AHL New House Exhibition - 今週の新築ハウス紹介 Feb.20-Feb.21
Hi guys This is spinn.teramoto, the director of the house music lounge "Akihabara Housing, Ltd." This weekend it's a beautiful sunny day in Tokyo, a bit hotter than spring, and I'm going to do my regular review of new-build house music.
I'm going to show you all the songs that I've actually downloaded and purchased. These songs were chosen in a serious competition. Let's take a look at it right away!
1. Romy Black - Take Your Time (Sebb Junior Extended Remix)
スペイン・グラナダのハウスマイスター、Sebb JuniorがRomy Black「Take Your Time」をリミックス。原曲のディスコテイストを残しつつ華やかなディープトラックに仕上げてます。曲の終盤には優しいピアノも聞こえてきて、春っぽい!
Granada, Spain's housemeister Sebb Junior remixes Romy Black's "Take Your Time". It's a gorgeous deep track that retains the disco flavor of the original. Towards the end of the song, you can also hear a gentle piano, this track sounds like spring!
2. Suki Soul - Why Wont You Love Me
ロンドンのBubble 'N' Twistからリリースされた、Suki Soulの「Why Wont You Love Me」。高らかになるブラスサウンドと呼応する、春を感じさせる華やかな歌声がのびやかに響く、心躍る曲です。気に入りました。
Suki Soul's "Why Wont You Love Me" was released on London's Bubble 'N' Twist label. It's an exciting song with a gorgeous, spring-like voice that resonates with the soaring brass sound. I loved it.
3. Glass Slipper - So Threw
米テキサス州オースティン(テキサス州といえば、いますごい寒波が来てるんだよね? 大丈夫かな、心配…)のブラッドとリサの2人組、Glass Slipperの「So Threw」が、ベルギー・アントワープのGents & Dandy'sからリリースされました。パワフルでセクシーなボーカルに、きらめくシンセ。最高。
"So Threw" by Glass Slipper, a duo of Brad and Lisa from Austin, Texas (speaking of Texas, there's a huge cold wave coming right now, isn't there? I'm worried...), has been released by Gents & Dandy's in Antwerp, Belgium. The perwerful vocals are and sexy, and the synths are sparkling. Great!
4. Jam Jamiro - VIviana
これも春っぽい曲ですね。スイス在住のイタリア人プロデューサー、Jam Jamiroの「Viviana」。ボーカルの傍ら、キーボードを手弾きして入れたみたいな軽いギターのフレーズが、春めいてきた夜の少しひんやりした空気にぴったりです。
This is another spring-like song. ”Viviana" by Jam Jamiro, an Italian producer living in Switzerland. The light guitar phrases, which sound like they were hand-played on the keyboard along with vocals, are perfect for the chilly spring night air!
5. Feint Young Son w/ Roland Clark - Protect Your Mind
シカゴの信頼の老舗・Large Musicから届いたのは、Feint Young Sonが大ベテランRoland Clarkと組んだソロデビュー曲「Protect Your Mind」。軽やかな音の構成の中に、大きなビジョンが浮かび上がってくる、スケール感の大きな曲です。春の夜にぴったりでしょう。
From Chicago's trusted Large Music comes "Protect Your Mind," Feint Young Son's solo debut with veteran Roland Clark. It's a song of great scale, with a big vision emerging from the compact sound structure. This would be perfect for a spring evening.
6. Alvaro Cabana - Ritmo Espiral (Mijo Dub Mix)
うーわこれ格好いいな。マドリードのアーティストAlvaro Cabanaの「Ritmo Espiral」を、メキシコシティ在住のMijoがダークな仕上げでダブミックス。1噛めば噛むほど味が出る、ディープなディープなトラックです。
Wow, this is cool.A dub mix of Madrid artist Alvaro Cabana's "Ritmo Espiral" with a dark finish by Mexico City's Mijo. It's a deep, deep track that gets better and better the more you listen to it.
