
New House Exhibition - 今週のハウス新譜チェック 10.31-11.01


Hello, this is Akihabara Housing, Ltd. It's Halloween weekend and it's finally November again, and we'd like to introduce you to some great new houses from around the world from here in Tokyo.

ハウスミュージックラウンジ「秋葉原住宅」棟梁のspinn.teramotoがその年の新譜をチェックしご紹介する世界の新築ハウスの展示場、「Antenna 2020」。毎週土曜日は「いつものアーティスト・いつものレーベルの新譜チェック」、そして日曜日は「いつもと違うジャンルやアーティストを探る」という方針でチェックしています。

The master of the house music lounge "Akihabara Jutaku (Akihabara Housing, Ltd.)", Spinn.Teramoto, checks out and introduces the new music of the year at "Antenna 2020", an exhibition space for new house music from around the world. Every Saturday, I check out the new releases from my usual artists and labels, and on Sundays, I explore different genres and artists.


I'm going to show you all the songs that I've actually downloaded and purchased. These songs were chosen in a serious competition. Let's take a look at it right away!

1. ANOTR - Troublemaker

今週の1曲目は、オランダの首都アムステルダムの2人組、ANOTRの「Troublemaker」。エレガントさと硬質さを兼ね備えた楽しいトラックです。リリースは同じくアムステルダムのレーベル、No Artから。

The first track this week is "Troublemaker" by ANOTR, a two-piece from the Dutch capital of Amsterdam. It's a fun track that's both elegant and gritty. The release is on the No Art label, also from Amsterdam.

2. Danny Clark & Jay Benham feat. Nica Brooke - Giving Only (Atjazz Mix)


This one is deep.... It's a remix work by the trusty master Atjazz, and it's an intoxicating 7 minutes and 48 minutes of spatial art that drips with sencious house pleasures.

3. Opila - Walk Around (Sebb Junior Remix)

これは華やか! Opila「Walk Around」を、スペイン・グラナダのSebb Juniorがリミックスした曲です。艶のあるプラックに跳ねるシンセベース。最高です。

This is gorgeous! Opila "Walk Around" is remixed by Sebb Junior from Granada, Spain. Glossy plucks and bouncing synth bass. Best.

4. Steve Lee - Bring The Drums

これは素晴らしくエレガントなアフロハウス。ロンドンのPhonetic Recordingsからリリースされた、Steve Leeの「Bring The Drums」は、マジカルな妖しい雰囲気を漂わせながら進むビートが気持ちいいです。

This is a wonderfully elegant Afro house. Steve Lee's 'Bring The Drums', released on London's Phonetic Recordings, has a nice beat that moves along with a magical, mysterious atmosphere.

5. Pablo Fierro - Reincarnation

アフロハウスからもう1曲。アフリカ大陸の北西に位置するスペイン領カナリア諸島で生まれ育ったPablo Fierroの「Reincarnation」は、重なりあうループが描く広大なビジョンの中で、子供達の歌声が響きます。

Another song from Afro House. Born and raised in the Spanish Canary Islands, northwest of the African continent, Pablo Fierro's "Reincarnation" is an expansive vision of overlapping loops, with children's voices singing in a vast vision.

6. AFFKT - Torpedo

こちらもスペインのアーティスト、AFFKTことMarc Martinez Nadalの「Torpedo」。ちょっとシンセウェーブにも通じるようなギラギラしたシンセサウンドが次々に重なっては消える景観の美しさがたまらない。めっちゃ好き。

"Torpedo" by Marc Martinez Nadal, also known as AFFKT. I can't get enough of the beauty of the scenery, where the glittering synth sounds like synthwave overlap and disappear one on top of the other. I love it so much.

7. Laroye - Be The Change

フランスでキャリアを積み、2015年にイギリスに移住したというLaroyeことThomas Arroyoの「Be The Change」。Jimpster率いる信頼のFreerangeレーベルからのリリースです。この深み、この豊かさ。いつまでも聴いていたい。

"Be The Change" from Thomas Arroyo aka Laroye, who built his career in France and moved to the UK in 2015, is released on the trusted Freerange label led by Jimpster. This depth, this richness. I want to listen to it forever.

【Track of the Week】AFFKT - Torpedo


I've decided to go with this one for "Track of the Week.” I really love the glitter of the overlapping synth sounds. It's like a winter starry sky, with bright lights twinkling through it.

Here's the new house music for 2020!


Here's the playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of "Akihabara Jutaku (Akihabara Housing, Ltd.)". At the moment, we have collected 275 songs. I listen to it every day in the car on my way to work. If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well. Thank you very much.

Special Offer
Fly with Akihabara Housing, Ltd.

最近「Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020」にはまっているSpinn.Teramotoが、深夜から夜明けの東京上空を飛びながら楽しめる1時間DJミックスをご提供します。シートベルトを締めないで、どうぞフライトをお楽しみください!

Spinn.Teramoto, who has recently become addicted to the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, will be providing an hour-long DJ mix for you to enjoy while flying over Tokyo from midnight to dawn. So don't fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the flight!

Follow Now!


House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
