
AHL New House Exhibition - 今週の新築ハウス紹介 June.26-June.27


Hi, I'm Spinn Teramoto, the director of the house music lounge "Akihabara Housing, Ltd." celebrating my birthday on Sunday the 27th by myself. Especially It was a big decade birthday this year, so I gave myself a present as below.


8年半使ってボロボロになってきたソニーのヘッドフォン・MDR-1Rをリタイアさせて、FocalのListen Professionalを導入しました。

After eight and a half years of use, I retired my battered Sony MDR-1R headphones and installed Focal's Listen Professional.


As I've been using Focal's Shape40 as my monitor speakers on my desktop, and Focal is a French manufacturer that I have full confidence in. The resolution is brilliant, and I can enjoy listening to house music more than ever. In such a good mood, let me introduce you to some of the wonderful new-built house music from around the world this week as usual.


The songs I'm going to cover here are all ones I've actually downloaded and purchased. I'm going to introduce them to you right away!

1. Catz 'n Dogz - No Regrets

ロンドンきっての大店レーベル、Defectedからリリースされた、ポーランドの2人組Catz 'n Dogzの「No Regrets」。ひたすら続く力強い四つ打ちとコードのリフレインが、気持ちに熱を入れてくれます。良い。

This is "No Regrets" by Polish duo Catz 'n Dogz, released on London's biggest label, Defected. It's a powerful four-to-the-floor with a chord refrain that just keeps going and going, and it gets you fired up. I feel marvelous!

2. Sebb Junior - I MIss You

スペイン・グラナダのアーティスト・Sebb Juniorによる、その名も「Granadeep Cutz」と題されたepから、「I Miss You」。エレガントなハーモニーと心躍るビートの最高なマリアージュ。このループいつまでも聴いていたい。

"I Miss You" from the ep titled "Granadeep Cutz" by Sebb Junior, an artist from Granada, Spain. The song is a perfect marriage of elegant harmonies and exciting beats. I can't wait to listen to this loop forever.

3. Richard Earnshaw - Still Possible

これはお洒落。イギリス・ボシャムのRichard Earnshawの新曲「Still Possible」。ある時期のShazzの曲を思い出すような、優しくて甘いボーカルハウスです。

This is stylish. It is "Still Possible," a new song by Richard Earnshaw of Bosham, England. It's a gentle, sweet vocal house that reminds me of a Shazz song at one point.

4. Daz-I-Kue & Jill Rock Jones - Tell The Story (Vocal Mix)

ロンドン出身で現在はアトランタ在住というDaz-I-KueとJill Rock Jonesのコラボで「Tell the Story」。Reel Peopleにも通じるようなスリリングなトラックがひたすら格好いい。最高!

A collaboration between Jill Rock Jones and Daz-I-Kue who is originally from London but now living in Atlanta, "Tell the Story" is a thrilling track with a Reel People-like feel to it, and it's just plain cool. Great!

5. Belcampo - Delisei

Jimpster率いるロンドンのFreerangeからリリースされた、イタリア・フィレンツェのアーティストBelcampoの「Delisei」。ウニュウニュしたシンセ音もキュートな、スピード速めのNu Discoです。気に入りました。

"Delisei" by Florence, Italy's Belcampo, released on London's Freerange label led by Jimpster. It's a fast Nu Disco track with a cute woozy synth sound. I liked it.

6. Criss Korey - 3AM

シカゴの信頼の老舗Large Musicからリリースされた、イタリア・ミラノのDJ/プロデューサー、Criss Koreyの「3 AM」。ピークタイムにふさわしいパワー感と優雅さを併せ持つナイスハウスです。いいね!

"3 AM" by Criss Korey, a DJ/producer from Milan, Italy, released on Chicago's trusted and long established Large Music. It's a nice house with power and elegance suitable for peak time. Nice!

7. Drag & Drop - Like This

ドイツ・フランクフルトのDrag & Dropの「Like This」。暗闇の中で跳ねるベースラインと天井近くを飛び回るストレンジトーン。フロアの空気が一気にシリアスになるハンサムトラックです。格好いい!

"Like This" by Drag & Drop from Frankfurt, Germany. A bassline bouncing in the dark and strange tones flying around near the ceiling. It's a handsome track that instantly turns the floor air serious. It's cool!

8. Joeski - What Do You Want Feat. Patricia Starr

ブルックリン生まれでDJ歴30年以上の大ベテラン、Joeskiの「What Do You Want」。地鳴りのようなキックから構築されるトライバルな空間のディープネスが凄い。これは強いね。

"What Do You Want" by Joeski, a Brooklyn-born DJ veteran with over 30 years of experience. The deepness of the tribal space that builds from the earth-shaking kick is amazing. This is strong stuff.

9. The Shapeshifters featuring Aria Lyric

ロンドンのNu Discoマイスター、The Shapeshiftersが同じくロンドンのGlitterboxからリリースした「Yolo」。ちょっと切なくて、でもみんなで笑顔になれるポジティブな曲。最高だわ。

London's Nu Disco meister, The Shapeshifters, released "Yolo" on Glitterbox, also in London. It's positive song with a little sad spice flavor, that makes us all smile. It's great.


【Track of the Week】Daz-I-Kue & Jill Rock Jones - Tell The Story (Vocal Mix)

「Track of the Week」にはこの曲を選びました。5分51秒とディープハウスにしては長い曲ではないけれど、その5分51秒にめくるめく展開が詰まっていて、聴いている間ずっとスリリングな気持ちになれる曲です。後半の盛り上がりも最高です。

I chose this song for "Track of the Week," because 5min 51sec is not a long song for deep house, but it's packed with dazzling twists and turns that will thrill you the whole time you're listening to it. The sequence in second half of the song is also great and uplifting. I love it.

Here's the new house music for 2021!


Here's the Spotify playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of Akihabara Housing, Ltd. At the moment, I have collected 198 songs. If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