7. Ruf Dug - Addicted Feat. Danielle Moore
英ブリストルのShall Not Fadeからリリースされた マンチェスターのRuf Dugの「Addicted」は、2STEPやUKガラージの雰囲気もきらめくユニークな音像の上で、女性ボーカルが華を添えます。このかぐわしい香り。これもまさに春にぴったりの曲だと思います。
Manchester's Ruf Dug's "Addicted," released on Bristol's Shall Not Fade label, features female vocals over a unique soundscape with a hint of 2STEP and UK Garage. This is the fragrance of spring. I think it's a perfect song for coming season.
8. Alex Mota - I Wanna Feel
ははは、これは明快だわ。ロシアの工業都市・ニジニ・ノヴゴロドのレーベルMoissからリリースされたAlex Motaの「I Wanna Feel」は、ストライクゾーンのド真ん中に飛んでくるストレートな曲。こんなボールが飛んできたら、ホームランで打ち返すしかないよね!
Haha, this one is clear. Alex Mota's "I Wanna Feel," released on the Moiss label in the Russian industrial city of Nizhny Novgorod, is a straightforward song that flies right into the middle of the strike zone. When a ball like this comes flying at you, you have no choice but to hit it back with a home run!
9. Mr. G - Ease Ya Mind (Mango Boys Dub)
オランダ・アムステルダムのナイスガイ2人組、Detroit Swindle改めDam SwindleのDJチャートに入ってた、イギリスのベテラン・Mr.Gのディープハウス。鳴り続ける909のオープンハイハットがひたすら気持ちよく響くトラックです。
This is a deep house track by Mr. G, a British veteran who was on the DJ chart of Dam Swindle, formerly know as Detroit Swindle, a nice guy duo from Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The open hi-hat of the 909 that keeps ringing is just so pleasing to listen to.
10. Diephuis - Be Yourself (Diephuis Deep Vocal Mix)
これ格好いいね! オランダ・アムステルダムのDiephuisがNYのKing Street Soundsからリリースした「Be Yourself」のdeep vocal mixは、エモーショナルな熱量をソリッドな音響構造に閉じ込めた、鞭のようにしなる力強いトラックです。最高。
This is cool! The deep vocal mix of "Be Yourself" by Diephuis from Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on King Street Sounds in New York is a powerful, whip-like track that traps emotional heat in a solid acoustic structure. The best.
11. Cody Currie - Moves feat. Eliza Rose
イギリスの、たぶんロンドンのアーティストCody Currieの「Moves」。ロンドンという都市が持つ音楽的な潜在力の高さを存分に感じさせる、この華麗なトラックに心酔です。ブロークンなビートが心地いい。
"Moves" by British, maybe London artist Cody Currie. I'm fascinated by this gorgeous track, which fully shows the high musical potential of the city of London. It has a nice broken beat.
【Track of the Week】Diephuis - Be Yourself (Diephuis Deep Vocal Mix)
春を感じさせる曲がだんだん増えてきたこの週末、僕は「Track of the Week」にこの曲を選びたいと思います。反復するビートとソウルフルなボーカルに包まれて、身体の芯で熱があがっていくこの感覚がたまりません。いまはまだ難しいけれど、いつか大きなフロアで、大きな音量で聴いて、大きな声で叫んだりしたい曲のひとつです。
More and more songs that remind me of spring are coming out this weekend, But I would like to choose this song as my "Track of the Week". I can't get enough of the feeling of being enveloped by the repetitive beat and soulful vocals, and the heat rising in my core. It's not easy at the moment, but it's one of those songs I want to listen to on a big floor, at a big volume, and shout out loud.
Breaking News!
「秋葉原住宅」のレジデンスDJである、Hiroshi Okuboのアルバム「Flowers,Birds,Wind and Moon」がiTunes Store (日本) の「ハウス トップアルバム」で2021年1月29日に1位を記録しました!! 素晴らしい!
Akihabara Housing, Ltd.'s resident DJ, Hiroshi Okubo's album "Flowers, Birds, Wind and Moon" has reached #1 on the iTunes Store (Japan) "House Top Albums" on January 29, 2021! Excellent!
You can get the digital release on Bandcamp not only from Japan but also from overseas, so please take this opportunity to listen to it!
Here's the new house music for 2021!
Here's the playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of Akihabara Housing, Ltd. At the moment, we have collected 53 songs. If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well.
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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house
それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!
(Translation by DeepL)