
[FORTNITE]トリオウィーク1考察、感想! NA-East トリオ1位(LZR Crimz,MSF Clix,Spades) Trio week 1 consideration, impression! NA-East Trio 1st




1-3試合目 link:(https://www.openrec.tv/live/ovrdxxk738j)
4-6試合目 link:(https://www.openrec.tv/live/n9zegxdmor4)
7-9試合目 link:(https://www.openrec.tv/live/e2zwn5n6dzo)








→MSF Clixはバーガー付近で待機。





MSF Clixは味方へのカバーは他の人に任せて、飛んでいる敵を攻撃している。

 Spadesも斜線がMSF Clixと同じところで少ない所に移動している。



LZR Crimzがダメージを受けるが、全員のチャグスプラッシュを使用。

→2,1(LZR Crimz)と別れるが、安置際の二人にいる方に移動している。
 →一人(LZR Crimz)が二人側に合流する方が資材少なく抑えれる。


LZR Crimzが先に建築で味方への通路を作っている。

 体力を削った 状態を把握している。





バーガー付近の裂け目がなかった(?)のか 武器が足りていなかったのか











LZR Crimzが戦闘を行っていた。
→が、MSF ClixとSpadesと合流出来る距離に入った為、挟み込んで敵を倒すのに成功。


→MSF Clix,Spadesは合わせて資材が50もないので最下段での戦闘に切り替えている。



プレザントパーク の左側の家











MSF Crimzが回復をし終えたらSpadesが回復できるように立ち回っている。




→降りる=やられるリスク があったからそれを極限に0にするために投げて



初動 Spades,LZR Crimzは敵と同じ場所に降りた模様。
 →その後、LZR Crimzが一人なので集中敵に狙われている。
 →MSF Clixが、LZR Crimzの所にスティングボムを投げている。
   →MSF Clixが近接グレを喰らいつつ相手の1マス内に入り込むが
    →LZR Crimzが近接グレで死ぬ。




敵がいなかったが、LZR Crimzが降りる場所が想定より低かった。

→安置の距離、味方との距離 どっちとも良くない状況が








→LZR Crimz,MSF Clixは撃たれない位置にいた。


MSF Clixは安置際で移動している敵を倒しに行っている。
LZR Crimzも別の敵を倒した。
  →更に別の敵が安置移動で目の前に来たのでLZR Crimzの復活は失敗。

MSF Clixは敵からのダメージをかなり受けた状態。

MSF Clixはロケランもあるのでキル優先(味方への合流は意識しつつ)。
→MSF ClixはSpadesに合流。

→数は暴力 → 二人の強みを理解しているからこそ合流。


プレザントパーク 南側

LZR Crimz,MSF Clixは東側。

Spadesは西側の屋根上からLZR Crimzにカバー。
 →LZR Crimzは資材と編集を利用して味方の合流を待つ。
  MSF Clixが止めを刺す。


MSF Clixが相手の所に攻めてやられてしまう。
 →その後、家の外側でLZR Crimzのカバーをもらいつつ最後の敵を倒す。







LZR Crimz:ホーンテッド南側の下側家
MSF Clix:元海賊船(プレザントパーク南西)

LZR Crimzはそのまま敵に一気に制圧される。
→MSF Clixは元海賊船で一通りの武器が揃ってからLZR Crimzの方に向かっていた。
  →MSF Clixと同じ所に降りて武器を探すなどした方が有意義だったじゃないか説


 →MSF ClixとSpadesがフォーカスがズレていたのか?
  相手から一気にダメージを受けてMSF Clixがやられる。

→武器がなくて待ちぼうけ という状態は避けれる。



MSF Clixは長い地下を漁る。

MSF Clixは位置がバレて敵と交戦する。







  →降りてしまったことでSpades、LZR Crimzが安置で死んでしまう。



MSF Clixは南側にいたラマ



→MSF Clixだけジャンパで移動 →壊される。
 →LZR Crimzも別でジャンパを使用。
  →LZR Crimzは先に安置側で回復
 →MSF Clixは一旦回復して安置移動とは逆側の置いてあるジャンパを使用。






以上、トリオウィーク1 NA-Eastトリオ1位を考察、感想をまとめました!





Good evening! This is Star__hoshi.
Last time, we summarized the thoughts and impressions of WC duo 1st place pair.
This time, we will consider the NA-East Trio No. 1 of Trio Week 1 and summarize their thoughts!
I would like to see the movements at the beginning of the Trio Tournament that are not in Asia.

