
AHL New House Exhibition Sep. 11-Sep. 12 : 今週の新築ハウス紹介


Hi there. This is spinn.teramoto, the director behind the House Music Lounge "Akihabara Housing, Ltd." As always, I'd like to introduce you to some great new-built house music coming from around the world from Tokyo, where the nights are getting earlier and earlier in this second week of September.


 The songs I'm going to cover here are all ones I've actually downloaded and purchased. I'm going to introduce them to you right away!

*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1. Leo Guardo, Andile Mbili - Afraid (Enoo Napa remix)

南アフリカ東岸の街・ウムラジのEnoo Napaがリミックスした、Leo GuardoとAndile Mbiliの「Afraid」。Enoo Napaらしい空間的・立体的なアフロビート建築が楽しめます。格好いい!

Leo Guardo and Andile Mbili's "Afraid," remixed by Enoo Napa of Umlazi, South Africa, has the kind of spatial, three-dimensional Afrobeat architecture that Enoo Napa is known for. Cool!

2. Copy Paste Soul - The Reverend Remixes (Saison Remix)

ロンドンのアーティスト、Copy Paste Soulの「The Reverend」を同じくロンドンの2人組Saisonが華麗にリミックス。原曲のラフネスをうまく捉えた上で、さらにエレガントなサウンドに仕立ててる。巧み!

London artist Copy Paste Soul's "The Reverend" has been brilliantly remixed by another London duo, Saison. They've captured the roughness of the original song and made it sound even more elegant. Smart!

3. Shur-I-Kan & Milton Jackson - Paper Cut

最高すぎる。初期Freerange Recordsを代表していた二人、Shur-I-KanMilton Jacksonのコンビが帰ってきました。相変わらず、カッティングエッジと優雅さのマリアージュになってる。これぞテック・ディープ・ハウスの甘美な響き。最高です…。

Too good to be true. The combination of Shur-I-Kan and Milton Jackson, who represented early days of Freerange Records, is back. As always, it's a marriage of cutting edge and elegance. This is the sweet sound of tech deep house. It's the best....

4.  Shur-I-Kan & Milton Jackson - Hit Thinking

さらに続いて、同じ「Paper Cut EP」からもう1曲紹介します。この「Hit THinking」は生音とシンセサウンドの融合が完璧でうっとりした気持ちになります。本当に優雅。最高。ところで元UKセガ社員のShur-I-Kan、もうセガ本社が大鳥居にないこと知ってるんだろうか…?

Here's another song from the same Paper Cut EP. This song, "Hit THinking," is a perfect fusion of raw sounds and synth sounds that will make you feel enchanted. Truly elegant. The best. By the way, I wonder if former UK Sega employee Shur-I-Kan knows that Sega's headquarters is no longer in Otorii...?

5. Risk Assessment - Let it Go

ロンドンのNo Fussからリリースされた、Risk Assessmentの「Let It Go」。秋の夜中にぴったりの、やや湿度のあるひんやりした質感のハウス。ポエトリーリーディングから歌に変わるところで、はっとします。大好き。

"Let It Go" by Risk Assessment, released by No Fuss in London. It's a slightly humid and cool textured house track, perfect for a late night in autumn. The transition from poetry reading to singing is breathtaking. I love it.

6.  Gregor Salto & Funkin Matt feat. Lilitha - Not For Me

オランダ・アムステルダムのプロデューサー・Gregor Saltoとノルウェー・オスロのFunkin Mattのコラボで「Not For Me」。アムステルダムを感じるギラギラ感を備えたアフロハウスという面白い組み合わせ。気持ちいい。

"Not For Me" is a collaboration between Gregor Salto, a producer from Amsterdam, Netherlands and Funkin Matt from Oslo, Norway. An interesting combination of Afro-house with a touch of Amsterdam glitter. Feels good.

7.  Ian Pooley - Close Your Eyes

ベルリンを代表する大大大ベテランの一人・Ian Pooleyの「Close Your Eyes」。彼ならではの丁寧に重ねたシンセサウンドのレイヤー構造が、しっかりと気持ちを盛り上げてくれます。熱い。

"Close Your Eyes" by Ian Pooley, one of Berlin's greatest veterans. His unique, carefully layered synth structure is a solid way to get you in the mood. Hot.

8.  T-Bor & Jessica Rhodes - Rescue Me (David Morales Classic Mix)

こちらはニューヨークの大大大ベテラン、David Moralesのリミックスワーク。優しく胸に響く、堂々たるクラシックハウスの調べ。最高です。

This is a remix work by David Morales, another greatest veteran from New York. It's a majestic classic house tune that gently touches your heart. It's great.


【Track of the Week】Shur-I-Kan & Milton Jackson - Paper Cut

今週の1曲は、Freerange RecordsからリリースされたShur-I-KanとMilton Jacksonの「Paper Cut」に決めました。同じ2人が2008年にリリースした「I Want Ep」は、僕を優雅でディープなFreerange Recoredsの本格的なファンにするきっかけになったレコードでした。12年たって再び2人がリリースしたこの曲も文句なく胸に響く、美しい曲です。最高!

For the "Track of the Week, " I decided to go with Shur-I-Kan and Milton Jackson's "Paper Cut" from Freerange Records. "I Want Ep," released by the same duo in 2008, was the record that made me a serious fan of the elegant and deep Freerange Recoreds' world. Twelve years later, the duo is back with another beautiful song that is undeniably haunting. Great!

Here's the new house music for 2021!


Here's the Spotify playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of Akihabara Housing, Ltd. At the moment, I have collected 295 songs. If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
