
AHL New House Exhibition Sep. 18-Sep. 19 : 今週の新築ハウス紹介


Hi there. This is spinn.teramoto, the director of the House music lounge Akihabara Housing, Ltd. It rained heavily in Tokyo this weekend due to the typhoon, but Sunday turned out to be a sunny day. The nights are getting cooler recently, and I can feel that autumn is deepening. From Tokyo, I'd like to introduce you to some wonderful new-built house music from around the world as usual.


The songs I'm going to cover here are all ones I've actually downloaded and purchased. I'm going to introduce them to you right away!

*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1. Block & Crown, Maickel Telussa - Let Me Show U

毎週毎週とんでもないペースで曲をリリースするオランダのBlock & CrownとMaickel Telussaで「Let Me Show U」。Jackson 5を掠めて飛んでくような、軽やかな感じが心地いい。ハウスが持つ雑食性の魅力を再認識。

"Let Me Show U" by Block & Crown and Maickel Telussa from the Netherlands, who release songs at a ridiculous pace every week. It has a pleasant lightness to it, like snatching Jackson 5 and flying away. It reminds me of the omnivorous nature of house music.

2. Sebb Junior - Just 2 Be With U

スペイン・グラナダのSebb Junior、今回も会心の一撃です。立体的な音像で描かれる、心躍る華やかなハウス。気に入りました。

Sebb Junior from Granada, Spain, delivers another great performance. This is a gorgeous, exciting house music with a three-dimensional soundscape. I loved it.

3. OJPB - Théodore Le Fou

Lazy Days Musicからリリースされたディープな1曲。カナダ・モントリオールのアーティスト、OJPBの「Theodre Le Fou」。シネマティックな音像で、たゆたう波のような心地よさを与えてくれます。

A deep track released by Lazy Days Music. This is "Theodre Le Fou" by OJPB, an artist from Montreal, Canada. It has a cinematic soundscape that gives you a comforting feeling like a wavering wave.

4.  Sol Brown - Solomon’s Groove

米ボルティモアのQuantizeのサブレーベル・Unquantizeからリリースされた、ロンドンのDJ/プロデューサー・Sol Brownの「Solomon's Groove」。エレガントでありながらファンキーな素敵ハウス。螺旋を描くように気持ちを持ち上げてくれます。

"Solomon's Groove" by London DJ/producer Sol Brown, released on Unquantize, a sub-label of Quantize in Baltimore, USA. Elegant, funky and wonderful house. It will lift your spirits in a spiral.

5. Bredas - Inspiration


"Inspiration" by the Mexican duo Bredas, released on the Lisztmania label in Elista, a city in the Kalmyk Republic, Russia. It's a beautiful landscape with sweet scents that tickle the nasal passages, appearing over a rugged, thick bass. I love it.

6. Low Steppa - Make it Through

イギリス・バーミンガムのLow Steppaの「Make it Through」。空間に高らかに鳴り響くピアノリフが気持ち良すぎ。まさにハウスの快楽。最高。

"Make it Through" by Low Steppa from Birmingham, England.The piano riff echoing high in the space is too good. A true house pleasure. The best.

7. Soulidan - Alma Do Meu Coração (Original Mix)

欧州と中東が交差する国・ジョージアのアーティストSoulidanの「Alma Do Meu Coração」、ポルトガル語で「私の心の中の魂」という意味らしいです。ラテンフレーバーとクリアなピアノサウンドが最高に気持ちいい。

"Alma Do Meu Coração" by Soulidan, an artist from Georgia, a country at the crossroads of Europe and the Middle East, apparently means "soul in my heart" in Portuguese. Latin flavors and clear piano sounds are the best.

8. David Jackson - 1999

溢れるような祝祭感。切ないコードプログレッションとボコーダーボイスのコンビネーションが胸に迫る。アイルランド出身・ドイツ在住のアーティスト、David Jacksonによる「1999」という曲です。好き。

An overflowing sense of celebration. The combination of sad chord progressions and vocoder voice is haunting. The song is called "1999" by David Jackson, an Irish-born, German-based artist. I like it.

9. Ridney - Constantly (Tilman Extended Remix)

その「1999」と同じくロンドンのレーベルFuture Discoからリリースされた、英バーミンガムのRidneyの「Constantly」を、独・マインツのTilmanがリミックスしたのがこちら。こちらも煌めくピアノサウンドが郷愁を誘うハウスです。良いー。

This is a remix by Tilman from Mainz, Germany of "Constantly" by Ridney from Birmingham, England, which was released on the same London label Future Disco as "1999". It's another house track with a shimmering piano sound that evokes nostalgia. It's good.


【Track of the Week】OJPB - Théodore Le Fou

「今週の1曲」はこのディープなディープな「Théodore Le Fou」に決めました。フレイバーに多様性があるハウスミュージックは、1曲1曲に風景があります。中でもこの曲は、そのシネマティックな音響のデザインによって異国情緒を強く感じさせてくれました。音楽で旅が出来る、これもハウスの醍醐味です。

I decided to go with the deep, deep, deep "Théodore Le Fou" for "Track of the Week." House music, with its diversity of flavors, has a landscape for each song. This song, in particular, gave me a strong sense of exoticism with its cinematic sound design. You can travel with the music, and this is one of the best things about house.

Here's the new house music for 2021!


Here's the Spotify playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of Akihabara Housing, Ltd. At the moment, I have collected 304 songs. If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