It is the same caution as the last time, but it should be viewed as “one opinion” because it is the viewpoint from the viewpoint of yourself.
Also, since I think that it will be better if there is a story that shows another possibility from there, I would appreciate your favor.

[1st game]

Where you got off:
Pleasant Park

[1 Enshrinement]
(Around 1:16)
I want to fight when there are few initial weapons.
→ Points are easier to get than the middle shield.

(Around 7:29)
Waiting with a rift near the burger.
→ Engage with enemies who will come here, and avoid when you become a pinch
Can also be used as a means (moving means).

Watch out for enemies from the former ball storage.
→ The height is overwhelmingly high.

(Around 9:13)
He was going to attack the enemy from the former ball storage.
→ Since the opponent's topographical position was low, I went to attack.
→ However, the diagonal line from the southwest side could not be prevented.
→ Did you act on the premise that you would not shoot?

[2 Enshrinement]
Two people go to pick up supplies.
→ MSF Clix waits near the burger.
→ If everyone takes support supplies, the topographical position will be low,
It remains so as not to become one side of the battle.

(Around 10:39)
A pin is stabbed in the place where it was built on the move.
→ Predicting where the enemy is and unifying the place of movement and consciousness.
→ These places will come to life in the second half, leading to collaboration.

(Around 11:41)
Securing the materials used near the burger while securing a certain high position
It is moving.
→ Another enemy is at a higher position, so if you go down and attack,
Caution because it is done.
→ It is necessary to practice and be conscious of what to do from the trapped turn.

[3 Enshrinement]
(Around 12:49)
A theory that acts separately on the higher side and on the other side.
→ As a result, all of them came to take the opponent.
→ If you prepare multiple combat means, you can switch to another pattern.
You can also feel secure because you can.

(Around 13:42)
Spades are overtaken with hebisna.
→ The result of everyone being too conscious of where they took the other person.
注意 The ability to pay attention to the surroundings and the location of the other party could not be grasped.
→ It is not a situation where only one person is left alone at a stretch by having one person behind.

(Around 13:52)
MSF Clix is ​​attacking flying enemies, leaving the cover for allies to others.
→ In addition, the slanted line is foamed in a situation where it can only be shot from the front or from above.
→ No storm surge can be avoided.

Spades has also moved to a place where the diagonal lines are the same as MSF Clix.
→ Recover in a few places rather than in a place with many diagonal lines.
→ It is possible to recover safely, and this time there is an opportunity to attack (avoid storm surge)
Priority is given.

[4 Enshrinement]
(Around 16:54)
We are going to go to a high place at the limit in the mortar.
→ The enemy is shot from an enemy and is hiding in the original building.
→ As a result, if there is an enemy in the place where the architecture was originally, it will shoot
If you don't have it, you may not shoot, so it looks like it's not a bad place for a hiding place.

[5 Enshrinement]
(Around 18:54)
The theory that the position where the jump pad is used is already at a high position, and the user wanted to move early.
→ The one who is placed in the first place will attack later and will be unlimited.
→ It leads to a kill.

(Around 19:14)
LZR Crimz takes damage but uses everyone's chags splash.
→ Everyone uses it so that recovery items do not bias.

[6 Enshrinement]
(Around 20:39)
Move in 3 directions with Shockwave Grenade.
→ 2,1 (LZR Crimz), but moved to those who are at rest.
 → One person (LZR Crimz) will be able to conserve less material if they join the two people.
→ → Easy to move than when in the middle.

(Around 20:36)
Because there was no shockwave grenade alone, it was shot too much outside the refuge
It was done with anti-damage.

(Around 21:46)
LZR Crimz has made a passage to allies first in architecture.
→ Spades attack the enemy by moving a little later
 → I'm making a state to kill.

[8 Enshrinement]
(Around 22:20)
Use the Shockwave Grenade to move out of the cave and use it again to return to the cave.
(Are you a little impatient?)
→ One enemy in front after returning
Grasp knowing the state of physical strength.
→ Goed to defeat in an almost convinced state that the opponent can be defeated before dying.
→ It seems that the kill was certain because Spades also had the same point of view.

After that, the enemy has been defeated, but there is no material, and it has moved to a move that defeats the enemy at the last minute.

The stronger the enemy, the less impressive the team that messed up kills due to factors such as watching and tension.

