
New House Exhibition - 今週のハウス新譜チェック 11.22


Hello, this is Akihabara Housing, Ltd., the house music lounge. At the end of a week that was warmed up by a picture-perfect Indian Summer days, yet the afternoon light slanting down here in Tokyo makes you feel like winter, we're going to check out new house music from around the world again this week!

ハウスミュージックラウンジ「秋葉原住宅」棟梁のspinn.teramotoがその年の新譜をチェックしご紹介する世界の新築ハウスの展示場、「Antenna 2020」。毎週土曜日は「いつものアーティスト・いつものレーベルの新譜チェック」、そして日曜日は「いつもと違うジャンルやアーティストを探る」という方針でチェックしています(でも今週は、日曜日にまとめてチェックしました)。

The master of the house music lounge "Akihabara Jutaku (Akihabara Housing, Ltd.)", Spinn.Teramoto, checks out and introduces the new music of the year at "Antenna 2020", an exhibition space for new house music from around the world. Every Saturday, I check out the new releases from my usual artists and labels, and on Sundays, I explore different genres and artists. -This week I took a break on Saturday and checked in at once on Sunday.


I'm going to show you all the songs that I've actually downloaded and purchased. These songs were chosen in a serious competition. Let's take a look at it right away!

1. DJ Disciple, Dawn Tallman - Whole World Party (Deez Raw Life Remix)

素敵! この曲は、テキサス州ダラスの鉄人Demarkus Lewisによる、2010年のヒット曲「Whole World Party」のリミックス。例のウイルスが世界を覆っている今のつらい状況が世界があるからこそ、この気持ち忘れたくないなと思いました。ジャケットのイラスト、ちょっと泣けちゃう感じあります。みんな、がんばっていこうね。

Lovely! This song is a remix of the 2010 hit "Whole World Party" by Demarkus Lewis, an iron man from Dallas, Texas. I don't want to forget this feeling because the world is in the bitter situation right now with the virus that has taken over the world. The cover illustration makes me cry. Let's keep up the good life, everyone.

2. Husky - Heaven (Mo'Cream Remix)


Sydney DJ/producer Husky's "Heaven" is gently and elegantly remixed by Italian veteran Mo'Cream. I can't get enough of the sound of this electric piano.

3. Saison - Want You

試聴開始1秒で恋に落ちました。ロンドンの2人組Saisonの「Want You」は、重ね合わせたピアノとオルガンのシルクのような響きが最高にエレガントな上に、低いところで唸るベースラインのしなやかさが素晴らしい。これは最高ですよ…。

I fell in love with it within the first second of listening. London duo Saison's "Want You" is supremely elegant with the silky sound of the superimposed piano and organ, and the suppleness of the bass line snarling in the low places. This is the best....

4. Soul Renegades - Speak To Me

11年前にも「Miss World」で僕らをノックアウトした6th Borough Projectの一員Craig Smithの別プロジェクトSoul Renegadesの新曲が、ストックホルムの信頼のディープハウス系レーベルLocal Talkから到着。オーガニックで優雅で、とても素敵な曲です。

New music from Soul Renegades, another project of Craig Smith, part of the 6th Borough Project that knocked us out with "Miss World" 11 years ago, arrives on Stockholm's trusted deep house label Local Talk. It's organic, elegant, and very nice.

5. Callvin - That Feeling

Marc Cotterell率いるPlastik Peopleからリリースされた、おそらくブラジルのアーティストCallvinの「That Feeling」。これもエレピの響きが嬉しいハウスですが、ときおり現れるシンセサイザーのストレンジトーンとサックスのスパイスも効いてます。

"That Feeling" by (probably) Brazilian artist Callvin released on Plastik People, led by Marc Cotterell. This is another delightful house with the echoes of the electric piano, but it's also spiced up with the occasional strangeness of the synthesizer tones and saxophone.

