
AHL Weekly House Expo May.13-May.14: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー


Hello everyone. This is spinnage, the director of the House Music Lounge "Akihabara Housing, Ltd." From Tokyo on the second weekend of May, when a gloomy clouds covered the sky, I will continue to introduce new-built house music from around the world this week as usual.


All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!

*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1) Laroye - Grateful

パリのプロデューサー・Laroyeがストックホルムの信頼のレーベル・Local Talkからリリースした「Grateful」。切なさと幸福感に包まれるいい歌! シンセベースの音もウォームで素敵。最高です。

"Grateful" is released by Parisian producer Laroye on his trusted Local Talk label in Stockholm. A nice song filled with sadness and happiness! The synth bass sound is warm and nice. Great song!

2) Ultraflex - Work Out Tonight (Telephones' The Big Fuji Ringo MIx)

初回リリースは去年みたいなんだけど、改めて12インチで再発ってことなのかな? Ultraflexの「Work Out Tonight」をパリのTelephonesがリミックスしたバージョン。アーバンドリームなサウンドが素晴らしい。

The first release seems to be last year, but does that mean it's being re-released on 12" again? This is a version of Ultraflex's "Work Out Tonight" remixed by Telephones from Paris. Great urban dream sound.

3) Zetbee - Twisted

チェコ・ブルノのプロデューサー・ZetbeeがサンフランシスコのSalted Musicからリリースした「Twisted」。彼らしい端正な粒立ちのシンセサウンドが最高です。

Czech Brno producer Zetbee releases "Twisted" on San Francisco's Salted Music. The synth sounds are superb, with his typical neat grain.

4) Groovemasta - The Funk

ブルガリアの首都ソフィアのプロデューサー・Groovemastaの「The Funk」。曲名を裏切らない軽快なファンクぶりで気持ちいいです。

'The Funk' by producer Groovemasta from Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. The song is pleasant with a light funkiness that doesn't betray the song's title.

5) Rony Breaker - I Feel (Laroye Afrosoul Mix)

こちらはパリのLaroyeがリミックスを手掛けた、Rony Breakerの「I Feel」。優しくエレガントでスケールの大きなアフロハウスに仕上がっています。

This is 'I Feel' by Rony Breaker, remixed by Laroye from Paris. It's a gentle, elegant, large scale Afro-house track.

6) Kill Them With Colour - Musa

フランス生まれでカナダ・トロント在住のプロデューサー・Kill Them With Colourの「Musa」。地を這うようなベースラインが格好いい。気に入りました。

'Musa' by French-born, Toronto, Canada-based producer Kill Them With Colour. The ground-crawling bassline is cool. Liked.

7) THEOS, El Rod - Hypnotizing Eyes

英・ブリストルのShall Not Fadeからリリースされた、KORG M1の音色「Organ 2」も軽やかに跳ねる、THEOSとEl Rodで「Hypnotizing Eyes」。ジャケットイメージ通り、夜のドライブに似合いそうなトラックです。

'Hypnotizing Eyes' by THEOS and El Rod, released on Shall Not Fade, Bristol, UK, also lightly bounces with the KORG M1 tone 'Organ 2'. As the cover image suggests, this track sounds like it would be suitable for a night drive.

8) Artist Code 414C46 & Artist Code 524F43 - In Da Hood

Jimpsterの5月チャートに入っていた、 Code 414C46とArtist Code 524F43という謎のアーティストによる「In Da Hood」。一度聞いたら忘れられないボーカルに、タイトなグルーヴ。格好いい。

'In Da Hood' by the mysterious artists Code 414C46 and Artist Code 524F43, which was in Jimpster's May chart. Unforgettable vocals and tight groove once you hear it. Cool.

9) Black Light Smoke - Hearts Not Broken

こちらもJimpsterのチャートに入っていた、Black Light Smokeの「Hearts Not Broken」。穏やかな歌声と共に響いてくるベースの音がめちゃくちゃ良くてそれだけで5億点です。

Here's another Jimpster chart entry, 'Hearts Not Broken' by Black Light Smoke. The bass sound that echoes along with the gentle singing is so good that it's worth 500 million points on its own.

10) Cratere Centrale - My Guitars (feat. Derane) (K15 remix)

これもJimpsterのチャートから。K15がリミックスした、Cratere Centraleの「My Guitars」です。複雑に刻まれるブロークンビーツが最高にクール。最高!

Also from the Jimpster charts, this is Cratere Centrale's 'My Guitars', remixed by K15. The intricately chopped broken beats are the coolest. Best for!

【Track of the Week】Laroye - Grateful


For 'Track of the week' I've decided on this one. If we were to judge the genre accurately, this might not be considered house, but the supreme feeling of this song, with good songs and good harmonies drifting over a repetitive beat, made me want to incorporate it into our house sets when DJing.

Tracks are available on my DJ Chart!



On 25 May, my new single 'Highway' will be released on OHMELYA in Lille, France. What's great this time is that it's been remixed by Zetbee, a big fan myself, who brings us electronic and elegant deep house from Brno, Czech Republic! Stay tuned!


A snippet video is also available for you!

僕が最初に出会ったZetbeeの曲は、6年前の「Let Me In」でした。それ以来彼の曲やリミックスワークをおいかけて、気がついたら手元には37曲ほど彼の音源が集まっていました。このコラムでも何度も紹介してきました。そんな彼にリミックスしてもらえるとか、本当に光栄です。嬉しい…。

The first Zetbee song I came across was 'Let Me In' six years ago. Since then, I've been following his songs and remix work, and have found myself with a collection of 37 of his songs in my possession. I've introduced them many times in this column. I'm really honoured to be remixed by him. I'm so happy...

Here's the new house music for 2023!


Here is a playlist that picks up and accumulates the new releases of 2023 that I recommend as "Akihabara Housing. Ltd". At the moment there are 179 tracks gathered. House lovers, please continue to check this playlist if you like.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