[2nd game]

Where you got off:
Pleasant Park

[1 Enshrinement]
(Around 6:20)
Was there a rift near the burger (?) Or wasn't there enough weapons?
→ Moved to the former pirate ship ruins on the west side.

(Around 7:34)
Since we were able to secure enough materials at the site of the pirate ship, we have been moving away from the heights of the enemy and taking a rest.

[3 Enshrinement]



[4 Enshrinement]
(Around 17:53)
Abandon the hill and move with Shockwave Grenade.
→ The background seems to have lost the meaning of keeping the hill with the sniper.

[5 Enshrinement]
(Around 19:30)
At this stage, the enemy takes over.
→ But why did not you regain it because there was a possibility that it would lead to material consumption even if you take the top here with anti-sniper?
→ As expected, the enshrinement is far away.

[6 Enshrinement]
(Around 20:40)
Moved by using the jumper (?)
→ Spades eat quite a bit, but they are firmly joined by two people.
→ Number is justice.

(Around 20:55)
The stairs are placed diagonally during the movement.
→ We are proceeding with detention while saving materials.

(Around 21:10)
The floor in my head was the enemy.
→ But they are re-laying on their floors.
→ To avoid enemies editing and entering.

[7 Enshrinement]
(Around 21:38)
Engagement using jumpers
→ No consumption of shockwave grenades
→ Erase was a mountain on the south
→ Even if you take damage, if you enter earlier, you can concentrate solely on recovery
You can just attack the moving enemy.

(Around 21:53)
LZR Crimz was fighting.
→ However, because it was within the distance that could join MSF Clix and Spades, it was successful in defeating the enemy.
→ The narrow area can be sandwiched only by grasping each other's position.

[8 Enshrinement]
(Around 22:30)
A posture to kill one person firmly at the timing when enemies flow because of being in the middle.
→ Risk is reduced by defeating enemies instantly.
→ After that, because the upper enemy decreased, it was attacked from the top
It will be dropped down.

[9 Enshrinement]
(Around 22:57)
Spades get lost.
→ MSF Clix and Spades have a total of 50 materials, so they have switched to battle at the bottom.
→ If you go down at the timing when the material has run out, you will be unilaterally done by the opponent.
→→ If you get down to the bottom in a few situations, you wo n’t be unilaterally held by the enemy.

-Live but kill to win.
→ Result of living with minimal confluence.

[3rd game]

Where you got off:
Pleasant Park left house

[1 Enshrinement]
(Around 2:50)
Moved to the former pirate ship after catching the house on the left.
→ I want to avoid the first time.
→ Move to the outside without fighting other PTs.

(Around 6:20)
All weapons are shotgun (Tactical shotgun, pump), assault.
→ 0 distance is boosted by shotgun and architecture or assault, after medium distance
It seems to be a structure that earns damage by assault.

[2 Enshrinement]
It was moving at the burger's rift, but the next refuge was decided and it moved from the route lake to the move to fly again
→ Simply increase the flight distance, because it is easy to approach the rest

(Around 10:09)
There was an enemy on the east side of the former pirate ship southwest of the pressure plant.
→ We were motivated but attacked so as not to attack too much.
→ Enemy can escape.
It seems that the main purpose was to secure this position

[3 Enshrinement]
(Around 13:15)
Move counterclockwise without climbing the mountain.
→ Where there are few enemies.
→ You are moving in a place where diagonal lines do not pass.
→ The actual enemy is about 1PT on the magma side (even if it comes in contact, it can be suppressed only there).
→ It seems that it was difficult to stimulate poorly because there was a robot.

(Around 13:50)
The enemy that was on the magma side has moved.
→ If you don't come here with a check, you attacked the enemy several times.

[4 Enshrinement]
(Around 15:45)
Engage with an enemy near Sunny Steps.
→ However, it is suppressed only by checking the enemy.
→ I think that the battle here is relentlessly consumed.
⇒Only items that are difficult to understand in the gas grenade and flag grenade
An attack on the enemy has been set up.

(Around 17:20)
Built their own architecture on the mountain.
→ As long as you do not change the hate from above, you can attack the same target enemy as above.

(Around 17:22)
I was able to confirm the sound of exchanging on their upper side.
→ It is no risk by attacking where there is the battle instead of attacking around
It seems that he took a chance to go for a kill.
→ There are enemies coming down, so be careful there.
→ You should keep in mind the possibility of getting down and pumping up with a pan.

