
New House Exhibition - 今週のハウス新譜チェック 7.11-7.12

ハウスミュージックラウンジ「秋葉原住宅」棟梁のspinn.teramotoがその年の新譜をチェックしご紹介する世界の新築ハウスの展示場、「Antenna 2020」。毎週土曜日は「いつものアーティスト・いつものレーベルの新譜チェック」、そして日曜日は「いつもと違うジャンルやアーティストを探る」という方針でチェックしています。

The master of the house music lounge "Akihabara Jutaku (Akihabara Housing, Ltd.)", spinn.teramoto, checks out and introduces the new music of the year at "Antenna 2020", an exhibition space for new house music from around the world. Every Saturday, I check out the new releases from my usual artists and labels, and on Sundays, I explore different genres and artists.


I'm going to show you all the songs that I've actually downloaded and purchased. These songs were chosen in a serious competition. Let's take a look at it right away!

1. 22 Weeks - Move With You (Original Mix)

ベルギー・アントワープのハウス系レーベルGents & Dandy's の4曲入りサンプラーに収録されていたのは、ベルギーのDJ兼プロデューサー、22 Weeksの「Move With You」。胸の中に期待感が芽生えるような、わくわくする雰囲気が最高です。

Included in a four-song sampler from Belgiun house label 'Gents & Dandy's' based on Antwerp, This is Belgian DJ and producer 22 Weeks' 'Move With You'. It's a great atmosphere of excitement, with a sense of anticipation sprouting in your chest.

2. Kassian - Brass hammer

Detroit Swindle率いるアムステルダムのレーベルHeistからリリースされた、ロンドンの2人組Kassianの「Brass hammer」。このシンプルで強い反復の中、スリリングな展開を追いかけていくのが本当に楽しい。

This song is from the Amsterdam label Heist, led by Detroit Swindle, 'Brass hammer' by London duo Kassian. It's really fun to follow the thrilling development of this simple and strong repetition.

3. Sebb Junior, Karmina Dai, Mr V - Gettin' Me High (Extended Mix)

ドイツ北部ハノーファーのPeppermint Jamからリリースされたこの曲は、スペイン在住のフランス人DJ、Sebb Juniorの「Gettin' ME High」。みんなが笑顔になれる分かりやすさ、好きです。

Released on Peppermint Jam in Hannover, northern Germany, the song is 'Gettin' ME High' by Spanish resident French DJ Sebb Junior. I love how easy it is to understand and make everyone smile.

4. Tunnelvisions - Who Are You

ここからは新たな出会いを求めてさまよう日曜日の新譜チェックから紹介する曲です。この曲はBeatportのIndie Danceの棚で出会った、オランダの2人組Tunnelvisionsの「Who Are You」という曲。シンセウェーブ的な感触に、80年代エレポップのようなボーカル。こういうの大好きなんですよね。

Followings are the song I'm going to introduce to you from my Sunday new music checklist as I wander around looking for new house to meet. I came across a song on the Beatport Indie Dance shelves, it is "Who Are You" by Tunnelvisions. It has a synth-wave feel to it, with vocals that sound like 80's elepop. I love this kind of thing very much.

5. Sammy Deuce - Nights In Black Satin

NYの老舗中の老舗ハウスレーベル、Nervous Recordsからリリースされたこの曲は、Sammy Deuceの「Nights In Black Satin」。ハウスっていいな、と単純に思える華やかな曲。大好き。

Released on the venerable New York house label Nervous Records, this song is "Nights In Black Satin" by Sammy Deuce. It's a gorgeous song that simply reminds me how nice house is. I love it.

6. Norman Doray & Sneaky Sound System - 'Tell The World' (Mousse T. Nineties Shizzle Remix)

ブルターニュ生まれのNorman Dorayによる「Tell The World」というを、いまから30年近く前、1993年にPeppermint Jamを立ち上げたドイツの大ベテランMousse T.が90年代フレーバーたっぷりにリミックスした曲です。最高。

German Great Veteran Mousse T. who established Peppermint Jam in 1993 remixed the song "Tell The World" by the Brittany-born Norman Doray, with lots of 90s flavor. So nice.

7. Duwayne Motley feat. Quiana Parler and Matt Monday - Secrets


This is my very favorite song.... With a faint hint of sweetness in the air, the electronic and solid sound structure gradually dominates the space. The darkness on the floor darkens and the temperature drops a bit. I want to be able to take advantage of these sort of songs in my mix.

【This Week's 1-pick】Duwayne Motley feat. Quiana Parler and Matt Monday - Secrets


I've decided to pick up this song as "Song of the Week." I'd like to use this sort of song as scene changers and mixed them with a dramatic twist. I hope to not only introduce new house music each week, but also share my mix with you... I hope to be able to do that. I've been inspired to do so from this song. Stay tuned.

2020年のハウスミュージック新譜はこちらから!(Here's the new house music for 2020!)


Here's the playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of "Akihabara Jutaku (Akihabara Housing, Ltd.)". At the moment, we have collected 161 songs.


Listening to it on Spotify should also lead to income for each artist (albeit only slightly). If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well. Thank you very much.

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.

Let There Be House!

(Translation supported by DeepL)
