
日本と欧米 宗教依存症の違いについて Google Bard に聞く


というようなことを ChatGPT に聞いてみる、ということをしてみましたが、その後 Chat 形式で無料で利用できる AI としては、Google の Bard というものもあることを知り、幾つかの質問をして試してみたところ、こちら(:Google Bard)の方が面白い回答をすることが判ったので、上の質問も Google Bard に試してみました。

 結果、ChatGPT や BingAI よりも、かなり 面白い回答を得ることが出来ましたので、ここに書き留めておきます。


 Many part of the Japanese use religion as a means(way, "tool") of gaining peace of mind, calming down and for relaxation.
 On the other hand, many people in the world, for example, followers of the Abraham's 3 religions (:Judaism, Christianity, Islam), are unable to "use religion" and live their entire lives under the control of religion. Their lives are ruled and administrated by religion. They are, so to speak, "religious addicts" or "religious dependents" (like alcoholism or drug addiction).

 Then, how did the Japanese come to be able to "use religion" without becoming "religious addicts"?

 Isn't this result of the historical affairs as follows?:
1. 平重衡の南都焼き討ち(Siege of Nara) ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Nara )
2. 足利義教(Ashikaga Yoshinori)'s 比叡山延暦寺の焼き討ち(burning of Mt. Hiei's Enryakuji Temple)
3. 織田信長(Oda Nobunaga)'s 比叡山延暦寺の焼き討ち(burning of Mt. Hiei's Enryakuji Temple)
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Mount_Hiei )

How do you think about it?



  1. 平重衡の南都焼き討ち
  2. 足利義教の比叡山延暦寺の焼き討ち
  3. 織田信長の比叡山延暦寺の焼き討ち


Google Bard の回答:

 I think there are a few reasons why the Japanese are able to use religion without becoming religious addicts.

  • Japanese religions are more flexible and less dogmatic than Abrahamic religions. Japanese religions, such as Shinto and Buddhism, are more focused on individual experience and less on doctrine. This allows people to find their own way to connect with the divine, without feeling like they have to follow a strict set of rules.

  • Japanese culture emphasizes the importance of balance and moderation. The Japanese have a long tradition of valuing balance and moderation in all aspects of life, including religion. This means that people are less likely to become obsessed with religion or to let it control their lives.

  • The Japanese have a strong sense of community. Japanese people tend to be very connected to their communities, and this can help to provide them with a sense of belonging and purpose. This can make them less likely to turn to religion for these things.

 The historical events you mentioned may have also played a role in shaping the Japanese attitude towards religion. The burning of Nara, Enryakuji, and Mt. Hiei were all traumatic events that showed the destructive power of religious conflict. These events may have led the Japanese to see religion as a force that can be used for good or evil, and to be more cautious about letting it control their lives.
 Of course, there are still some Japanese people who are religious addicts. However, I think the majority of Japanese people are able to use religion in a healthy way. They see it as a source of comfort, strength, and community, but they don't let it control their lives.


  • 日本の宗教は、アブラハム系の宗教に比べて柔軟性があり、教条主義的でない。神道や仏教などの日本の宗教は、個人の体験に重きを置き、教義にはあまり重きを置いていません。その為、厳格なルールに従わなければならないと感じることなく、神と繋がるための自分なりの方法を見つけることができるのです。

  • 日本文化は、バランスと中庸の重要性を強調しています。日本人は、宗教を含め、生活のあらゆる場面でバランスと節度を大切にする長い伝統を持っています。その為、宗教に囚われたり、宗教に人生を左右されたりすることはあまりありません。

  • 日本人は強いコミュニティ意識を持っています。日本人は地域社会との結びつきが強く、帰属意識と目的意識を持つことができる傾向があります。その為、宗教に頼ることが少なくなります。


 ----------( Google Bard とのやりとり、ここまで )----------

 このやり取りの前、一旦、日本語で質問したところ、「未だ システム開発途上にあり、このような質問には答えられません」というような返事が返ってきたので、英訳して質問してみたところ、このような回答が返ってきました。

