AHL Weekly House Expo May.21-May.22: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー
Hello. This is spinnage, the director of the house music lounge "Akihabara Housing, Ltd.", welcoming you to the third weekend in May while reminiscing about the fun event last week. I have re-recorded my performance at the event at home and uploaded it to YouTube, so please enjoy the one-hour deep house mix, whether you came that day or not. It is a confident work.
Well, here we go again this week with some new-built house music. All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!
1) Soul of Hex - Heliocentrico
ロンドンのDelusions Of Grandeurからリリースされた、メキシコ・ティファナの兄弟デュオ・Soul of Hexの「Heliocentrico」。優雅さと骨太さが共存する好トラック。気に入りました。
"Heliocentrico" by the Tijuana, Mexico brother duo Soul of Hex, released on Delusions Of Grandeur in London. A good track that is both graceful and brawny. Liked.
2) B&S Concept - My House Music
フランス・リールのB&S Conceptの「My House Music」。ハウスジャンル特有の「ハウスとはなんぞや」と語る「説教ハウス」にまた新たな素敵トラックが加わりました。格好いい!
"My House Music" by B&S Concept from Lille, France. Another great track to add to the "preachy house" that says "what is house" specific to the house genre. Cool!
3) Chris GeLard - It's Your Time
米ボルチモアのunquantizeからリリースされた、Chris Geldardの「It's Your Time」。ブリブリしたシンセベースが印象的なパワートラック。盛り上がります。
Chris Geldard's "It's Your Time" was released on unquantize in Baltimore, USA. This is an impressive power track with a blistering synth bass. It's a lot of fun.
4) Kintar - Ascending Lights (Golden Hour Mix)
アルゼンチン出身のイビザのプロデューサー、Kintarの「Ascending Lights」は、Jinaduをボーカルに迎えたスケールの大きな曲。夕暮れのビーチで聴いたら最高だろうな…。
Argentinian-born Ibiza producer Kintar's "Ascending Lights" is a large scale song with Jinadu on vocals. It would be great to hear it on the beach at sunset....
5) Session Victim - Orbits Of Dust
ドイツのベルリンとハンブルグに拠点を持つSession Victimの「Orbits of Dust」。彼ららしい、凜々しく優雅で、憂鬱で、ひんやりした手触りの音。最高。
"Orbits of Dust" by Session Victim, based in Berlin and Hamburg, Germany. The sound is interesting, elegant, melancholy, and chilly to the touch, as is typical of them. Great.
6) Ari Bald - Loos
北欧のハウス先進国スウェーデンの首都・ストックホルムのプロデューサー、Ari Baldの「Loos」。90年代クラシックハウスの魅力を現代に蘇らせる最高トラック。気に入りました。
"Loos" by Ari Bald, a producer from Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, the leading Scandinavian house country, is a great track that brings the charm of classic 90s house back to the present day. Loved it.
7) Low Steppa - Closer
イギリス・バーミンガムのDJ、Low Steppaの「Closer」。高らかにフロアを賛美するパワフルなトラック。正統派のピアノリフがひたすら気持ちいい。
"Closer" by Low Steppa, a DJ from Birmingham, England. A powerful track that praises the floor in high spirits. The orthodox piano riffs are simply pleasant.
8) Brooklyn Baby - For The Soul
こんなアーティスト名だけど、パリ郊外在住のフランス人プロデューサー・Brooklyn Babyの「For The Soul」。90年代クラシックハウステイストが嬉しいトラックです。
Despite the artist's name, "For The Soul" by Brooklyn Baby, a French producer living in the suburbs of Paris, is a delightful track with a classic 90s house taste.
9) John Summit - In Chicago
シカゴ出身のプロデューサー、John Summitの「In Chicago」。地元シカゴの匂いを濃厚に漂わせるクラシックスタイルのテックハウスで最高です。朝まで飲んでハイになってる(笑)。
"In Chicago" by John Summit, a producer from Chicago. It's great, classic style tech house with a rich local Chicago smell. He's high from drinking till morning lol.
10) East Coast Love Affair - Chicago
シカゴでもう1曲。Roy Ayers「シカゴ」のハウスカバー。それも303が唸るアシッドハウスだ。手がけたのはEast Coast Love Affair。楽しい!
One more song from Chicago, a house cover of Roy Ayers "Chicago". It's also acid house with a 303 groan. East Coast Love Affair did this one, and it's a lot of fun!
【Track of the Week】Chris GeLard - It's Your Time
I decided on this song for "Track of the Week." It plays over an impressive bass note, and the vocal is just amazing!
Tracks are available on my DJ Chart!
Here's the new house music for 2022!
Here's the playlist that we'll be accumulating as recommends from "Akihabara Housing Ltd.", picking up new music for 2022. As of now, we've collected 177 songs. If you love house, please check out this playlist as well.
この5/14に、僕Spinnageの人生で初めての曲を全世界に向けてリリースしました。SpotifyやApple Music、Amazon、YouTube Music、そしてAppleなど、主要な音楽配信サイトで視聴可能です。ぜひ聴いてみてください!
This May 14, I, Spinnage, released the first song of my life to the whole world and it is now available on all major music outlets including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, YouTube Music, and Apple. Please give it a listen!
Spinnage - The Mission
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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house
それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!