
AHL Weekly House Expo Sep.14-Sep.15: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー

こんにちは。9月2回目の週末を東京で過ごしているハウスミュージックラウンジ「秋葉原住宅」棟梁のSpinnageです。昨日は東京・渋谷のR Loungeで1時間のハウスセットをプレイしてきました。楽しかったー!

Hello, I'm Spinnage, the director of the house music lounge ‘Akihabara Housing, Ltd.’ spending my second weekend in Tokyo in September. Yesterday I played a one-hour house set at R Lounge in Shibuya, Tokyo. It was fun!


Now, as usual, this week I'm going to introduce you to some new-built house music from around the world. All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!

*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1) Adam Nyquist, Jay Gecko - This Is How We Love feat. Kirstie Fox

Milk & Sugarレーベルのコンピに入っていた、ロンドンのプロデューサー・Adam Nyquistの「This Is How We Love」。5年前の曲ですがポルタメントの効いたシンセベースが印象的で大好きです。

‘This Is How We Love’ by London producer Adam Nyquist, which was on a Milk & Sugar label compilation; it's five years old but I love the portamento synth bass.

2) Pedro Sanmartin - Riding the Wave (Deephope Remix)

スペインでDeepClicksとAgua Saladaを率いるDeephopeがリミックスを手がけた、Pedro Sanmartinの「Riding the Wave」。シンセリフが印象的な仕上がりで格好いいです。

Pedro Sanmartin's ‘Riding the Wave’, remixed by Deephope, who leads DeepClicks and Agua Salada in Spain. The synth riffs are cool with an impressive finish.

3) Fred P - Deeper Sounds

Private Societyから2020年にリリースされたFred Pのアルバムから、タイトル曲の「Deeper Sounds」。浮遊感のあるサウンドが心地良いです。

Title track ‘Deeper Sounds’ from Fred P's album released in 2020 on Private Society. It has a pleasant floating sound.

4) Reel People, Eric Ericksson - Dont Hold Back On Love feat. Debra Debs (Kaidi Tatham Remix)

半年前にリリースされて2024イビザコンピにも収録されていた、Reel People「Dont Hold Back on Love」のKaidi Tatham Remix。音楽的に華やかで豊かなトラック。味わい深いです。

Kaidi Tatham Remix of Reel People ‘Dont Hold Back on Love’, which was released six months ago and included in the 2024 Ibiza compilation. A musically gorgeous and rich track, with a great deal of funk and a great deal of soul. Tasteful.

5) Abel, Brutha Basil - Hand Made (PeaceyRemix)

Atjazzが率いるAtjazz Record CompanyからリリースされたAbelの「Hand Made」を、英エディンバラのPeaceyがリミックス。オリジナルも良かったけど、より立体的に仕上がったこのリミックスが気に入りました。

Abel's ‘Hand Made’, released on Atjazz's Atjazz Record Company led by Atjazz, was remixed by Peacey from Edinburgh, UK. The original was good, but I liked this remix, which was more three-dimensional.

6) Pietro Nicosia - The City

イタリア・ローマのGroovebomからリリースされた、同じくローマ生まれのプロデューサー・Pietro Nicosiaの「The City」。マルチに楽器が弾ける彼らしく、重ねられた音がジャムセッションみたいにスリリングです。

‘The City’ by Pietro Nicosia, another Rome-born producer, was released on Groovebom in Rome, Italy. The layered sounds are as thrilling as a jam session, as he is a multi-instrumentalist.

7) Milton Chuquer - Eh Hup (DJ Spen Deep House Mix)

米バルティモアの大兄貴DJ Spenがリミックスを手がけた、ブラジル・サンパウロのプロデューサー・Milton Chuquerの「Eh Hup」。原曲からさらに整理されたディープハウスに仕上がっていて聴いてて心地良いです。

‘Eh Hup’ by producer Milton Chuquer from São Paulo, Brazil, remixed by his big brother DJ Spen from Baltimore, USA. It's a more organised deep house version of the original track, which is pleasant to listen to.

8) Burroughs - New Future Line

JimpsterのDJチャートに入ってた、Burroughsの「New Future Line」。きらめくシンセリフが格好いい!

‘New Future Line’ by Burroughs, which was in the DJ chart on Jimpster. Cool with sparkling synth riffs!

9) Raffaele Ciavolino, Gabriele Congedo - Burning Up For Love (MoCream Remix)

Raffaele CiavolinoとGabriele Congedoの「Buring Up For Love」を、ミラノのプロデューサーMo'Creamがリミックス。原曲からさらにスピード感を増した仕上がりです。

Raffaele Ciavolino and Gabriele Congedo's ‘Buring Up For Love’ is remixed by Milan producer Mo'Cream. The result is an even faster version of the original song.

10) Ross Couch - Human Nature

英グラスゴーのプロデューサー、Ross Couchの新曲「Human Nature」。彼らしい穏やかなサウンドスケープにうっとりします。

‘Human Nature’ is a new track from Glasgow, UK producer Ross Couch. It's enchanting with his typical calm soundscape.

【Track of the Week】Reel People, Eric Ericksson - Dont Hold Back On Love feat. Debra Debs (Kaidi Tatham Remix)

今週のTrack of the Weekはだいぶ悩んだのですが、半年前にリリースされてたのにチェックしそびれていたこの曲を選びました。音のひとつひとつが響き合い、優しく包み込むようなサウンド。Debra Debsのボーカルは素晴らしく、ベースのグルーヴが気持ちいい。魔法のかかった音楽だと思います。

I had a lot of trouble choosing this week's Track of the Week, but I chose this song, which was released six months ago but I failed to check it out. Every note resonates and gently envelopes, Debra Debs' vocals are amazing and the bass groove is pleasant. It's magical music.


Tracks featured this week are available on Beatport and Traxsource DJ charts!

  • Beatport

  • Traxsource

※一部の曲(Beatport Exclusiveの曲など)は含まれません。
*Some tracks (e.g. Beatport Exclusive tracks) are not included.

Spinnage has started an instagram



After a lot of research, I came to the conclusion that if you're going to be an artist with a global audience, you should at least be on Instagram, so I opened an Instagram account where I post in English. Even though I'm posting in English, I'm also publishing some of the tracks I'm making every day so that people can listen to them. With sound, there's no language barrier. Please follow us if you like!


Here's the new house music for 2024!


Here is a playlist that picks up and accumulates the new releases of 2024 that I recommend as "Akihabara Housing. Ltd". At the moment there are 344 tracks gathered. House lovers, please continue to check this playlist if you like.

Follow Now!

House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
X (ex. Twitter): @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
