
AHL New House Exhibition - 今週の新築ハウス紹介 Feb.27-Feb.28


Hi there. This is spinn.teramoto, the director of house music lounge "Akihabara Housing Ltd."  I'll be doing another new-build house music review from Tokyo on the last weekend of February, when the air and soil are all shifting towards spring.


I'm going to show you all the songs that I've actually downloaded and purchased. These songs were chosen in a serious competition. Let's take a look at it right away!

1. The Sunburst Band - He Is (Jimpster Remix)

2004年にJoey NegroのZ RecordからリリースされたThe Sunburst Band「He Is」を、Freerangeレーベルを率いるJimpsterことJamie Odellがリミックス。ベテランらしい貫禄を感じさせる、まろやかで芳醇な喉ごし。最高です。

The Sunburst Band's "He Is," originally released on Joey Negro's Z Record label in 2004, has been remixed by Jamie Odell, aka Jimpster of the Freerange label. The song has a mellow, rich flavor with the dignity of a veteran. It's great.

2. Mo'Cream - Mo'Luv


"Mo' Luv" by Mo'Cream, an Italian producer who has been working as a DJ since the 90s. The warm, mature sound is a delight. You will be intoxicated by this exquisite temperature that is neither too high nor too low.

3. Mo'Cream - Cry For Love

もう1曲、Mo'Creamのリリースを紹介します。この「Cry For Love」も、とろけるような甘いサウンドが囁くディープなトラックです。長いイントロの後から入ってくるピアノ最高。響きはスイート、支えるリズムはタイトでクリア。素敵!

Here's another Mo'Cream release. "Cry For Love" is another deep track that whispers with a melting sweet sound. I love the piano that comes in after the long intro. The sound is sweet, and the supporting rhythm is tight and clear. Lovely!

4. Matt Early, Lee Jeffries - Love Is Growing Deeper (feat. Will Bee) Opolopo Remix

新興レーベル・Lockdown RecordsからリリースされたMattとLeeの「Love is Growing Deeper」を、ストックホルムの技巧派マイスターOpolopoが華やかにリミックス。歌の力も輝いてます。最高。

A gorgeous remix by Stockholm's masterful Meister Opolopo of Matt and Lee's "Love is Growing Deeper," released on the emerging Lockdown Records label. The power of the song also shines through. The best.

5. Sebb Junior - Copycat (Original Mix)

スペイン・グラナダから素敵ハウスをリリースし続けるSebb Juniorの新曲「Copycat」。彼らしいクールで明瞭で流麗なタッチのトラックです。格好いい!

New track "Copycat" by Sebb Junior, who keeps releasing great house from Granada, Spain. It's a cool, clear and flowing track with his signature touch. Cool!

6. Fred Everything - HERE (NOW) - A 2020 SPACE DISCO ODYSSEY

カナダ・モントリオールのFred Everythingが2003年にリリースした、隠れた名曲「Here(Now)」を、彼自身がみつけた当時のCubaseデータをLogicで開いて現代的に再構築。しっかりと2020年代に相応しい響きをまとっています。これはいいですね。

Fred Everything of Montreal, Canada, released the hidden classic "Here(Now)" in 2003, and opened up his own Cubase data and reworked in Logic to recreate it in a modern way. This is good.

7. Cheeseckae Boys - What About

ハンガリーの首都ブダペストのレーベル・PornoStar Recordsからリリースされた、Cheeseckae Boysの「What About」。ひたすらゴリゴリとパワフルで楽しい。

"What About" by Cheeseckae Boys, released on PornoStar Records, a label based in Budapest, the capital of Hungary. It's just gory, powerful, and fun.

8. Llewellyn - Recapture The Past (Original Mix)

ベルリンのアーティスト・Llewellynの「Recapture the Past」。音像とイメージがクリアで格好いい。E2-E4的なシンセリフも好みでした。大好き。

"Recapture the Past" by Berliner artist Llewellyn. The sound image and imagery are clear and cool, and I liked the E2-E4-like synth riffs. I love it.

9. Ralf GUM meets Soweto Gospel Choir - Ramasedi (Ralf GUM Main Mix)

南アフリカのアーティスト、Ralf Gumの「Ramasedi」。重ね合わされたボーカルのハーモニーにうっとりします。いいねー。

This is "Ramasedi" by South African artist Ralf Gum. The overlapping vocal harmonies are enchanting. I love it.


【Track of the Week】Ralf GUM meets Soweto Gospel Choir - Ramasedi (Ralf GUM Main Mix)

今週の「Track of the Week」はこの曲に決めました。春の訪れを予感させる軽やかで心地良いサウンドが、開けた窓から入ってくる少し冷たい初春の風と溶け合ってとても心地良かったのです。Rulf Gumの住む、南半球の南アフリカは、これから秋を迎えるところだと思うけれど、東京で聞く「Ramasedi」は最高の初春曲でした。

This week's "Track of the Week" was decided to be this song. I think South Africa in the southern hemisphere, where Rulf Gum lives, is about to welcome autumn, but "Ramasedi" was a great early spring song to hear in Tokyo! It was a great song for the season.

Here's the new house music for 2021!


Here's the playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of Akihabara Housing, Ltd. At the moment, I have collected 62 songs. If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
