
AHL Weekly House Expo Jul.27-Jul.28: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー


Hello. I'm Spinnage, the director of the house music lounge Akihabara Housing Ltd., spending the weekend in Tokyo in the middle of summer. All I can say is that it's hot. The cool air from the air conditioner is physical.


Now, as usual, this week I'm going to introduce you to some new-built house music from around the world. All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!

*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1) Deephope - Deep Universe

スペインでDeep Clicksレーベルを率いるDeephopeの「Deep Universe」。リリースはBe Adult Muiscから。透明感のあるシンセサウンドがエアコンの冷気のように心地よさを届けます。

Deep Universe' by Deephope, who heads the Deep Clicks label in Spain. The release is on Be Adult Muisc. The transparent synth sounds deliver comfort like the cool air from an air conditioner.

2) Kristin Velvet - Get Down feat. Fred P (Fred P Reshape)

ベルリンの女性プロデューサー・Kristin Velvetと同じくベルリンのFred Pによる「Get Down」。Fred PによるReshapeバージョンがダークで格好いい!

'Get Down' by Berlin female producer Kristin Velvet and Fred P, also from Berlin; the Reshape version by Fred P is dark and cool!

3) Laroye, Missfly - Let Me Go

パリのプロデューサー・LaroyeがボーカルにMissflyを迎えた「Let Me Go」。トライバルなビートにスタイリッシュなコードワーク。大人の音です。最高。

'Let Me Go' by Parisian producer Laroye with Missfly on vocals. Tribal beat and stylish chord work. Mature sound. Best for.

4) Dimitri From Paris, Mousse T., T Ski Valey - Catch The Beat (Dimitri from Paris & Mousse T New Oldschool Edit)

Dimitri From ParisとMousse Tの共作で「Catch The Beat」。オールドスクールな雰囲気の中、軽快なラップが盛り上げてくれるめちゃくちゃ楽しい曲。

Dimitri From Paris and Mousse T co-wrote 'Catch The Beat'. A crazy fun song with an old-school vibe and light rap that gets the floor going.

5) MAXZIM - Yeahyeah (Spinnage Remix)


I, Spinnage, have remixed 'Yeahyeah' by Nantes, France-based producer MAXZIM. I tried to keep the best parts of the original song as much as possible, while adding my own flavour to it, such as the synth bass. I had a lot of fun remixing it.

6) 6th borought Project - Backlash

かつて「Miss World」というド名曲を放った6th Borough Projectの「Backlash」。派手さはないけど、曲中で必ずイベントを起こしてくる感じ、使いやすいと思いました。じわじわ上がってく感じもいいんだよなー。

'Backlash' by 6th Borough Project, who once unleashed a great song called 'Miss World'. It's not flashy, but it always causes an event in the song, and I thought it was easy to use. I also like the way it slowly rises.

7) Jose Vilches, Joselacruz - Everybody Move

スペイン・マヨルカ島パルマのプロデューサー・Jose Vichesと同じくスペインでバレンシアを拠点とするJoselacruzの「Everybody Move」。凜としたシンセリフが心地良く、ボイスサンプルがスパイスみたいに効いてる。素敵。

'Everybody Move' by producer Jose Viches from Palma, Majorca, Spain, and Joselacruz, also from Valencia, Spain. The interesting synth lines are pleasant and the voice sample works like spice. Lovely.

8) Yuu Udagawa - Set Me Sneakers

東京を拠点とする女性プロデューサー・Yuu Udagawaの「Set Me Sneakers」。音色のひとつひとつにシンセ愛を感じられる上質なディープハウス。気に入りました。

'Set Me Sneakers' by Tokyo-based female producer Yuu Udagawa. Quality deep house with a love of synths in every single tone. Liked.

9) Yuu Udagawa - Set Me Sneakers

同じくYuu Udagawaさんの「Spectral」。静謐な空間に丁寧に重ねられていく音のひとつひとつがクリアな意思を持ってて、理知的な情感に溢れてる。

'Spectral', also by Yuu Udagawa. Each sound carefully layered in a tranquil space has a clear intention and is full of intelligent emotion.

10) Michael Reinboth - Let The Spirit

そのYuu UdagawaさんのDJチャートに入ってた、Compostレーベルを率いるMichael Reinbothの「Let The Spirit」。澄んだ音色のシンセリフがひたすら気持ちいいです。

'Let The Spirit' by Michael Reinboth, who heads the Compost label, was in Yuu Udagawa's DJ chart. The clear-toned synth riffs are just so nice.

【Track of the Week】 Michael Reinboth - Let The Spirit

今週のTrack of The Weekはこの曲に決めました。この曲の、短く刻まれていくシンセリフの音が大好きです。こういう音出したいなあ…憧れちゃう。

I have decided on this song for this week's Track of The Week. I love the sound of the short, chopped up synth lines in this song. I wish I could make sounds like that... I long to.


Tracks featured this week are available on Beatport and Traxsource DJ charts!

  • Beatport

  • Traxsource

※一部の曲(Beatport Exclusiveの曲など)は含まれません。
*Some tracks (e.g. Beatport Exclusive tracks) are not included.


Spinnage - Episode 20 E.P.

Label: Agua Salada
Release Date: 2024 July 12th

  1. Episode 20 (Original Mix)

  2. Episode 20 (Deephope Lounge Remix)

  3. Transfer (Original Mix)

  4. Episode 20 (Deephope Radio Edit)

大好きなまんが『正反対な君と僕』の大好きな20話に触発されて作った「Episode 20」という曲をタイトルトラックにしたEPです。Agua Saladaを率いるDeephopeによるエレガントでリラックスしたバージョン2曲に加えて、シンセベースで盛り上げるカップリング曲「Transfer」を収録しました。気に入ってもらえたら嬉しいです。

This EP features the song 'Episode 20' as the title track, inspired by my favourite 20 episodes of my favourite manga 'Opposites You and Me' In addition to two elegant and relaxed versions of the song by Deephope, who leads Agua Salada, The coupling track 'Transfer' is a synth-based rousing track. We hope you like it.

Available on Beatport / Traxsource

MAXZIM - Yeahyeah (Spinnage Remix)


Be sure to check out this remix, also featured above!

Available on Beatport / Traxsource

Here's the new house music for 2024!


Here is a playlist that picks up and accumulates the new releases of 2024 that I recommend as "Akihabara Housing. Ltd". At the moment there are 277 tracks gathered. House lovers, please continue to check this playlist if you like.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
X (ex. Twitter): @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
