AHL New House Exhibition - 今週の新築ハウス紹介 Jan.9-Jan.10
Hello there. I'm spinn.teramoto, the mastermind behind the house music lounge Akihabara Housing Ltd., is spinn.teramoto. Following in the footsteps of cities such as Berlin and London, Tokyo, where I live, has been hit with a nighttime curfew, and things are looking grim for 2021. I really miss the loudness on the floor, but I'll stay at home and review this week's some new-built house music.
I'm going to show you all the songs that I've actually downloaded and purchased. These songs were chosen in a serious competition. Let's take a look at it right away!
1. Demarkus Lewis - What You Feel (Original Mix)
さすがダラスの鉄人Demarkus Lewis、新年早々も休むことなくシカゴの老舗ハウスレーベルLarge Musicから新年の始まりらしい華やかな新曲をリリースしました。2021年も始まったな、そんな気持ちになる曲です。
Demarkus Lewis, the iron man of Dallas, didn't take a break in the new year, releasing a gorgeous new song on Large Music, the venerable house label in Chicago, to kick off the new year. It's a song that will make you feel like 2021 has begun.
2. Elbert Phillips & Andre Espeut - You Should See Me Now (Andrew Emil Dreamix)
米ニューメキシコ州アルバカーキのPlastik People Digitalからリリースされたこちらは、シカゴ育ちのAndrew Emilのリミックスワーク。優しいタッチがとても心地良いです。
Released on Plastik People Digital in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, this is a remix work by Andrew Emil, who grew up in Chicago. The gentle touch is very comfortable.
3. Sam Dexter, Elliotte Williams-N'Dure - Real Love
Soulful vocals and a 90's style bassline. The remix work by Mallin from Wolverhampton, central England, is slow and deliberate at 118 BPM. You have to love this stuff.
4. Block & Crown, Paul Parsons - I Don't, Not Me
オランダの2人組Block &CrownとロンドンのPaul Parsonsの名義でリリースされた「I Don't, Not Me」。ハウスならではのプリミティブな疾走感が爽快です。
"I Don't, Not Me" was released under the name of Dutch duo Block & Crown and London's Paul Parsons. The primitive, fast-paced feel of house is refreshing.
5. Waltervelt - Blood Blue
This is cool. This is a Waltervelt's track from Joinville, a city in Brazil with a large German population. It's not a flashy sound, but I love this kind of music, with its strange notes over a solid house beat.
6. Akabu - Ride The Storm (Joey Negro Solar Jazz Mix)
最近Saisonがリミックスしてた「Ride the Storm」、他にどんなリミックスあったっけ…ってことで辿り着いたのがJoey Negroが2019年リリースのIBIZAコンピに収録してた「SOLAR JAZZ MIX」。ここで出会えてよかった。
Saison recently remixed "Ride the Storm", and I was wondering what other remixes were out there... so I came across Joey Negro's "SOLAR JAZZ MIX" on the IBIZA compilation to be released in 2019. I'm glad I came across it here.
【Track of the Week】Sam Dexter, Elliotte Williams-N'Dure - Real Love
「今週の1曲」はこの曲に決めました。かつてのMood II Swingとか思い出すベースラインを聴いていたら、80年代・90年代から今年2021年まで何があっても途絶えることがなかったハウスビートのことが浮かびました。去年からの禍でダンスミュージックは本当に困難な状況にあるけれど、僕も微力ながらその後押しをしていきたいと思いましたね。
I decided to go with this one for my "Track of the Week". I was listening to the bassline, which reminded me of Mood II Swing, and it made me think of the house beats from the 80's and 90's to this year 2021, which never stopped no matter what. Dance music has been in a really tough situation since last year, but I wanted to help it along in some small way.
Special Offer
Fly with Akihabara Housing, Ltd.
Enjoy this 6-hour flight around the world with house music!
Here's the new house music for 2021!
Here's the playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of Akihabara Housing, Ltd. At the moment, we have collected 5 songs. If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well.
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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house
それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!
(Translation by DeepL)