
Can you tell me about~

July 12, 2024 Friday

"I'm currently learning English sentences and conversation.

 Fist of all ,I want to practice phrases starting with ' Can you tell me about ~'
 repeatedly until I can say then instantly."


  1. "I am currently learning English sentences and conversation."

    • I am: 私は

    • currently: 現在

    • learning: 学んでいます

    • English sentences: 英文

    • and: と

    • conversation: 会話

  2. "First of all, I want to practice phrases starting with 'Can you tell me about~' repeatedly until I can say them instantly."

    • First of all: まずは

    • I want to: 私は~したい

    • practice: 練習する

    • phrases: フレーズ

    • starting with 'Can you tell me about~': 「Can you tell me about~」で始まる

    • repeatedly: 繰り返し

    • until: ~まで

    • I can say them: それを言える

    • instantly: 即座に
