
AHL New House Exhibition July 24-July 25 : 今週の新築ハウス紹介


Hi there. This is spinn.teramoto, the director of the House Music Lounge "Akihabara Housing Ltd." We're still in midsummer mode in Tokyo in the fourth week of July, and this week, as usual, I'll be introducing new-built house music from around the world.


The songs I'm going to cover here are all ones I've actually downloaded and purchased. I'm going to introduce them to you right away!

*このコラムは、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblog「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」に収録された連載記事です。

This column is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1. Luke Fono feat. BB.James - 4Real (Crackazat Remix)

英・ブライトンのアーティスト、Luke Fonoの「4 real」を、スウェーデンの粋人・Crackazatがスムーズで華麗なトラックにremix。イントロ後の透き通るようなエレピの音で夢心地です。最高。

Brighton, UK artist Luke Fono's "4 real" has been remixed by Swedish chic Crackazat into a smooth and gorgeous track. The clear electric piano sound after the intro will make you feel like you're in a dream. Great.

2. Demarkus Lewis - Catcher of the Deep

毎週リリースが途切れることがないダラスの鉄人・Demarkus Lewisが今週リリースした、ディープなディープなトラック。スポークンワードの背景に、厚切りにされたハウスの快楽が濃厚に広がっています。格好いい。

Dallas iron man Demarkus Lewis, whose releases never cease every week, released this deep, deep track this week. Thickly sliced house pleasures are spread thickly over a background of spoken words. Cool.

3. Boys Noize - Xpress Yourself, Pt.2

いつもエレガントで優しい新築ハウスをセレクトしがちな僕ですが、こういう荒々しいハウスにもたまらない魅力を感じます。ベルリンのBoyz Noizeの「Xpress Yourself, Pt.2」はシンセリフの疾走感が素晴らしい。大好き。

I always tend to select elegant and gentle new-built house, but I also find this kind of rough house irresistible. Boyz Noize's "Xpress Yourself, Pt. 2" from Berlin has a great sense of speed with synth riffs. I love it.

4. Chrissy - Aww Baby

これ楽しいな! サンフランシスコとシカゴを拠点とするChrissyの、ニューディスコを一旦バラバラにしてスピードを上げて再構成したような、キラキラと華やかなトラックです。

This is fun! It's a shimmering, gorgeous track from San Francisco and Chicago-based Chrissy, who seems to have taken Nu Disco to pieces, sped it up and reconfigured it.

5. Kelli Sae – Believe In A Brighter Day (Rocco Rodamaal Remix)

仏リヨン出身で20年以上のキャリアを誇るベテラン、RoccoことRocco Rodamaalが、Kelli Sae「Believe in a Brighter Day」をリミックス。彼女の歌の魅力をしっかり引き出す手腕が見事。

Rocco Rodamaal aka Rocco, a veteran from Lyon, France, who has been in the business for over 20 years, remixed Kelli Sae's "Believe in a Brighter Day". His ability to draw out the charm of her song is superb.

6. Simone Vitullo, Dario D'Attis - Afro Skulp

イタリアのSimone Vitulloとスイス北部の街シャフハウゼンのDario D'Attisの共作「AFRO SKULP」。ベースが轟々と唸る高圧の低音域がクール。

"AFRO SKULP" is a collaboration between Simone Vitullo of Italy and Dario D'Attis of Schaffhausen, a city in northern Switzerland. The bass roars and the high pressure bass range is cool.

7. Floyd Lavine & Jessica Brankka Ft. Mestre Barrão - Lampião (African Techno Mix)

南アフリカ生まれでベルリン在住のFloyd LavineとJessica Brankkaの共作で「Lampião (African Techno Mix)」。TR-909のプリミティブなリズムがヒプノティック。

"Lampião (African Techno Mix)" is a collaboration between South African-born, Berlin-based Floyd Lavine and Jessica Brankka, whose primitive TR-909 rhythm is hypnotic.

8. RIEL - Sabana


"Sabana" by Riel, an artist from Galatsi, a city in eastern Romania. This is a good track with a fantastic world over a solid beat. I could listen to it forever. Elephants make noise too!

9. Patrick Cowley - Menergy (Purple Disco Machine Remix)

アフロハウスの次は雰囲気を変えてNU DISCOをチェックします。ドイツ・ドレスデンのDJ・Purple Disco Machineがリミックスした「Menergy」は、みんな笑顔になれる、声だして笑える派手なディスコで最高です。

After Afro House, I'm going to change the atmosphere and check out NU DISCO. "Menergy" remixed by Purple Disco Machine, a DJ from Dresden, Germany, is a great disco that will make everyone smile and laugh out loud.

10. Semodi - Next Summer feat. Maïlys (Theus Mago Remix)

こちらはIndie Danceのカテゴリーで出会った曲。メキシコのプロデューサー・Mateo Gonzálezの別名義、Theus Magoがリミックスした「Next Summer」。原曲を強烈なダークネスに仕立て直した音空間がひたすら格好いい。

This is a song I came across in the Indie Dance category. "Next Summer" is remixed by Theus Mago, an alias of Mexican producer Mateo González. The sound space of the original song reworked with intense darkness is just so cool.


【Track of the Week】Demarkus Lewis - Catcher of the Deep


I decided on this song as "Track of the week." Strong, supple, and elegant. The synth pads give a sense of space, and the hi-hat carves a precise grid in that space, reinforcing the three-dimensionality of the sound. It was a song that left a lasting impression on me, as if it condensed the charm of house music that I love.

Special Offer

”AHL Summer Mix 2021”


I made a 40-minute mix for this summer, along with a video of a flight simulator flying over Tokyo in the hot afternoon of summer. Enjoy!

Here's the new house music for 2021!


Here's the Spotify playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of Akihabara Housing, Ltd. At the moment, I have collected 229 songs. If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
