
New House Exhibition - 今週のハウス新譜チェック 9.12-9.13


Hello. This is Akihabara Housing, Ltd. from Tokyo, where the summer heat has settled down for Saturday and Sunday, and we'll be checking out new house music as usual.

ハウスミュージックラウンジ「秋葉原住宅」棟梁のspinn.teramotoがその年の新譜をチェックしご紹介する世界の新築ハウスの展示場、「Antenna 2020」。毎週土曜日は「いつものアーティスト・いつものレーベルの新譜チェック」、そして日曜日は「いつもと違うジャンルやアーティストを探る」という方針でチェックしています。

The master of the house music lounge "Akihabara Jutaku (Akihabara Housing, Ltd.)", spinn.teramoto, checks out and introduces the new music of the year at "Antenna 2020", an exhibition space for new house music from around the world. Every Saturday, I check out the new releases from my usual artists and labels, and on Sundays, I explore different genres and artists.


I'm going to show you all the songs that I've actually downloaded and purchased. These songs were chosen in a serious competition. Let's take a look at it right away!

1. Rawdio - Home (Original Mix)


'Home' by Rawdio, a DJ/producer from Brussels, Belgium, weaves in '90s flavors while still sounding modern. It feels good.

2. Rawdio - Inner Voices (Original Mix)

「Home」同様に、RawdioのHome epに収録されてるこの「Inner Voices」も、イントロ後のコード提示部の期待感と、その後のナイス疾走感でときめきました。すごく好きなやつ。

Along with "Home," "Inner Voices" taken from Rawdio's Home ep, I had a crush on this one too, because of the anticipation of the chord presentation after the intro and the nice running pace that follows. I like this a lot.

3. Zetbee - The Interview

チェコ第2の都市ブルノのプロデューサー、Zetbeeの「The Interview」がPlastick People Digitalからリリースされました。彼らしい、重ねたシンセの華やかな響きが最高です。

Producer Zetbee from Brno, the second largest city in the Czech Republic, has just released "The Interview" on Plastik People Digital. The gorgeous sound of his typical, layered synths is the marvelous.

4. SIMBAD - Time Off (Fred Everything Lazy Vox)

Atjazz師匠が主宰するAtjazz Record Companyから、SIMBAD「Time Off」のFred EverythingによるRemixがリリースされました。ディープさのデプスがしっかりと深いディープハウスです。これは素晴らしい。

Atjazz Record Company, run by Master Atjazz, has released a remix of SIMBAD's "Time Off" by Fred Everything. It's deep house with a solid deep depth of depth. This is great.

5. Westcoast Goddess - Step Inline (The Narcotic Soul)

これは楽しい! ロンドンの曲者レーベルDelusions Of Grandeurからリリースされた、ドイツのアーティストWestcoast Goddessで「Step Inline」。ディスコでブギーでドリーミー。最高です。

This is fun! Released on London distinctive label Delusions Of Grandeur, "Step Inline" by German artist Westcoast Goddess. It's disco, boogie and dreamy. It's great.

6.Quadrakey - Just One

いつもクリアな質感が心地良い、ベルギー・アントワープのレーベルGents & Dandy'sからリリースされた、ドイツの2人組Quadrakeyの「Just One」。この抑えたトーンが秋の夜に似合いそうです。

Always comfortable with clear textures, the Belgian Antwerp label Gents & Dandy's released German duo Quadrakey's "Just One". This subdued tone is going to look great on an autumn evening.

7. Daniel Rateuke - Limber

5月・7月に続いてご紹介してしまう、ドイツのアフロハウス職人Daniel Rateukeの「Limber」。決して多くない音数で、しっかり彼独自の世界観を描き出しています。格好いい!

Following in the footsteps of May and July, I'd like to introduce German Afro house craftsman Daniel Rateuke's "Limber". The number of notes is not too many, but he has created his own unique worldview. Cool!

8. Stél - Rebirth


Here's another Afro house, "Rebirth" by Greek artist Stél, released by Bosom in Portugal. The spellbinding atmosphere characteristic of Afro house fills the space.

9. Louie Vega, Unlimited Touch - I Hear Music In The Streets (Touch Mix)

NYの老舗Nervousからリリースされた、御大Louis Vegaの「I Hear Music In The Streets (Touch Mix)」。御大らしい、流行とかバズとか関係ないハウスの根源的な魅力が詰まった曲です。美しい。

"I Hear Music In The Streets (Touch Mix)" by legendary Louis Vega, released on New York's venerable Nervous Records. It's the kind of song that is beyond "buzz" or "trend", just the fundamental charm of house. Beautiful.

【This Week's 1-pick】SIMBAD - Time Off (Fred Everything Lazy Vox)

「今週の1曲」はこの曲に決めました。ディープハウスの何がディープなのか? それは音楽的な快楽の深みであり、重ね合わされた音楽的イメージの厚みからくるものです。この曲は、そんなディープハウスの魅力が凝縮された素晴らしい曲だと思います。

I've decided to go with this one for "Song of the Week.” What is it about Deep House that makes it so deep? It's a depth of musical pleasure that comes from the depth of musical imagery layered on top of each other. This song is a great example of that deep house charm.

Here's the new house music for 2020!


Here's the playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of "Akihabara Jutaku (Akihabara Housing, Ltd.)". At the moment, we have collected 224 songs. I listen to it every day in the car on my way to work. If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well. Thank you very much.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
