
AHL New House Exhibition Nov.6-Nov.7 : 今週の新築ハウス紹介


Hello, this is spinn.teramoto, the director of the house music lounge "Akihabara Housing, Ltd." On the first weekend of November, we held our first real event in a long time, "AHL #16" at Akihabara MOGRA. It was another great house exhibition where we could enjoy a wide variety of houses made all over the world. Thank you to everyone who came and to all the performers.


I talked about houses with many people at the event, and I was shocked to talk with a 23-year-old who digs classic houses from the 90s. If such a great person is reading this, I'll have to be even more enthusiastic about introducing new houses every weekend. I'm so motivated. I'll do my best again this week!


The songs I'm going to cover here are all ones I've actually downloaded and purchased. I'm going to introduce them to you right away!

*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1. Soul Renegades - Speak to Me (Opolopo Twek)

スウェーデン・ストックホルムの魔術師Opolopoがまたやってくれました。2020年リリースのSoul Renegades 「Speak to Me」を、さらにドラマティックにエンハンスして再構築。技巧派の彼にしては珍しい直球ストレートのドラマチックな展開。高らかになるピアノ。最高最高最高!

The wizard of Stockholm, Sweden, Opolopo, has done it again, reworking his 2020 Soul Renegades release "Speak to Me" with a more dramatic enhancement. It's a straightforward and dramatic development, which is rare for a technician like him. The piano sounds higher and higher. The best, the best, the best!

2. Joyce Muniz - Flashes on the Floor

オーストリア・ウィーンの女性プロデューサー、Joyce Munizの「Flashes on the Floor 」は、まさに曲名通りギラギラとしたシンセの光がフロアの低いところで駆け回る、アシッド風味も漂う格好いいトラックでした。

"Flashes on the Floor" by Joyce Muniz, a female producer from Vienna, Austria, was a cool track with an acid flavor, just as the name suggests, with glittering synth lights running around low on the floor.

3. MRJ - Silverly

ロンドンのレーベルBubble'n'Twistからリリースされた、ポーランドのプロデューサー・MRJことMichał Radziwanowskiの「Silverly」。重たいキックとベースに粘るE.Organのリフレインというストイックな構成がクール。

"Silverly" by Polish producer Michał Radziwanowski, aka MRJ, was released on the London label Bubble'n'Twist. The stoic structure of the track is cool, with heavy kicks and bass and a bouncing E.Organ refrain.

4. Hotevilla - You're Dreaming

ロシア連邦カルムイク共和国の街エリスタのレーベルLisztmaniaからリリースされた、KALK名義で長く活動してきたフランスのプロデューサーHotEvillaの「You're Dreaming」。曲名通りの夢見るようなピアノリフに90年代ハウスを思わせるベースラインが最高です。

"You're Dreaming" by HotEvilla, a French producer who has been working under the name KALK for a long time, released on Lisztmania label in Elista, a city in Kalmyk Republic, Russian Federation. As the song title suggests, the dreamy piano riff and the 90's house-inspired bassline are great.

5. Ja'Shay - Shout Hallelujah (Dave Lee Redemption Mix)

1998年リリースのJa'Shayの「Shout Hallelujah」のリミックスを、ZR Recordsの総帥Dave Leeがリミックス。まさにハレルヤなファンキーでアッパーなパワフルトラック。心が躍りまくりです。

A remix of Ja'Shay's "Shout Hallelujah" released in 1998, remixed by Dave Lee, the boss of ZR Records. This is a funky, upper-key, powerful track that is truly hallelujah. It will make your heart skip a beat.

6. Neil Pierce, Tasha LaRae - Right Now

素晴らしいボーカルハウス。米ボルティモアのQuantizeからリリースされた、ロンドンのDJ・Neil Pierceの「RIght Now」。スタイリッシュなトラックの上で弾む、Tasha LaRaeの歌が素晴らしい。

Great vocal house. "RIght Now" by London DJ Neil Pierce, released on Quantize in Baltimore, USA. Tasha LaRae's vocals bounce over the stylish track.

7. Dutchican Soul - Can We Talk

サンフランシスコのレーベルSalted Musicからリリースされた、オランダ・アムステルダムのプロデューサー・Dutchican Soulの「Can We Talk」。シンセベースにクラシックハウス風味も漂いつつ、エレガントに仕立てられたトラック。歌も軽やかでキュート。最高。

"Can We Talk" by Dutch-Amsterdam producer Dutchican Soul, released on San Francisco-based label Salted Music. It's an elegantly crafted synth-based track with a hint of classic house. The vocal is light and cute. It's great.

8. Flaming & Adam James - I C U Dance

これは楽しい! 伊シチリア島のレーベルMood Funkからリリースされたベースハウスで、Flaming & Adam Jamesの「I C U Dance」。歌詞も割としょうもないし、Right Said Fredの「I'm Too Sexy」が一瞬脳裏をよぎる感じですね。面白かった。

This is fun! This is "I C U Dance" by Flaming & Adam James, a bass house released by Mood Funk, a label based in Sicily, Italy. The lyrics are rather silly, and it makes me think of Right Said Fred's "I'm Too Sexy" for a moment. It was funny.

9. Strategy, Sahala - Bring out The Best

ブライトンのレコードショップ兼レーベル、Tru Thoughtsからリリースされた、サルフォードのプロデューサーStrategyとマンチェスターのボーカリストSaharaのコラボで「Bring Out The Best」。グラマラスなUK Garage。これはお洒落。最高じゃないですか。

"Bring Out The Best," a collaboration between Salford producer Strategy and Manchester vocalist Sahara, released on Brighton record store and label Tru Thoughts. Glamorous UK Garage. So stylish. Isn't it the best?

10. Miguel Migs - Midnight Memories (Jimpster Extended remix)

Freerange Recordsを率いる英・エセックスのJimpsterが、御大Miguel Migsの「Midnight Memories」をリミックス。絡み合う鍵盤のフレーズに夢見心地です。

Essex's Jimpster, the man behind Freerange Records, remixed Miguel Migs' "Midnight Memories". The intertwining keyboard phrases will make you feel like you're in a dream.

11. Mo'Cream - Nobody


"Nobody" by Mo'Cream, a reliable veteran from Italy. It's like being gently embraced by the warm sound of the house. The best.


【Track of the Week】Strategy, Sahala - Bring out The Best

今週は1曲目に紹介したOpolopoのトラックが本当に最高すぎて「今週の1曲」に選んでも良かったのですが、あえてUK Garage「Bring out The Best」を選びたいと思います。

The Opolopo track introduced first this week was so great that I could have chosen it as the "Track of the Week", but I dare to choose UK Garage "Bring out The Best".

もともとNYクラシックハウスへの憧れからロンドンで生まれたUK garage/2 Stepは、最近のクラシックハウス復興の流れと共にこれからもっともっと注目していきたいスタイルです。これからも掘っていくぞ!

UK garage/2 Step was originally born in London out of a longing for New York classic house, and with the recent revival of classic house, it's a style that I want to pay more and more attention to in the future, as well as the broken beats that used to be so popular in West London. I'll keep digging for more house!

Here's the new house music for 2021!


Here's the Spotify playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of Akihabara Housing, Ltd. At the moment, I have collected 372 songs. If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