[5 Enshrinement]
(Around 18:12)
Move with a single shockwave grenade.
→ After that, move to the middle (where the terrain is) where the enemy has already stood.
→ Another enemy is in the middle and eats damage, but is calm and able to recover
It has moved.

(Around 18:47)
Once MSF Crimz has finished recovering, Spades stands around to recover.
→ Standing to assist basic allies.

(Around 19:46)
Spades sees the outside in the gap of the editing mass and that one of the opponents has recovered
After confirming, attack.
→ Power to see firmly in the gap.

[6 Enshrinement]
(Around 20:25)
After moving with a shockwave grenade, he joins the person at the rest.
→ If you are at rest, there is less chance of getting into a mess of battle.
→ There is a possibility that a good condition will be born without using the materials to the outside.
→ The ranking can be raised while suppressing material consumption.

[7 Enshrinement]
(Around 22:30)
Since the enemy was not at the bottom, I was able to proceed with refuge without doing anything.
→ However, since there was no enemy this time, it was no risk, but if you proceed safely
The theory that the head floor could be changed to my own at some point.

[9 Enshrinement]
(Around 24:00)
I was trying to get my opponent out of the army with Shockwave Grenade.
→ Because there was a risk of getting off = throwing it to zero to the limit
I wonder if I was going to fly outside the enshrinement.
→ As a result, there was a little impact on the bullets, so I was impressed that this was the correct choice.
→ Probably, the probability may have risen if you fold it carefully and pinch the attack.

[4th game]

Where you got off:
Pleasant Park

[1 Enshrinement]
Initial movement Spades, LZR Crimz seems to have descended to the same place as the enemy.
→ Spades die in a trap.
→ After that, because LZR Crimz is alone, it is targeted by concentrated enemies.
→ MSF Clix is throwing gasgre into LZR Crimz.
→→ Throwing makes it difficult for the enemy to enter the space.
→ MSF Clix enters the opponent's 1 square while eating proximity
It is suitable for return.
→ LZR Crimz dies in close proximity.

If you are wearing the first enemy,
→ Know the location of weapons that can be taken absolutely, and take the place where it can be taken reliably.
→ All members first move down to the house (right side) different from the enemy.

[5th game]

Where you got off:
Pleasant Park

[1 Enshrinement]
(Around 1:10)
There were no enemies, but the place where LZR Crimz descended was lower than expected.
→ When I got down here with a marker, I was in touch with other people
The way to get off was close to that.

(Around 5:40)
Spades went around the former pirate ship, but withdrew the enemy.
→ The distance between the enshrinement and the ally.
Ran away because it occurred.

[2 Enshrinement]
(Around 10:35)
We wait for refuge using material saving roof.
→ By using the roof, you can grasp the surrounding situation with less material.

(Around 11:20)
Enemies are enchanted by Hevisna.
→ Suddenly, only the roof was fitted with iron, so it was easy to find out.

[3 Enshrinement]
(Around 14:14)
Enemies engage on their own.
→ Use a minigun and gas grenade to destroy them alone.
→ Because my physical strength was also low, from the other side, there was no ground and it was close to the mountain
It was in a state where I could do it all at once.
→ Another enemy is aiming there (Grenade launcher, Sting Bomb).
→ Go back to the place where you were, preventing the place to prevent.
→ Go to collect materials again after the attack is over.

[4 Enshrinement]
(Around 15:50)
Move with three people using one shockwave grenade.
→ Edit the floor diagonally and get on the stage.

(Around 16:20)
Attacked enemies that were below their topography after flying.
→ Gas grenade, mini gun, location.
→ Easy to use for gasgre and rokeran on enemies below the topography.
→ Defeat one person, but do not overtake.
→ Going to defeat the enemy or picking up materials,
I knew that "I will aim next".
→ If you want to reduce damage, stretch the floor and open the floor to attack.

[5 Enshrinement]
(Around 18:00)
Immediately moved and moved.
→ The theory that it was good to wait because it was in the middle.
→ Moved assuming the topography and the next enshrining.
→ As for enshrinement, the right side has low terrain.

(Around 19:40)
Shoot a Locran against an enemy who has come close to your eyes.
→ Rokuran that moves hate by dropping the opponent, not the one that goes down.

[6 Enshrinement]
(Around 20:30)
Travel with material saving shockwave grenades.
→ Spades are being shot a lot because there were a lot of enemies.
→ LZR Crimz and MSF Clix were in a position where they could not be shot.

