
原文文字数 1629(スペース含めない)
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原文「出典先: 免疫細胞療法 細胞培養ガイドラインhttps://www.jrai.gr.jp/images/topics/jrai_guidelines_20131211.pdf」

As described in the notifications and guidelines above, the advancement of science and the accumulation of its knowledge iterate fast, and it is not appropriate to apply to and include all aspects and necessary items in this guideline. The guideline needs to be flexible so that every final product can be made case by case according to its indications and characteristics, and rational reasons that reflect the advancements of its own era.

The characteristic of personalized immune cell therapy is that it is a treatment technique that uses immune cells differentiated from the patient their own and the treatment risk is thus limited compared with those using allogeneic stem cells. Also, ensuring the quality in the final stage with total inspection is also required. Thus, a new guideline is needed in order to perform realistic management on preparation and quality which has thoroughly take scientific rationality into consideration, and will not obstruct clinical researches and the development of therapies.

Under such background, the following points are considered in examining the creation of this guideline.

①        再生・細胞医療には各開発段階に応じた基準が求められるが、医療として提供される患者自己免疫細胞療法における調製細胞の品質、及び患者の安全性確保を主眼として、最新の関連通知と照らし合わせて作成した。
①        The guideline is created primarily focusing on the quality of the prepared cells and the safety of the patients as the personalized immune cell therapy is provided as medical care, though standards considering every development stage in regenerative and cell medicine is being sought.

②        本ガイドラインにおける体制的要件については、「医療機関における自家細胞・組織を用いた再生・細胞医療の実施について」(医政発0330第2号 平成22年3月30日)に照らして作成した。
②        The guideline is created in accordance with Implementation of autologous tissue for regenerative cell therapy in health care (Health directive 0330, No. 2, Mar 30, 2010) considering system requirements.

③        技術的要件については、「ヒト(自己)体性幹細胞加工医薬品等の品質及び安全性の確保について」(薬食発 0907 第 2 号平成 24 年 9 月 7 日)、及び「無菌操作法による無菌医薬品の製造に関する指針」(厚生労働省医薬食品局監視指導・麻薬対策課 事務連絡 平成 23 年 4 月 20 日)を参考にして作成した。
③        The guideline is created in accordance with Points to ensure the quality and safety of human (autologous) somatic stem cell-based drugs (PFSB Notification 0907, No .2, Sep 7, 2012) and Guidance on the Manufacture of Sterile Pharmaceutical Products by Aseptic Processing (Administrative communication by Guidance on the Manufacture of Sterile Pharmaceutical Products by Aseptic Processing, Apr 20, 2011) considering technical requirements.

④        本ガイドラインは、構造設備に求められる要件(ハード要件)と、調製管理及び品質管理(ソフト要件)において求められる要件で構成した。
①        The guideline contains requirements in buildings and facilities (hardware requirements), and requirements in preparation and quality (software requirements).

⑤        本ガイドラインに記載されている内容については、その意図が正確に理解され、適切に運用されることが重要である。そのために大項目に原則を記載するとともに、各項目について可能な限り具体例や補足説明を示すこととした。
①        It is important to correctly understand and appropriately implement the contents and intentions in this guideline. Thus, the specific examples and supplementing explanations are presented along with the principles in primary items.

⑥        本ガイドラインは②で述べた様に医政発 0330 第 2 号を補完するものであり、厚生労働省を始め関係各学会にも提示・報告され、今後免疫細胞療法を行う医療機関が遵守すべき基準として普遍的な利用を促すことを目標として作成した。
①        As described in (2) above, this guideline is the supplement for Health directive 0330, No. 2 file, and is submitted and reported to Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and other related institutions. The guideline is also created as the standards for the purpose of universal use for medical institutions to obey when performing immune cell therapy.

⑦        現在、再生・細胞医療においては、薬事法の改正や再生医療に関わる新法制定など、国としての多方面での動きもあり、本ガイドラインがそれら国の施策の策定に資するものであることも目標に議論した。
①        The content of the guideline also aims to contribute to the establishing and implementing measures of the state, as actions in multiple aspects are taken by the state in regenerative and cell medicine, including amendment of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law and establishment of new laws in regenerative medicine.

Especially, buildings and facilities requirements and requirements in management on preparation and quality are both important and complement each other, and require to be appropriately implemented according to the characteristics of the final product. The safety of the final product needs to be thoroughly considered and flexibly addressed in each development stage.

It is important to secure the safety and effectiveness of personalized immune cell therapy with the society’s understanding of the therapy, appropriate implementation and promotion of the therapy, and respect of the individual dignity and human rights. As the first step towards this target, the guideline aims to specify matters to be observed by all personals associated with cell preparation. The guideline aims to contribute to the high safety of personalized immune cell therapy, and is expected to contribute to the sound development of the immune cell therapy, including creating guidelines on verifications of effectiveness with high reliability, indication standards of the treatment, and case registration, and also to the provision of real effective immune cell therapy to patients (citizens).

平成 25 年 11 月 12 日
Nov 12, 2013
Japanese Society for Immunology
Japanese Association of Cancer Immunology
Japan Society for Biological Therapy
Japanese Research Society of Surgical Cancer Immunology
Japanese Society of Immunotherapy for Hematological Disorders
Japan Research Association for Immunotherapeutics
