AHL New House Exhibition Aug. 28-Aug. 29 : 今週の新築ハウス紹介
Hello, this is spinn.teramoto, the director of the house music lounge "Akihabara Housing, Ltd." And I'll be introducing some great new-built house music from around the world this week as I enter the last weekend of August in Tokyo.
The songs I'm going to cover here are all ones I've actually downloaded and purchased. I'm going to introduce them to you right away!
*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblog「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」にまとめて収録しています。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.
1. Demarkus Lewis - Please Tell Me (What)
本当に毎週リリースが途切れないダラスの鉄人・Demarkus Lewisの9曲入りepから「Please Tell Me (What)」。終わっていく夏を感じさせるような、切ないハーモニーがたまらない。
"Please Tell Me (What)" from the 9-track ep by Dallas iron man Demarkus Lewis, who really doesn't stop releasing every week. I can't get enough of the wistful harmonies that remind me of summer coming to an end.
2. Somersault - Vision (Jimpster Remix)
Freerange Recordsを率いるディープハウス・マイスター、Jimpsterが手がけた、Sumorsault「VISION」のリミックス。果てしなくエレガントにデザインされたサウンドに酔いしれました。
A remix of Sumorsault's "VISION" by Jimpster, the deep house meister behind Freerange Records. The unlimited elegantly designed sound was intoxicating for me.
3. Kinky Movement - Let It Flow (Sebb Junior Remix)
英・ノッティンガムの3人組・Kinky Movementの「Let It Flow」を、スペイン・グラナダの洒落者Sebb Juniorリミックス。キックのひとつひとつに心躍るトラックです。大好き。
This is a remix version of "Let It Flow" by Kinky Movement, a trio from Nottingham, England, remixed by Sebb Junior from Granada, Spain. Every single kick of this track is exciting. I love it.
4. Zetbee - What you want
完全に調子を取り戻した感のある、チェコ・ブルノのディープハウスプロデューサー、Zetbeeのepから「What You Want」。欲しいところに欲しい音がしっかり飛んでくる、聴いててめちゃくちゃ嬉しくなる曲です。
This is "What You Want" from the ep of Zetbee, a deep house producer from Brno, Czech Republic, who seems to have completely regained his form. It's a song that makes me very happy to listen to, because it gives me the sound I want, right where I want it.
5. Zetbee - I Need Your Love
その「What You Want」と甲乙つけがたいのが、epの
M2として収録された「I Need Your Love」。ギラギラと光を放ちながら広がっては消えるシンセパッドの絨毯に乗って、どこまでも飛んで行ける曲です。
"I Need Your Love", which is included as the M2 of the ep, is the one that can't be compared to "What You Want". It's a song that lets you fly everywhere on a carpet of glittering, spreading, and disappearing synth pads.
6. Peppe Dibari - Popster
アドリア海に面したイタリア南部の街・バルレッタのDJ、Peppe Dibariの「Popster」。長めのイントロから展開する、レトロなディスコサウンド。こういう味が欲しくなるときあるよね。面白い!
This is "Popster" by Pepe Dibari, a DJ from Barletta, a city in southern Italy facing the Adriatic Sea. The retro disco sound unfolds from a long intro. Sometimes you just want a taste of something like this. Interesting!
7. Saison - All The Feels
ロンドンの2人組SaisonのアルバムからM1「All The Feels」。彼ららしい流麗なサウンドが嬉しいし、しかもPeppe Dibariのレトロディスコなサウンドから一転こういう曲が入ってくるとさらに嬉しさが増します。いやー最高!
M1 "All The Feels" from the album by London duo Saison. I'm happy to hear their signature flowing sound, and I'm even happier to hear a song like this when it's a change from the retro-disco sound of Pepe Dibari. It's great!
8. Cornell C.C. Carter - Not Possible (DJ Spen & Gary Hudgins Remix)
良いなあ。米ボルチモアのDJ Spen兄さん率いるQuantizeからリリースされた「Not Possible」は、ソウルフルなCornell C.C. Carterの歌をたっぷり楽しめる、聴くだけで幸せ物質が脳内に溢れる素敵曲です。DJ SpenとGary Hudginsによるシュアーなリミックスがうれしい。
I like it. Not Possible," released on the Quantize label run by DJ Spen from Baltimore, U.S.A., is a lovely song with plenty of soulful Cornell C.C. Carter vocals that will flood my brain with happy substances just by listening to it. The song features a surreal remix by DJ Spen and Gary Hudgins.
9. Flowersons - In My Soul(DJ Spen Remix)
そのDJ Spen兄さんが今週リリースしたもう1つのリミックス案件は、イタリアの2人組・Flowersonsの「In My Soul」です。原曲のピアノリフをさらに輝かせ、さらにスムーズかつディープに仕上げてる。最高!
Another remix project released by DJ Spen this week is "In My Soul" by the Italian duo Flowersons. The piano riff of the original is made even brighter, and make the track smoother and deeper. Great!
10. Idris Elba, Eliza Legzdina - Fudge(Low Steppa Remix)
Idris ElbaとEliza Legzdinaの「Fudge」を、英・バーミンガムのベテラン・Low Steppaがリミックス。クールなきらめきながら溢れだすピアノリフがひたすら気持ちいい。
”Fudge" by Idris Elba and Eliza Legzdina is remixed by Low Steppa, a veteran of Birmingham, England. In contrast to the cool vocals, the sparkling piano riffs are simply delightful.
11. Laroye & Lee Wilson - Beautiful
Parisian producer Laroye's "Beautiful," whom I mentioned last week, knocked me out with its luscious e-piano phrase that descends after a minute intro. It's a great vocal house.
【Track of the Week】Zetbee - What you want
一時期リリースが減っていたチェコのディープハウスプロデューサー、Zetbee。先週Large Musicからリリースした「Searching For Love」に続いてこうしてepもリリースされ、スピード感にあふれた彼の音楽が再び輝きだし、走りだしたたことがとても嬉しいです。これからも彼のことは引き続き応援していきたいと思います。
Zetbee is a Czech deep house producer whose releases have been on the decline for a while, but after the release of "Searching For Love" on Large Music last week, he's back with an ep. I'm very happy to see his speedy music shining and running again. I will continue to support him in the future.
Special Offer
”AHL Audio Conditioner 2021”
涼が欲しいですか? こちらをどうぞ。夏の暑さにひんやりした質感の音を届ける1時間のオーディオ・コンディショナーです。お楽しみください!
Want some coolness? Here it is. This is a one-hour audio conditioner that delivers cool textured house music in the summer heat. Enjoy!
Here's the new house music for 2021!
Here's the Spotify playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of Akihabara Housing, Ltd. At the moment, I have collected 277 songs. If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well.
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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house
それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!
(Translation by DeepL)