
AHL New House Exhibition - 今週の新築ハウス紹介 Mar.6-Mar.7


Hello, this is spinn.teramoto, the director behind the House Music Lounge Akihabara Houseing Ltd. It's the first and sunny weekend of March in Tokyo, and I'd like to introduce you to some new-build house music as usual.

今週は…ハウスではないんですけれど、NPR Tiny Desk (Home) ConcertでのKirk Franklinのパフォーマンスで感動していました。皆さんはもう見ましたか?

This week...it's not house, but I was moved by Kirk Franklin's performance at the NPR Tiny Desk (Home) Concert. Have you seen it yet?


I'm going to show you all the following songs that I've actually downloaded and purchased. These songs were chosen in a serious competition. Let's take a look at it right away!

1. Tomahawk Bang - H O M E (Atjazz Astro Remix)

曲が始まって頭の2拍でもうスタニングでした。ネイティブアメリカンの居留地としても知られる米アリゾナ州メサのTomahawk Bangが昨年リリースした「H O M E」を、ロンドンきってのハウス・マイスターAtjazz師が華麗にリミックス。大地の音と宇宙の音がつながってくスケール感に圧倒されます。

I was already stunned by the first two beats of the song. Tomahawk Bang of Mesa, Arizona, also known as a Native American settlement, released "H O M E" last year, and London's foremost house meister, Atjazz, brilliantly remixed it. You will be overwhelmed by the sense of scale of the connection between the sounds of the earth and the sounds of the universe.

2.Mo'Cream - Get Out

信頼できるシカゴの老舗ハウス系レーベル・Large Musicからリリースされた、イタリアのDJ・Mo'Creamの「Get Out」。優しく甘く花の香りが漂うような、エレガントなハウスです。大好き。

This is "Get Out" by Italian DJ Mo'Cream, released on the reliable and well-established Chicago house label Large Music. It's elegant house with a gentle, sweet, floral scent. I love it.

3. Nick Garcia - Tell Me (Rawdio Sunrise Remix)

ベルギーのヘントあるいはブリュッセルのプロデューサー、Rawdioのリミックス案件。「Sunrise Remix」と題されたバージョンは、原曲が持つ透明感をうまく引き出してディープなトラックに仕上げています。

This is a remix project by Rawdio, a producer from Ghent or Brussels, Belgium. The version titled "Sunrise Remix" brings out the clarity of the original and makes it a deep track.

4. Carlos Barbero & Enes Çakır - Wake Up Feat Seher K (Ede Remix)

これは格好いいなー。イギリスのseladorからリリースされた、 パナマCarlos BarberoとトルコのEnes Çakirの「Wake Up」を、トルコ出身で現在はドイツ拠点のEdeがヘビーにディープにリミックスしています。最高。

This is cool. This is a heavy and deep remix of "Wake Up" by Turkish-born Ede. Great. The track is originaly composed by Panama Carlos Barbero and Turkey's Enes Çakir on Selador label.

5. Block & Crown - She Wants Music

これは愉快! オランダのDJ/プロデューサー、Block & Crownの「She Wants Music」は、歌もラップも入って楽しさいっぱいの5分間を届けてくれます。

This is hilarious! Dutch DJ/producer Block & Crown's "She Wants Music" is a fun-filled five minutes of singing and rapping.

6. Simon Doty - The Beacon

カナダ・トロントのアーティスト、Simon Dotyの「The Beacon」。流麗かつミニマルな展開の先に、まさかのAnanda Project「Cascades of Colour」からのサンプリング。痺れた。

This is "The Beacon" by Simon Doty, an artist from Toronto, Canada. The song's flowing and minimalistic development was followed by a sample from Ananda Project's "Cascades of Colour". I was knoecked out.


【Track of the Week】Tomahawk Bang - H O M E (Atjazz Astro Remix)

「今週の1曲」はこの曲に決めました。大地の鼓動が宇宙の光へとつながっていくような、大きいな大きなイメージを描く、「Astro Remix」の名に相応しい偉大なリミックスです。最高です!

I've decided on this song as my "Track of the week". It's a great remix worthy of the name "Astro Remix", painting a big, big picture, as if the heartbeat of the earth leads to the light of the universe. It's great!

Here's the new house music for 2021!


Here's the playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of Akihabara Housing, Ltd. At the moment, I have collected 68 songs. If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
