
AHL New House Exhibition - 今週の新築ハウス紹介 Mar.27-Mar.28


Hello, this is Spinn.teramoto, director of the House Music Lounge Akihabara Housing, Ltd., and as usual I'll be checking out new-built house music from Tokyo, where we're in the last weekend of March.


I'm going to show you all the following songs that I've actually downloaded and purchased. These songs were chosen in a serious competition. Let's take a look at it right away!

1. Prospect Park - The Kinda Love (JKriv Original Vibe Remix)

昨年Joey Negroの名義を放棄して本名での活動を始めたDave Leeが率いるZ Recordsからリリースされた、Prospect Park「The Kinda Love」をNYブルックリンのDJ/プロデューサー・JKrivがリミックスした曲。パワフルで骨太なNu Discoです。最高!

This is a remix of Prospect Park's "The Kinda Love" by Brooklyn, NY DJ/producer JKriv, released on Z Records led by Dave Lee, who abandoned his well-known stage name Joey Negro last year and started working under his real name. It's powerful and thick Nu Disco. Great!

2. Demarkus Lewis - Let Myself Go (Slamtwisted Remix)

毎週リリースが途切れることがない、ダラスの鉄人・Demarkus Lewisの新曲。去年Bubble'n'twisteからデビューしたSlamtwistedの手によるリミックスが、Demarkusならではの金属質の空間にスモーク感のあるピアノリフを重ねていて格好いい。大好き!

New music from Dallas ironman Demarkus Lewis, whose weekly releases never cease. The remix by Slamtwisted, who debuted on Bubble'n'Twist last year, is cool, with a smoky piano riff over Demarkus' signature metallic space. Love it!

3. Shur-i-kan - Where I Stand

かつてはゲーム会社セガのヨーロッパ支社で勤務していたこともある、Shur-I-Kanの待望のニューアルバム「Points of Focus」から「Where I Stand」を紹介します。ベテランらしい円熟味を感じさせる、この優雅さ、このスピード感、そしてこの高揚感。素晴らしい。

I'd like to introduce "Where I Stand" from the long-awaited new album "Points of Focus" by Shur-I-Kan, a former employee of the European branch of the video game company Sega. This song has the grace, speed, and exuberance of a seasoned veteran. It's wonderful.

4. Swanky - Keep Singin' (Remix)

ロンドンのハウス系レーベル・Bubble'n'twistからリリースされた、Swankyの「Keep Singin' (Remix)」。華やかだった90年代NYハウスのあの雰囲気、あの独特の切なさがあって大好き。目を閉じると、アナログレコードがグルグル回るイメージが浮かぶ。素敵。

Swanky's "Keep Singin' (Remix)" was released on the London-based house label Bubble'n'twist. I love it because of its unique sadness and the atmosphere of the gorgeous and precious 90's NY house. When I close my eyes, the image of an analog record spinning in circles comes to mind. Lovely.

5. Session Victim - Two Crowns

ドイツのベルリンorハンブルグを拠点とする2人組・Session Victimが、イギリスでFreerangeを率いるJimpsterが手がけるもう1つのレーベル、Delusions Of Grandeurから新曲リリース。抽象的でありシネマティックでもある独自の音世界。格好良い。

Berlin and Hamburg, Germany based duo Session Victim released a new track on Delusions Of Grandeur, another label by Jimpster who leads Freerange in the UK. A unique sound world that is both abstract and cinematic. Cool.

6. Marc Cotterell - The Way You Hold Me

これは気持ちいい! 米アルバカーキでPlastik Peopleレーベルを率いるMarc Cotterellの「The Way You Hold Me」は、90年代初期のColdcutの名曲「People Hold On」にも通じるような、グラマラスで爽やかなハウスに仕上がっています。こういう曲が欲しかった。

This feels great! Marc Cotterell, who runs the Plastik People label in Albuquerque, NM, has created "The Way You Hold Me," a glamorous, breezy house track that reminds me of Coldcut's classic "People Hold On" from the early 90s. This is the kind of song I've always wanted.

7. Francis Mercier & Magic System - Premier Gaou

これは強い。オランダ・アムステルダムのSpinnin' Deepからリリースされた、NYのハイチ系アメリカ人DJ・Francis MercierとMagic Systemのコラボによって生まれたアフロハウス。現代的な明瞭さと太さを併せ持つビートが格好いいです。

This is strong. Released on Spinnin' Deep in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, this Afro-house is the result of a collaboration between Magic System and Francis Mercier, a Haitian-American DJ from New York. The beat is cool, with a modern clarity and boldness.

8. Awa, Jonas Blue - Something Stupid (KC Lights Remix)

これはポップでいいですね。イギリス・グラスゴーのアーティスト、KC Lightsがリミックスした「Something Stupid」。夢見るようなメロウさも兼ね備え、みんなで楽しめるサウンドに仕上がってる。好き好き。

This is a nice pop instance. It's "Something Stupid" remixed by KC Lights, an artist from Glasgow, UK. It's also dreamy and mellow, a sound we can all enjoy. I like it very much.

9. Block & Crown, Jessy Saunders - Forget Me Nots

大好きなPatrice Rushen「Forget Me Nots」(1982)のカバーです。原曲が好きすぎて全く抵抗できない。カバーを手がけたのはオランダのBlock & Crown。40年の時間を超え、原曲の魅力をストレートにアンプリファイしてくれてて最高。

This is a cover of my favorite Patrice Rushen "Forget Me Nots" (1982). I love the original song so much that I can't resist it at all. The cover was done by Block & Crown from The Netherlands, and it's great because it transcends 40 years of time and straightforwardly amplifies the charm of the original song.


【Track of the Week】Shur-i-kan - Where I Stand

「今週の1曲」はこの曲に決めました。Shur-I-KanことTom Szirtesは、2001にFreerangeでデビューしたときからずっと大好きなアーティストです。彼のハウスは、エレガントな響きと堅牢でソリッドなリズムの骨格のマリアージュが素晴らしく、シンプルに聞こえるのに、その豊かさの海に深く深く引き込まれてしまいます。この曲も、僕の期待を超える素晴らしい仕上がりでした。尊敬します。

Tom Szirtes, a.k.a. Shur-I-Kan, has been one of my favorite artists since his debut with Freerange in 2001. His house is a wonderful marriage of elegant harmonics and a robust, solid rhythmic mechanics that sounds so simple, yet draws you deeper and deeper into its ocean of richness. This song also exceeded my expectations. I admire him.

Special Offer

生まれてはじめて組んだ自作PC名付けてMirror Matterで作った、48分間のフライトシミュレーターとハウスDJミックスのコラボレーションです。ぜひお楽しみください!

This is a collaboration of a 48-minute flight simulator and a house DJ mix made on my first homebrew PC, Mirror Matter. I hope you enjoy it!

Here's the new house music for 2021!


Here's the playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of Akihabara Housing, Ltd. At the moment, I have collected 94 songs. If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