(Around 20:40)
Spades join
→ If you flew with a shockwave grenade, everyone is as conscious of the confluence as possible.

(Around 21:10)
MSF Clix is ​​going to defeat enemies that are moving at rest.
LZR Crimz also defeated another enemy.
→ It will be killed by another enemy.
→ Spades will cover and aim to join and revive.
If you are from the other side, you may show a posture such as crushing the wall a little more
Maybe it was good.
^ The more you get used to the final board, the more you can't revive.
^ Did you notice too much refuge without first looking at it?
→ LZR Crimz's resurgence failed because another enemy came in front of him.
→ It was quite good as a resurrection try.

(Around 21:30)
MSF Clix has received considerable damage from the enemy.
→ Move with the shockwave grenade first and recover with just the shield.
→ See the position of allies and join Spades at Shockwave Grenade.
→ At any time, once you settle down in the architecture, join.

[8 Enshrinement]
(Around 22:43)
Spades has anti-movement priority.
MSF Clix also has a rokeran, so kill priority (while being conscious of joining the allies).
→ MSF Clix joins Spades.
→ Not only "kill", but kill that is conscious of joining.

(Around 23:10)
Even if it is far away from the end, it will merge.
→ The number is violence → Join because they understand their strengths.

[5th game]

Where you got off:
Pleasant Park South

[1 Enshrinement]
Spades is on the west side.
LZR Crimz and MSF Clix are on the east side.
→ 2v1 seems to be taking advantage.

(Around 1:20)
Spades cover LZR Crimz from the west roof.
→ Because you are on the top, you cannot attack unless you climb.
→ LZR Crimz waits for the ally to join the team using materials and editing.
MSF Clix stabs the stop.

(Around 2:00)
Spades retreat north.
→ Because we know that only one southwest fisherman is fishing,
We are fishing for weapons.

(Around 3:10)
MSF Clix is ​​attacked by the opponent.
→ Spades defeats the enemies that were carefully attacked.
→ After that, kill the last enemy while getting the cover of LZR Crimz outside the house.
→ The enemy in front of you just moves to a position where your allies can easily cover in any state
It will be easier to defeat.
→ If you know the position of your allies well, you can easily put a cover.

[2 Enshrinement]
(Around 8:50)
Go to attack the enemy who was aiming for relief supplies.
→ I fought only for a few seconds and ran away.
→ → Reduce material consumption. The enemy on the shooting side is too high (it is difficult to counterattack).
→ Passing hate as if they were aiming for relief supplies.

[5 Enshrinement]
Instead of going to the south as it is, I went to the mountainside after moving to the mountainside.
→ Reduce the diagonal lines as much as possible and eliminate the places where you can be shot.
→ As a result, the impact can be reduced.

[6 Enshrinement]
(Around 21:09)
Move by low jumper.
→ I decided to place it as soon as possible because the terrain was decided where the terrain was low.

Since there was a Locran, it moved to the bottom that can surely reduce the hit from the enemy.
→ Drop enemies with Rokeran
→ → Spades attack from the outside even if they eat no good.
→ The theory that the system that can be defeated even if two other people fail to attack is not in place.

[7th game]

Where you got off:
Everyone gets off the burger rift.
→ There was a lot of people in Pleasant Park (result: 3PT)

LZR Crimz: Haunted South Lower House
MSF Clix: Former pirate ship (southwest of Pleasant Park)
Spades: Trees between allies

[1 Enshrinement]
(Around 3:00)
LZR Crimz is immediately controlled by the enemy.
→ MSF Clix was heading towards LZR Crimz after a complete set of weapons on a former pirate ship.
→ Wait for Spades.
→ The theory is that it was more meaningful to go down to the same place as MSF Clix and search for weapons.
→ I can't do anything because there are no weapons.

(Around 4:22)
Engage with Snowby Shore enemies.
→ Spades defeat the enemy firmly with the sniper without being noticed by the enemy.

I couldn't manage my enemies all at once and was thrown into a grenade.
→ Somehow try to get over the opponent.
→ → Is MSF Clix and Spades out of focus?
MSF Clix is ​​done after receiving damage from the opponent at once.
→ After that, there is no material, so there is nothing special about Spades.
It will die.

Think about what happens when you can't get off.
→ You can avoid waiting without a weapon.
→ All the allies were too disjointed.
→ If you have the materials, you can earn hate.

