
AHL New House Exhibition - 今週の新築ハウス紹介 June.5-June.6


Hi there. This is Spinn.Teramoto, the director of the house music lounge Akihabara Housing, Ltd. It's the first weekend of June in Tokyo, and the temperature and humidity are rising as it's the monsoon season, so as usual, I'll be introducing new-built house music.


The songs I'm going to cover here are all ones I've actually downloaded and purchased. I'm going to introduce them to you right away!

1. Marc Rousso - Braggin' About Yourself (Block & Crown Clubmix)

DJとしてプレイしていると「皆知ってる曲」の持つ力にはいつも感動してしまいますが、1989年のデ・ラ・ソウルの名曲「Me, Myself and I」を引用したこの曲に僕も全く抗えなかった。オランダのBlock & Crownのリミックス案件です。

When I play as a DJ, I'm always impressed by the power of "the song we all know", and I couldn't resist this song at all, which quotes De La Soul's 1989 classic "Me, Myself and I". This is a Block & Crown's remix work from the Netherlands.

2. BaianaSystem - ÁGUA (Jipmster Remix)

ブラジルのバンドBaianaSystemの「 ÁGUA」を、ロンドンの老舗ディープハウス系レーベルFreerange Recordsを率いるJimpsterがリミックス。華やかな展開が気持ちいい。

The Brazilian band BaianaSystem's "ÁGUA" is remixed by Jimpster, the head of London's venerable deep house label Freerange Records. The gorgeous development is very pleasant.

3. Julian Sanza, Andre Espeut - Crazy Love

アルゼンチン最大のビーチリゾート、マル・デル・プラタに生まれ、いまはコロンビア首都のボゴタに拠点を持つJulian Sanzaの「Crazy Love」。丁寧に構築されたサウンドが一貫して心地いいです。

"Crazy Love" by Julian Sanza, who was born in Mar del Plata, the largest beach resort in Argentina, and is now based in Bogota, the capital of Colombia. The carefully constructed sound is consistently pleasant.

4. Demarkus Lewis - Room 2

毎週リリースが途絶えないダラスの鉄人・Demarkus Lewisの新曲「Room 2」。透明感がってセクシーな、素敵トラックに仕上がってます。

This is the new track "Room 2" from Dallas iron man Demarkus Lewis, who is constantly releasing new music every week. It's a sexy, transparent, and beautiful track.

5. Nas Elmes - A House Thing

ロンドンのGlasgow Undergroundからリリースされた、アムステルダム在住のオランダ/モロッコ出身・Nas Elmesの「A House Thing」。クラシックハウスのエッセンスを抽出して編み上げられた好トラックです。

"A House Thing" by Amsterdam-based Nas Elmes from the Netherlands/Morocco, released on Glasgow Underground in London. This is a wonderful track that has been knitted to extract the essence of a classic house.

6. Kerri Chandler - You

もう30年以上ディープハウスの中で輝きを放つ、生きる伝説であり米ニュージャージーの偉人・Kerri Chandlerの新曲「You」。彼らしい優雅なハーモニーとプリミティブなビート。この信頼感、心から尊敬しています。最高。

This is the new track "You" by Kerri Chandler, a living legend and a great man from New Jersey, who has been shining in deep house genre for more than 30 years. The song has his signature elegant harmonies and primitive beat. I really admire this sense of trust. The best.

7. DJ Steaw - Vortex

フランス・パリのアーティスト、DJ Steawの4曲入りEPに収録されていた「Vortex」。硬質なビートの上にどこまでも広がっていくシンセパッドのクリアな響きが心地良い。暗闇に差し込む眩しいきらめき。こういうの大好き。

"Vortex" is included in a four-song EP by DJ Steaw, an artist from Paris, France. The clear sound of the synth pad spreading endlessly over the hard beat is pleasant. A dazzling glimmer in the darkness. I love this kind of music.

8. Estiva - Galaxy Supreme

80年代を想起させるシンセ音から始まる、アムステルダムのEstivaの「Galaxy Supreme」。垂直に振り下ろされるソリッドなキックのリズムの上に、メロディックなランドスケープが広がります。いいね!

"Galaxy Supreme" by Amsterdam's Estiva begins with synth sounds reminiscent of the 80s. A melodic landscape unfolds over a rhythm of solid kicks beating vertically. Nice!


【Track of the Week】Julian Sanza, Andre Espeut - Crazy Love


I decided to choose this song as my "Track of the Week." It has a clear, modern, sweet-smelling soundscape with a essense of classic house. The singing voice is also gentle. I think it will be on my heavy rotation for a while.

Here's the new house music for 2021!


Here's the Spotify playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of Akihabara Housing, Ltd. At the moment, I have collected 176 songs. If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
