
AHL Weekly House Expo Aug.6-Aug.7: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー


Hello. This is spinnage, the director of the House Music Lounge "Akihabara Housing, Ltd.", and on this first weekend in August, I will be introducing new-built house music from around the world from here in Tokyo.


All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!

*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1) I-Robots - Respect (Atjazz Remix)


I-Robots' "Respect" is elegantly remixed by London deep house meister Atjazz. The groove is comfortable with his typical combination of solidity and softness grooves. Great stuff!

2) Zetbee - In My Head

フランス・リールでCEV'sが率いるOHMELYAレーベルからリリースされた、チェコ・ブルノのプロデューサー、Zetbeeの「In My Head」。端正であり、疾走感がある。気に入りました。

Released on the OHMELYA label led by CEV's in Lille, France, "In My Head" is by Czech Brno producer Zetbee. It is neat and fast. Liked.

3) Mo'Cream - Given Time

イタリアのプロデューサー、Mo'Creamの「Given Time」。彼が得意とするアフロハウスの要素も取り入れた、バウンシーなディープハウスです。

"Given Time" by Italian producer Mo'Cream. It is a bouncy deep house track that also incorporates elements of Afro house, which is his specialty.

4) Saison - Drop It


Toolroom presents the new release by London duo Sasion. The music is very hard and exciting. Great!

5) Distant People - Already Here

シカゴの老舗・Large Musicでは12年ぶりのリリースとなるらしい、Distant Peopleの「Already Here」。ほのかに90年代ハウスクラシックの雰囲気も感じさせる好トラックです。大好き。

Distant People's "Already Here" is their first release on Chicago's venerable Large Music in 12 years. It's a great track with a hint of 90s house classics. I love it.

6) Trevor Gordon - Turn It Around

サンフランシスコのレーベル・Saltedからリリースされた、カナダのプロデューサー・Trevor Gordonの「Turn It Around」。Eオルガンのリフレインが気持ちよくてずっと聴いちゃう…

Canadian producer Trevor Gordon's "Turn It Around," released on the San Francisco label Salted, has a nice e-organ refrain that keeps you listening...

7) Louden - Keep The Groove

アムステルダムのレーベルPIVからリリースされた、イタリア・パルマのプロデューサー、Loudenの「Keep the Groove」。硬質なリズムの上に華やかなシンセが重ねられる。気持ちいい!

"Keep the Groove" by Parma, Italy producer Louden, released on the Amsterdam label PIV. Gorgeous synths are layered over a hard rhythm. Feels good!

8) Steve Bug - The Haze

ベルリンのベテランプロデューサー、Steve Bugの「The Haze」。アシッドなリフレインとポップなボーカルのマリアージュです。

"The Haze" by veteran Berlin producer Steve Bug. It is a marriage of acid refrain and pop vocals.

9) M-high - Voids


Another song from Amsterdam's PIV. This is "Voids" by Utrecht, Netherlands producer M-High, with a nice organ refrain that also has a 90's house taste.

10) Low Steppa - Together

イギリス・バーミンガムの重鎮・Low Steppaの「Together」。曲が進むにつれてどんどん気持ちが高ぶるエネルギーに溢れたトラック。最高です。

"Together" by Low Steppa, a heavyweight from Birmingham, England. The track is full of energy and gets more and more uplifting as the song progresses. It's a great track.

【Track of the Week】I-Robots - Respect (Atjazz Remix)


I picked up a lot of harder songs this week and all of them were good, but I chose this deep and graceful song for "Track of the Week". The soulful vocals are great, and the synth bass line is just awesome. Respect!

Tracks are available on my DJ Chart!

Here's the new house music for 2022!


Here's the playlist that we'll be accumulating as recommends from "Akihabara Housing Ltd.", picking up new music for 2022. As of now, we've collected 281 songs. If you love house, please check out this playlist as well.



This past August 2, I released my fourth track "Somewhere" on various music distribution services. I think it is a light song that brings coolness in the middle of summer. Please check it out!

Spinnage - Somewhere

RE-HOUSE: 1 hour DJ MIX!

8/5に東京・神宮前のGalaxy-Gingakeiで開催された「秋葉原重工 Jingumae Branch #1」のオープニングで僕がプレイしたDJ mixをリハウス(再録)しました。John Briggsの素晴らしくジャジーなハウスではじめつつ、テクノのイベントということで後半はピッチを上げてテクノな色合いにしています。

I re-recorded a DJ mix I played at the opening of "Akihabara Heavy Industry, Inc. Jingumae Branch #1" held at Galaxy-Gingakei in Jingumae, Tokyo on Aug. 5. I started with John Briggs' wonderfully jazzy house, but in the latter half of the mix, I raised the pitch to a techno tone.

動画にはいつものように「Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020」の映像をつけました。最近長崎県に移住した秋葉原重工のKURAYAMIくんに捧げる、長崎空港から東京までのフライトです。セスナのビジネスジェットCJ4でちょうど1時間だったよ。近いね!

The video is accompanied by "Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020" footage as usual. It is a flight from Nagasaki Airport to Tokyo, dedicated to KURAYAMI of Akihabara Heavy Industry Inc., who recently moved to Nagasaki Prefecture. It was just an hour in a Cessna's business jet CJ4. So close!


KURAYAMI's immigration blog is also interesting, so please visit.

Follow Now!

House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
