
AHL Weekly House Expo Nov.27-28: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー


Hi there. This is spinn.teramoto, the director of the house music lounge Akihabara Jutaku. It's finally the last weekend of November, and from Tokyo, where we've rounded the final corner of the year 2021, I'll be introducing you to some great new-built house music from around the world this week.


The songs I'm going to cover here are all ones I've actually downloaded and purchased. I'm going to introduce them to you right away!

*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1. Jaxx Madicine - Escape From Planet Earth (Opolopo Remix)

イタリアの3人組・Jaxx Madicineの「Escape From Planet Earth」をスウェーデンの魔術師Opolopoが"Tweak"しました。ノンビートだった原曲を最高のダンストラックに仕上げてます。最高!

Swedish sorcerer Opolopo has 'tweaked' "Escape From Planet Earth" by Italian trio Jaxx Madicine. The original song was non-beat, but he turned it into a great dance track. Great!

2. Actual Proof - Hubble (Opolopo Remix)

こちらもActual Proof「Hubble」を、Opolopoが"Tweak"したバージョン。原曲からさらにビートがタイトになった。アブストラクトな雰囲気もあります。格好いい!!

This is another version of Actual Proof's "Hubble" that Opolopo has "tweaked". The beat is even tighter than the original. It has an abstract feel to it. It's cool!

3. Aline Rocha feat Aria Lyric - Preach (DJ Spenn & Reelsoul Remix)

今週も米バルティモアの大兄貴DJ Spenがやってくれました。Aline Rocha「Preach」のDJ Spen & Reelsoulリミックスは、身体の芯から温まるソウルフルなハウスで最高です。

Baltimore's big brother DJ Spen is at it again this week with his DJ Spen & Reelsoul remix of Aline Rocha's "Preach," a soulful house tune that will warm you up to the core.

4. Manuel Sahagun - Kick to Flip

アルゼンチンの首都ブエノスアイレスのアーティスト、Manuel Sahagunの「Kick To Flip」。仄かにアシッドテイストも香る素敵ディープハウスです。音の構成が面白い。気に入りました。

This is "Kick To Flip" by Manuel Sahagun, an artist from Buenos Aires, Argentina. It's a nice deep house with a hint of acid taste. The structure of the sound is interesting. I liked it.

5. Micronoise - Deep Down

ロンドンのレーベルBubble 'n' twistからリリースされた、Micronoiseの「Deep Down」。クリアな音像が光となって降り注ぐスピード感のあるUKガラージ。これは格好いい!

"Deep Down" by Micronoise, released on the London label Bubble 'N' Twist. A speedy UK garage with clear soundscapes pouring down as light. This is cool!

6. B&S Concept - Need It

シカゴの信頼のレーベルLarge Musicからリリースされた、フランス・リールの2人組B&S Conceptの「Need It」。こちらもソリッドなビートに華やかなハーモニーが重なるディープハウス。良い。

"Need It" by B&S Concept, a duo from Lille, France, released on Chicago's trusted label Large Music. This is another deep house track with solid beats and gorgeous harmonies. Good.

7. Sebas Ramis - Control (Saison Remix)

スペイン・マヨルカ島のアーティストSebas Ramisの「Control」を、ロンドンの2人組Saisonがリミックス。素晴らしくスタイリッシュな仕上がりです。

This is a remix of "Control" by Sebas Ramis from Mallorca, Spain, by the London duo Saison. The result is wonderfully stylish.

8. Lee Wilson, Arturo Macchiavelli - I Need Your Help (Sebb Junior Remix)

NYのKing Street Soundsからリリースされたのは、Lee Wilson, Arturo Macchiavelli「I Need Your Help」の、スペイン・グラナダの伊達男・Sebb Juniorによる華麗なリミックス。

Released from King Street Sounds in New York is a brilliant remix of Lee Wilson and Arturo Macchiavelli's "I Need Your Help" by Sebb Junior, a dandy from Granada, Spain.

9. JKriv & Peter Matson -Ewesse ye feat. Samy Love

アムステルダムのレーベルHeistからリリースされた、JKriv & Peter Matson「Ewesse Ye」。存在感ありすぎるボーカルが最高な、NU DISCO寄りディープハウスです。楽しい!

JKriv & Peter Matson's "Ewesse Ye" was released on Amsterdam label Heist. It's a NU DISCO-leaning deep house track with overpowering vocals. Fun!

10. James Silk, Jesse James - Gonna Let You Go

英リバプールのDJ・James SilkとJesse Jamesの「Gonna Let You Go」。USクラシックハウスの雰囲気を濃厚に漂わせたディープハウス。格好いいです。

"Gonna Let You Go" by Liverpool DJ James Silk and Jesse James is a deep house track with a strong US classic house vibe. It's good.

11. Ubbah - Cyborg


"Cyborg" by Buenos Aires, Argentina's Ubbah, is a great track with a retro 80's synth refrain supported by a tight rhythm.

12. Hotswing - Bamboleo


"Bamboleo" by Hotswing, a DJ from Rome, Italy. It's a deep track with a cool surface, but the core is as hot as the ground. There is a sense of tension, of being on the verge of explosion.


【Track of the Week】Aline Rocha feat Aria Lyric - Preach (DJ Spenn & Reelsoul Remix)


I've decided on this song as my "Track of the Week". This is a wonderful song that seems to condense the power of song, the pleasure of song, the power of house, and the pleasure of house. I thought it was a song that I would like to listen to and sing with everyone on the club floor at high volume.

Available Here!

今週紹介した12曲をBeatportのDJ Chartに登録しました。Beatportで購入するならこちらが便利です。

The 12 songs introduced this week have been added to Beatport's DJ Chart, which may be useful if you want to buy them on Beatport.


Here's the new house music for 2021!


Here's the Spotify playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of Akihabara Housing, Ltd. At the moment, I have collected 402 songs. If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
