
New House Exhibition - 今週のハウス新譜チェック 7.18-7.19

ハウスミュージックラウンジ「秋葉原住宅」棟梁のspinn.teramotoがその年の新譜をチェックしご紹介する世界の新築ハウスの展示場、「Antenna 2020」。毎週土曜日は「いつものアーティスト・いつものレーベルの新譜チェック」、そして日曜日は「いつもと違うジャンルやアーティストを探る」という方針でチェックしています。

The master of the house music lounge "Akihabara Jutaku (Akihabara Housing, Ltd.)", spinn.teramoto, checks out and introduces the new music of the year at "Antenna 2020", an exhibition space for new house music from around the world. Every Saturday, I check out the new releases from my usual artists and labels, and on Sundays, I explore different genres and artists.


I'm going to show you all the songs that I've actually downloaded and purchased. These songs were chosen in a serious competition. Let's take a look at it right away!

1. Modaji - Things U Do 4 Me (Crackazat Remix)

世界が21世紀になった頃、僕も当時大好きだったアーティストの一人Modajiが2002年にリリースした「Things U Do 4 Me」という曲を、スウェーデンの剣豪Crackazatが快刀乱麻にリミックス。艶めくシンセが降り注ぐ素敵チューンが降臨しました。

When the world entered the 21st century, Modaji, one of my favorite artists at the time, released the song "Things U Do 4 Me" in 2002. And now, the Swedish swordsman Crackazat remixes the song in a marvelous way. A wonderful tune with a splash of lustrous synths has descended.

2. Modaji - Things U Do 4 Me (Kaidi Tatham Remix)

(1)と同じEPには、Bugz In The Attickのカイディ・テイサムのリミックスも収録されてて、こちらも流石の流麗さで聴かせます。最高すぎるんだよね…。

On the same EP as (1), there's also a remix by Kaidi Tatham (Bugz In The Attick). It also sounds with a quintessential flawlessness. It's too good to be true....

3. Demarkus Lewis - Control Your Feelings

毎週何かしらリリースがある驚異のハウス建築家、ダラス在住のDemarkus Lewisの新譜が、NYにあるヒサ・イシオカさんレーベルNite Groovesからリリースされました。大黒柱がビシッと決まった堅牢なハウスです。

Dallas-based Demarkus Lewis, an amazing house architect who has something released every week. And now, He released new stuff from Hisa Isioka's Nite Grooves, a label based in NY. The main pillar of the house is well defined and robust.

4. Saison - Show Me (Extended Mix)

ロンドンの2人組SaisonがNo Fussからリリースした新曲がこちらの「Show Me」。包み込むようなこのハウスの快楽。Dominique Fils-Aimeの過剰過ぎないエレガントな声もこの重心低めのトラックにめっちゃ合ってる。

London-based duo Saison have released a new track on No Fuss, "Show Me" here. The enveloping pleasures of this house, and the elegant and not too excessive voice of Dominique Fils-Aime are fit this low center of gravity truck so well.

5. Offshore & Coen - Yearning (Fred Everything Remix)

オランダの2人組Offshore & CoenFred EverythingのレーベルLazy Daysからリリースした「Yearning」。オリジナルも良かったけれど、Fred Everthingによるリミックスが、天井が高くてきらびやかで最高気持ちいいのです。

Dutch duo Offshore & Coen released "Yearning" from Fred Everything's label Lazy Days. The original is also good, but the remix by Fred is glittering and feels great. It's nice house with high ceiling.

6. Takashi Kurosawa, Ken Nishimura - Needing You

ロシア第二の工業都市、ニジニ・ノヴゴロドのレーベルMoissから、Takashi Kurosawa, Ken Nishimuraで「Needing You」。アーティスト名からして日本に住んでるのかな。ボコーダーやクリアなシンセのあしらいに現在の日本のフレーバーも感じる小気味いい曲です。大好き。

Nizhny Novgorod's Moiss label, the second largest industrial city in Russia, has released a song "Needing You" by Takashi Kurosawa and Ken Nishimura. I guess both of them live in Japan, judging by their names. The style with vocoder and the clear-synth sounds make me feel very Japanese nowadays. I love it.

