

外国に住んでいる先生が、 仕事で具体的にどんなことしてるかとか、家族のことけっこう聞かれるから英語で説明できるようにしておくと良いよと教えてくれました。なので、英語で自己紹介文書いて添削してもらったものをまとめてみました。

in charge of ~ 「~を担当して」を使いこなせるようにしておくと便利そう。

【Self  introduction】

Hello. Do you have time now ?

I'd like to introduce myslf.
I'm sutekimama naruzo.

I'm from Japan.   I'm from Kanagawa.
Kanagawa prefecture is next to Tokyo.

I work as a junior high school social studies teacher.
I create lesson's handouts and term tests.
I evaluate students.

I was in charge of my own home class.
I guide the students.

I was in charge of the tea celemony clab and badminton clab.

I'm on maternity leave now.

I like  yoga and dance.
What do you do in your free time?

【My family 】

I'd like to introduce my family.
There are four people in my family.
My family members are my hasband and two daughter, and me.
The older dauhgter is three years old.
The younger dauhgter is nine months old.
My hasband is a junior high school teacher.
He teaches art.
My older dauhgter goes to nursery school.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.
I'd like to have a good time with you.

Thank you.  It's great to see you.