6. Gorgon City feat. Evan Giia - Burning (Snakehips Remix)

トランスで有名なレーベル老舗Positivaから、ロンドンの2人組Gorgon Cityの「Burning」を、同じくロンドンの2人組Snakehipsがエレガントにリミックス。ところで楽曲とは直接関係ないけど、"ゴルゴン"シティの曲を"スネーク"ヒップスがリミックスしてるの、イメージがつながってて面白いね。

On the venerable Positiva label, famous for its trance music, London duo Gorgon City's "Burning" is elegantly remixed by another London duo, the Snakehips. By the way, it's not directly related to the song, but it's interesting to see "Snake" Hips remixing a song by "Gorgon" City, because the images are connected.

7. James Cole - We Can Make It (Mihai Popoviciu Remix)

これは好きなやつ。ハンガリー第8の街ケチュケメートのJames Coleの「We Can Make It」を、同じく東欧ルーマニアの古都シビウのMihai Popoviciuがリミックス。作り出される空間に漂う香りがいい。

I like this one. ”We Can Make It" by James Cole of Kecskemét, Hungary's eighth city, is remixed by Mihai Popoviciu, also from Sibiu, an ancient Rumanian city in Eastern Europe. I love the scent that wafts through the created space.

8. The Spaheshifters - Finally Ready (David Penn Remix)

イギリスのThe Shapeshiftersの「Finally Ready」を、スペインのベテラン・David Pennがリミックス。このちょっと長めのイントロ含めて、直球のボーカルハウスに仕上がっていて嬉しい。大好きです。

Spanish veteran David Penn remixed "Finally Ready" by the UK's The Shapeshifters. I'm happy to listen to that it's a straightforward vocal house, including this slightly long intro. I love it.

9. Emeli Sandé X Stonebwoy X Nana Rogues - More Of You (Booker T Emeli Soulfoul House Vocal Mix)

あーこれはいいなあ。和みます。ロンドンのベテランBooker Tによる穏やかで心に染みるリミックス。こうしてシーンを俯瞰していると、どうもロンドンはすでに「EDMの次」を探しに行ってる感じがしますね。

I like this. Soothing. A gentle and haunting remix by London veteran Booker T. Looking at the scene like this, it seems like London is already looking for the "next EDM".

【Track of the Week】Emeli Sandé X Stonebwoy X Nana Rogues - More Of You (Booker T Emeli Soulfoul House Vocal Mix)

今週も素敵な曲が多くて、「Track of the Week」を選ぶのはとても難しかったけれど、優しい歌が空間を満たすこの曲に決めました。一人で聴くのもいいけれど、みんなで聴きたい曲ですね。大好きです。

There were so many great songs this week that it was very difficult to choose "Track of the Week", but I decided on this song with its gentle songs filling the space. It's a great song to listen to alone, but I want to listen to it with everyone. I love it.

Important Notice


On the upcoming December 5th from 2pm to 8pm, Akihabara Housing Ltd. will hold a real party at the lounge space on the 1st floor along with the Techno Party Akihabara Heavy Industry Inc. The venue is the familiar MOGRA in Akihabara, Tokyo.

今回の秋葉原住宅は、例のウイルスの影響ですっかり遠くなってしまった世界の都市との距離を縮めるべく、「World Tour」モードでシカゴ、ロンドン、ベルリン、ストックホルム、パリ…と各都市ごとのハウスをご紹介していきたいと思います。

In this event of the Akihabara Housing ltd., I will be introducing the house music in Chicago, London, Berlin, Stockholm, Paris... in a "World Tour" mode, in order to shorten the distance between us and the cities of the world that have become so far away due to the virus.


Spinn.Teramoto will be playing a 6 hour long set by myself. I don't know what will happen to me, but if you can make it, please come to Akihabara MOGRA and witness it! I'll be looking forward to seeing you all!

Here's the new house music for 2020!


Here's the playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of "Akihabara Jutaku (Akihabara Housing, Ltd.)". At the moment, we have collected 294 songs. I listen to it every day in the car on my way to work. If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well. Thank you very much.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