[8th game]

Where you got off:
Salty Springs
→ Since it was late, I thought that people might increase in Pleasant Park where the map has not changed significantly

[1 Enshrinement]
(Around 5:00)
MSF Clix fishes long underground.
→ The other two fish in a hut in the northeast.

MSF Clix fights against enemies in position.
→ There is no movement to throw gas and go over the opponent.
→ Even if you make a building battle alone, you will be completely destroyed and you can put a cover
Because I could see
→ → The enemy's cover was well received and the enemy whose physical strength decreased was defeated at once.
→ Defeat 1 team

→ When defeating the last remaining person ...
Maybe there was no waiting for allies.
→ The theory that it was good to work with your allies while keeping your movements in check.

[2 Enshrinement]
Since there are no mobile items, it is close to the inside.

[3 Enshrinement]
Look at the enshrinement and secure their position before many enemies come.

[4 Enshrinement]
Hate from enemies has moved to a position where it is rare to buy at once.
→ Be careful about throwing systems such as grenades and gas.

[5 Enshrinement]
(Around 18:10)
Receive attacks from enemies (grenades, miniguns) but do not stay in the same place
Run away to the west.
→ If you are in the same place, you will only attack the same place even if you build it.
→ From the opponent's side, you can defeat it if you keep shooting without doing anything.
→ It becomes difficult to specify whereabouts by increasing the number of places to escape by architecture.

[7 Enshrinement]
Move up without entering the basement of Shifty.
→ The basement is quite blocked, so we avoided it.

[8 Enshrinement]
We entered the basement where it was difficult for everyone to move.
→ To avoid facing hate from enemies.
→ Go down to the basement to see if you were impatient
→ Spades and LZR Crimz will die in detention because they got off.
→ Although it was in a state where there were few materials, it is a wasteful theory to die in enshrining
→ I have died without being able to do anything.

Go to the opponent's one box, but return with a trap to suit.
→ The theory that if you walked without any architecture, you wanted to defeat the opponent so that the opponent could defeat it.

[9th game]

Where you got off:
Pleasant Park
MSF Clix was a llama on the south side

[2 Enshrinement]
The distance from the burger crevice is further increased by route lake.
→ Get off near the house in the south of Tomato Temple.
→ The former pirate ship near the Presher plant seemed to have had enemies.

[5 Enshrinement]
(Around 18:30)
Since the enemy was walking alone, all of them (including other PTs) attacked.
→ Hit the last one and bring it down.
→ Since it tends to be defeated after all, it is important to be able to put the last one.

[6 Enshrinement]
(Around 20:15)
Used with a jumper on the inferior side while being attacked by the enemy.
→ Move only MSF Clix with a jumper → Destruction.
→ LZR Crimz is also used separately.
→→ Spades walks without using any mobile system.
→ LZR Crimz recovers first on the inferior side
→ MSF Clix recovers once and uses the jumper placed on the opposite side of the engraving.
→ Use the jumper that also had Spades.
→ After that, the position of getting off was slightly shifted, but all of them joined.
→ I know the importance of joining.

(Around 21:50)
Dropped by an enemy shockwave grenade and joined again.
→ Going anti-going, moving less hate and less material.
→ By entering first, the next ally is looking closely at the enemy who is moving in refuge.
→ get some kills there

(Around 23:00)
Before the material becomes 0, it will be deployed more advantageously by consuming the least amount of material later than the resting movement.
Direction to defeat enemies by using materials.


* The first game has a place to play carefully.
→ Even if you are practicing before the tournament, it seems that you do not want to bring it to the state where the first game points are few.
→ That is why if the first game has few points, the ability to handle the next game will be important.

* It is important to gather at the end of the game and to gather if everyone is alive.
→ Positioning of the final stage movement ... If you move in the middle, it will continue to be shot if there is no material
State is likely to occur.
→ In order to hold down the materials, if you care about the location of the movement, the order tends to go up.
→ If everyone is alive, it ’s important to get together… Even if someone is done, you can cover up, even if it ’s small, you can defeat the opponent who has defeated it, or you can put pressure on the number of people
There are various advantages.

So far, Trio Week 1 NA-East Trio No. 1 was considered and the thoughts were compiled!
Thank you for your hard work.

I feel that there was a part that I could make use of by studying another server team, not Asia.
So, let ’s absorb good places including yourself and improve the quality of play together!
Next time, I will summarize the thoughts and impressions of the server somewhere in Trio Week 2.

Thank you for reading.
