
AHL Weekly House Expo Oct.1-Oct.2: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー


Hello. This is Spinnage, the director of the "Akihabara Housing, Ltd." It's already October and the daytime high temperature is 86°F (30°C) hot in Tokyo, so I'd like to introduce you to some cool new-built house music from around the world.


All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!

*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1) Best Youth, Moullinex - Part of the Noise (Black Loops Dub)

これ格好いい!Best YouthとMoullinexの「Part of The Noise」を、ベルリンのプロデューサー、Black Loopsが流麗なインディーダンステイストでリミックス。UKGとも相性良さそう。最高です。

Berlin producer Black Loops remixes Best Youth and Moullinex's "Part of The Noise" with a fluid indie-dance taste, and it will sound nice with UKG. Great!

2) Tyler Stone, Nick Phillips - Movin' On (Mo'Cream Remix)

サンフランシスコの女性プロデューサーTyler Stoneとベイエリアで活躍するNick Phillipsの「Movin' On」をイタリアのMo'Creamがリミックス。原曲の叙情性を活かしつつ華やかなハウスに仕立ててる。

"Movin' On" by female producer Tyler Stone of San Francisco and Nick Phillips of the Bay Area is remixed by Mo'Cream of Italy. The lyricism of the original song is used to create a glamorous house sound.

3) CEV's - Love Is Painful (Zetbee Remix)

フランス・リールでOhmelyaを率いるCEV'sの「Love is Painful」を、チェコ・ブルノのZetbeeがシルクのようなスムーズな手触りのハウスにリミックス。これは気持ちいい…。

"Love is Painful" by CEV's, who leads Ohmelya in Lille, France, is remixed by Zetbee from Brno, Czech Republic, into silky, smooth-touch house. This feels good...

4) Marix Green - Push Me Up

同じくフランス・リールのOhmelyaからリリースされた、Marix Greenで「Push Me Up」。透明感とスタブ感を併せ持つシンセサウンドが、曲名通りにプッシュしてきます。

"Push Me Up" on Marix Green, also released on Ohmelya in Lille, France. A synth sound that combines transparency and stubbyness pushes you along as the song title suggests.

5) Stan & Ben, Ferry Ultra - San Francisco (Moodena Remix)

ドイツ・ハノーバーのプロデューサー、Ferry UltraとStav&Benのソウルフルな「San Francisco」を、ロンドンのMoodenaが軽やかにリミックス。タッチは優しく、展開はスリリングな曲です。

The soulful "San Francisco" from Hanover, Germany producers Ferry Ultra and Stav&Ben is lightly remixed by London's Moodena. The song is gentle in its touch and thrilling in its development.

6) Tsalikee - Life Dance

米ボルチモアのQuantizeからリリースされた、ギリシャのプロデューサー・Tsalikeeのアルバムに収録された「Life Dance」。ハウスミュージックのディライトに溢れた曲で、聴いててすっかり幸せな気持ちです。最高!

"Life Dance" is from the album of Greek producer Tsalikee, released on Quantize in Baltimore, USA. The song is full of house music delight and I am completely happy to listen to it. Great!!!

7) Vale - Extended Pause

ウクライナの首都キーウでWhoyostroレーベルを率いるValeの「Extended Pause」。クリスタルクリアのミニマルテックハウスがクールです。

"Extended Pause" by Vale, who heads the Whoyostro label in the Ukrainian capital of Khiu. It's cool crystal clear minimal tech house.

8) Baccus & Theos - Rendez Vous

ロンドンとパリを拠点とするTheosとパリのBaccusの「Rendez Vous」。ハウスクラシックのニュアンスをちりばめつつ、とてもモダンに聴かせます。気に入りました。

"Rendez Vous" by London and Paris-based Theos and Paris-based Baccus. It is a very modern sound with a sprinkling of house classical nuances. Liked.

9) Ben Rau - Burning

ドイツ・ベルリンのプロデューサー、Ben Rauの「Burning」。こちらも「Rendez Vous」同様にKORG M1のOrgan 2サウンドが効いたクラシックかつモダンなハウスです。

"Burning" by producer Ben Rau from Berlin, Germany. Like "Rendez Vous," this is also classic and modern house with the Organ 2 sound of the Korg M1.

10) Kerri Chandler, Dreamer G - Hurry Up [Ministry of Sound] (Kerri's Again Mix)

生ける伝説Kerri Chandlerのアルバムから、こちらも伝説(I got that feelin!)のDreamer Gとの共作で「Hurry Up」。ひたすらピアノのリフレインが気持ちいいトラックです。

From the album of living legend Kerri Chandler, "Hurry Up" is co-written with Dreamer G, who is also a legend (I got that feelin!). The piano refrain is a nice track.

Kerri ChandlerとDreamer Gということでいうと、2001年の日本映画「Frog River」のこのシーンが最高なんですよね。美術大学に通う学生DJが、憧れの女性と会話できた嬉しさを旨にアナログでハウスクラシックをプレイするシーン。世界中のハウスDJが共感し笑顔になれる場面だと思います。

Speaking of Kerri Chandler and Dreamer G, this scene from the 2001 Japanese film "Frog River" is the best. In this scene, a student DJ at an art college plays an analog house classic to express his happiness at being able to talk to the woman of his dreams. I think this is a scene that house DJs all over the world can relate to and smile to.

Dreamer Gの「I Got That Feeling」から、Kerri Chandlerの「Atmospheric Beats」につなぐこのシーン、本当に最高。ぜひ観てみてくださいね。

This scene connecting Dreamer G's "I Got That Feelin" to Kerri Chandler's "Atmospheric Beats" is really great. Please watch it.

【Track of the Week】Best Youth, Moullinex - Part of the Noise (Black Loops Dub)


I decided on this song for "Track of the Week. It is not a flashy song by any means, but the meticulously designed sound arrangement is pleasant and creates a very sophisticated atmosphere. I love it.

Tracks are available on my DJ Chart!

Here's the new house music for 2022!


Here's the playlist that we'll be accumulating as recommends from "Akihabara Housing Ltd.", picking up new music for 2022. As of now, we've collected 357 songs. If you love house, please check out this playlist as well.


9/22に秋葉原MOGRAで行われた「Where's your House」に来てくださった皆さん、ありがとうございました。僕もこの豪華なメンバーにまじって思いっきりハウスをかけられて幸せでした。

Thank you to everyone who came to "Where's your House" held at Akihabara MOGRA on September 22. I was happy to be able to join this gorgeous roster and play house music with all my heart.


I've uploaded a re-recorded mix from the day to mixcloud for your enjoyment. Deep House, I did it!

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
