチェンジについて、まとめてくださっている方がいたのでご紹介します。


そのため、元の投稿をしてくださった方にお願いをして、ご厚意により、コピーライト表示を残していれば、再配布をしても良いと快諾いただきました。ありがとう、Alex! (Alex van den Berg さん)

Since we were all surprised by the sudden v3.0 update for JUPITER-X/Xm, I made a quick addition to my "Handy Reference for MIDI Control".

I've been in a bit of a rush, also having to think about some novelties for a while, so you might discover something strange or downright wrong. Then let me know!

Version 3.0 (quick update), as a reference for your sequencer or DAW.

I mainly focused on the new Bank Selects for Scenes and the new JUPITER-X Model, and the MIDI CC list for the JUPITER-X model.

The other MIDI info is the same as the previous version. In the coming weeks/months I will be researching the manuals for more new MIDI info, and will possibly add to it in an update.
UPDATE: First (small) mistake found: The presets for PR-X should be numbered 0001 - 0035, and not 0001 - 0015, as under the former name "JP-X INT".

Furthermore, it is unclear whether the SysEx command for "VCF Gain Control" still exists. This has been changed in the MIDI Implementation to: Reserved.
The PDF has not been updated for that, yet.

Alex van den BergさんによるJUPITER-X,XmのMIDIリファレンス


MIDI Bank Select & Program Change for internal Scenes, Tones and Drum Kits
MIDI Bank Select & Program Change for EXM Model Expansion Tones
MIDI Bank Select & Program Change for EXZ Wave Expansion Tones
Continuous Controllers (CC)
Registered Parameter Numbers (RPN)
System Exclusive, Useful external control - Decimal
System Exclusive "One-shot" actions - Decimal
System Exclusive, Useful external control - Hexadecimal
System Exclusive "One-shot" actions - Hexadecimal

Alex van den BergさんによるJUPITER-X,XmのMIDIリファレンス

特に素晴らしいと思うのは、各MODEL EXPANSIONでのMIDI CC。JUPITER-Xであれば、パネルのツマミから操作できますが、JUPITER-Xmはメニューをたどらなければならないので、少し不便でした。このPDFがあれば、メニュー・ダイブしなくても、他のMIDIコントローラーで全てのオシレータに同時にアクセスが出来るようになります。


