
Unimedia INTERVIEW⑨ 〜MMP Team〜

Just a fraction and its over.

Preparing for a release in mid September, B.Bilguun works as a coder of MMP team in Unimedia Solutions LLC in Mongolia. Currently over developing phase, MMP has now started testing phase.

“It’s going a long well,” B.Bilguun had said three weeks ago, “already 80 percent perfect.“

A day before the interview, MMP had held a meeting reviewing pros and cons of their performance so far.
“A lot of cons. A lot of things to fix,” in cute slides that he had prepared, B.Bilguun showed me some points that they had talked in the meeting.

MMP, simply, is a system that connects Japanese cooperation to users that complete tasks applied to them. As an example, B.Bilguun mentioned docomo, a Japanese mobile company.
“If docomo wishes to achieve 10 more clients,” he explained, “they will rely on this system to connect to users that complete the given tasks.”
For example, if docomo pays 5000 yen to MMP, MMP will then, pay 4000 yen to users, receiving 1000 yen profit for the system.

“Once we miscalculate the numbers, it’s over; not even a fraction.” Even a fraction, misinterpreted, it could build up to a bigger scale when used in complicated equations.

Addition, to these difficulties, codes he uses in the project, even one of the core concept of the project, CTR, was something that he had learned in five months that he has been working in the company.

However, “I like it,” he smiled.
His voice swerved excitedly as he explained how he enjoys to see the results when he finally completes a project.
“It’s ever since I was a child,” he said, “I like to create something and check if it works or not.”

Coder, undoubtedly, may be a profession that he was born to work in.



多くの計算を扱うMMP、B.Bilguunさん、ユニメディアのモンゴル現地法人、 Unimedia Solutions LLC にて、プログラマーとしてMMPチームに所属している。






