

 ラーム・エマニュエル駐日米国大使(Rahm Israel Emanuel) が、日本の LGBT 問題への対応として、また、アホなことを書いているので、「教育的指導」をしてやろうと思い、(冗談です。正しくは、「私の意見を伝えようと思い」です。)その為の英文を作成してみたのだが、それに AI を利用してみた。


 日本における LGBT人権問題改善の為の立法・司法の対応について、エマニュエル駐日米大使が発言している。

 欧米では その平等に反するキリスト教倫理に支配されて来て 最近やっとその修正が始まったが、日本では 元々そういうおかしな考えがなかったのに、明治維新に欧米に押し付けられた。で 今 それを元の自然な感覚のものに戻そうというわけだが、「元に戻す」だけだからラディカルな手法は合わない。
 19世紀 日本は鎖国して独自にやっていたが 欧米が China 侵略の橋頭堡として日本を利用する為に日本に開国を迫り 不平等条約締結を強いた。その改正の為に日本は文明国ということを示さなければならなかったが その「文明」の基準が欧米のキリスト教社会のもので 日本はキリスト教倫理を押し付けられた。
 社会の秩序安定の基底を成して来た伝統的キリスト教倫理に反する事を進めようとしている欧米社会と 欧米から変なものを押し付けられる前に戻るだけの日本とでは その為にすべき事が全然違っている。欧米流の radical なやり方は 新種の差別の当たり屋差別錬金術師を生むという大きな demerits がある。


 Europe and America have been dominated by Christian ethics against LBGT equality, and only recently have they begun to correct this, but in Japan there was no such strange idea in the first place, but it was forced on Europe and America during the Meiji Restoration. Now we are trying to return it to its original, Japanese natural feeling, but radical methods are not suitable, because it is simply "returning it."
 In the 19th century, Japan was isolated from the rest of the world and was independent, but the West forced Japan to open up and sign unequal treaties in order to use Japan as a beachhead for invading China. In order to make this overhaul, Japan had to prove that it was a civilized country, but its standard for "civilization" was that of Western Christian societies, and Christian ethics were imposed on Japan.
 While Western society is trying to move forward with things that go against the traditional Christian ethics that have formed the basis of social order and stability, Japan is just going back to the way it was before strange things were forced upon it from the West. What should be done is something completely different. The radical Western approach has the great disadvantage of creating a new kind of alchemist of discrimination.



Google Gemini の回答:

 Europe and America have been dominated by Christian ethics that oppose LBGT equality, and only recently have they begun to move away from this, but historically Japan did not have such an idea, but it was imposed on Japan during the Meiji Restoration by Western powers. Now, Japan is trying to return to its original and more natural state, but radical methods are not suitable, because this is simply a matter of returning to our roots."
 In the 19th century, Japan was isolated and independent, but the West forced Japan to open its doors and sign unequal treaties, using Japan as a staging ground for invading China. In order to overhaul its society, Japan had to prove that it was a civilized country, but the standard for "civilization" was that of Western Christian societies, and Christian ethics were forced upon Japan.
 While Western society is trying to move forward with things that go against the traditional Christian ethics, which have formed the basis of social order and stability, Japan is simply trying to return to the way it was before Western influence. What needs to be done is fundamentally different. The radical Western approach has the major disadvantage of creating a new kind of discrimination.
ーーー(Gemini からの回答はここまで)ーーー

Microsoft BingAI の回答:

 Europe and America have long been influenced by Christian ethics, which historically opposed LGBT equality. Only recently have they begun to address and correct this issue. However, in Japan, such peculiar ideas did not originally exist. Unfortunately, during the Meiji Restoration, Japan was compelled to adopt Western norms, including those related to LGBT rights.
 Now, there is an effort to restore Japan's original, natural sensibilities regarding these matters. However, a radical approach is not suitable; simply reverting to the past won't suffice.
 In the 19th century, Japan maintained its isolation and independence. Yet, Western powers coerced Japan into opening up and signing unequal treaties, using it as a strategic foothold for their expansion into China. To demonstrate its "civilization," Japan had to adhere to Western Christian societal standards, including the imposition of Christian ethics.
 The situation in Japan differs significantly from that in Western societies, where efforts are being made to advance beyond traditional Christian ethics. Japan, on the other hand, is merely returning to its pre-Western-influenced state. The radical Western approach has significant drawbacks, potentially creating a new form of discriminatory alchemy.

ーーー(Gemini からの回答はここまで)ーーー