7. J-Felix - Give Me Some of That feat. Afua (Titeknots Remix)

リリースは5月末だった曲みたいですが、僕が最近知ってハマってるのが、英ブライトンのTru Thoughtsからリリースされてた、J-Flixの「Give Me Some of That feat. Afua Titeknots Remix」。これ全然ハウスで行けるでしょ!

It sounds like the song was released at the end of May, but the one I've been getting into lately is "Give Me Some of That feat. Afua (Titeknots Remiix)" by J-Felix from Brighton-based very reliable label Tru Thoughts. You could totally go as house with this one!

8. PillowTalk & Gustavo Lobo - Gonna Be With You (Kellerkind Remix)

ここからは、新しい曲との出会いを求めてBeatportの様々な棚の間をさまよう日曜日の新築ハウスチェックです。この曲は、Pillow TalkとGustavo Loboのコラボ曲「Gonna Be With You」をスイスの首都ベルンの北にあるソロトゥルン生まれのアーティストKellerKindがリミックスしたもの。シカゴハウス的な空間の取り方とモダンさが超好み。

Here's a Sunday wandering between the various shelves of Beatport in search of new favorable House. This song is a collaboration between Pillow Talk and Gustavo Lobo called "Gonna Be With You," remixed by Kellerkind, the artist born in Solothurn, north of the Swiss capital Bern. I especially like this space-taking with Chicago House style and modernity.

9. Telephones - Betongbonus

ノルウェーのレーベルFull Puppの設立15周年記念EPから、南西部の港町ベルゲン出身のTelephonesで「Betongbonus」。絡み合う光のシンセ音のきらめきが素敵で、めくるめく展開が全く飽きさせない9分間の居心地が最高です。

From the 15th anniversary EP of Norwegian label Full Pupp, 'Betongbonus' by Telephones who came from the southwestern port city of Bergen. The shimmer of intertwining light synth sounds is wonderful, and the dizzying development of the song is nine minutes of coziness that never gets bored at all is the best.

10. Copyright feat. Song Williamson - He Is (Alaia & Gallo Extended Remix)

2006年リリースのヒット曲「He Is」を、イタリアの2人組Alaia & Galloがリミックス。Defecedのリリースらしい、アンセム圧の強いトラックに仕上がっています。痛快!

Italian duo Alaia & Gallo have remixed 2006 hit "He Is." The remix has the massive anthemic pressure that is typical of a Defeced release. It's purely Yeah!

【This Week's 1-pick】Things U Do 4 Me (Kaidi Tatham Remix)

今週の1曲はこの曲に決めました。ハウス=四つ打ち、という典型からは外れた曲かもしれませんが、かつて渋谷の宇田川町にあったレコードショップでいえばManhattan 3のような、沖野修也さんを高確率で見かけたりする、ジャズの面白さを取り込んだハウスの面白さをあらためて実感させてくれた曲でした。ハウスは、住宅は、いろんな形をとりうる。その雑食性がいいと、僕は考えています。

I decided to choose this song as my 1-pick song of the week. It may not be the typical house song (house = four on the floor), but it's a song that would be found in Manhattan 3, the past record-shop in Udagawacho Shibuya, where you could see Shuya Okino frequently, made me realize once again the fun of house, incorporating the fun of jazz. House can take many forms. Its omnivorous nature is one fo the good things of the artform, in my opinion.

2020年のハウスミュージック新譜はこちらから!(Here's the new house music for 2020!)


Here's the playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of "Akihabara Jutaku (Akihabara Housing, Ltd.)". At the moment, we have collected 171 songs.


Listening to it on Spotify should also lead to income for each artist (albeit only slightly). If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well. Thank you very much.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

Summer Gift Idea for your Home Desktop




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それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.

Let There Be House!

(Translation supported by DeepL)
