
AHL Weekly House Expo May.6-May.7: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー


Hello everyone. This is spinnage, the director of the House Music Lounge "Akihabara Housing, Ltd." From Tokyo on a rainy Sunday after a sunny Saturday that reminded me of early summer, this week, as usual, I will be introducing new-built house music from around the world.


All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!

*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1) Sen-sei, HUGEhands - Wait for You (Deez Flipper Mix)

シカゴの鉄人・Demarkus Lewisがリミックスした、Sen-seiとHUGEhandsで「Wait for You」。立体感のある音像に、空間を切り裂くようなサックス。格好いいです。

"Wait for You" by Sen-sei and HUGEhands, remixed by Chicago's iron man Demarkus Lewis. The sound image has a three-dimensional feel, and the saxophone seems to cut through space. It's cool.

2) S.U.M.O. - Santiago Boys (Saison Rework)

ロンドンの2人組・Saisonがリワークを手掛けた、S.U.M.Oの「Santiago Boys」。90年代クラシックハウスのニュアンスもほのかに漂う、エレガントなディープハウスで最高。

Reworked by London duo Saison, S.U.M.O.'s "Santiago Boys" is elegant deep house at its best, with subtle hints of classic 90s house.

3) Mark Hill & Ridney - Do What We Do (Sebb Junior Extended Remix)

スペイン・グラナダのSebb Juniorがリミックスを手掛けた、Mark HillとRidneyで「Do What We Do」。モダンな音像にボーカルが映える、好トラックです。いいね!

"Do What We Do" by Mark Hill and Ridney, remixed by Sebb Junior of Granada, Spain. A nice track with a modern soundscape and vocals. Nice!

4) Josh Wink - Automatic Journeys

米・フィラデルフィアのベテラン、Josh Winkの新譜がFreerangeからリリースされました。疾走感のある硬質なハウスでクール。気に入りました。

A new record by Philadelphia, PA veteran Josh Wink is out now on Freerange. Cool, fast, hard house. Loved it.

5) DJ Christian B - Be Somthin (Ricky KK Remix)

伊・ピエトラサンタのプロデューサー、Ricky KKがリミックスを手掛けた、DJ Christian Bの「Be Somthin」。籠った音質のピアノが交錯するハウストラック。いいですね。

"Be Somthin" by DJ Christian B, remixed by producer Ricky KK of Pietrasanta, Italy. A house track with soft sound quality piano interspersed. Nice.

6) DJEBALI, Hippie-E - Fall Into Groove

パリのプロデューサーDJEBALIと米デンバーのHipp-Eのコラボで「Fall Into Groove」。ゴリゴリしたベースラインが身体に響くディープトラックです。素敵。

"Fall Into Groove" is a collaboration between Parisian producer DJEBALI and Denver, CO's Hipp-E. It is a deep track with a gory bass line that resonates in your body. Lovely.

7) GdDeX - Inside Out (Rawdio Remix)

ベルギーのヘントとブリュッセルを拠点とするプロデューサー、Rawdioがリミックスを手掛けた、GgDeXの「Inside Out」。骨太なビートに支えられて、シンセが駆け巡る。気に入りました。

Gent and Brussels, Belgium-based producer Rawdio remixes "Inside Out" by GgDeX. The synths run around, backed up by a bone-heavy beat. Liked.

8) Sam Tyler - Dimensions

シカゴのプロデューサー・Sam Tylerの「Dimensions」。優しいシンセパッドのタッチが心地よい。優しいハウスです。大好き。

"Dimensions" by Chicago producer Sam Tyler. The gentle synth pad touch is pleasant. It's gentle house. I love it.

9) Low Steppa - Out My Way

英・バーミンガムのプロデューサー・Low Steppaの「Out My Way」。四つ打ちハウスの強みを最大限に引き出したようなアップリフティングなトラック。格好いいです。

"Out My Way" by Birmingham, England producer Low Steppa. This is an uplifting track that seems to bring out the best in four beat house. It's cool.

10) No Hopes, Max Freeze - I Do

No HopesとMax Freezeで「I Do」。これぞインディーダンスという感じの、猥雑な空気感が最高です。短い曲だけど、フロアの空間を一瞬で染めあげる力がある。良き。

"I Do" with No Hopes and Max Freeze. This is indie dance at its best, with an air of obscenity. It's a short song, but it has the power to instantly dye the space on the floor. Good.

【Track of the Week】Josh Wink - Automatic Journeys


I decided to choose this song as the "Track of the Week." It has a pleasantly dramatic development with stable beat-making that is typical of veterans. Please listen to the entire 7 minutes and 22 seconds.

Tracks are available on my DJ Chart!



On 25 May, my new single 'Highway' will be released on OHMELYA in Lille, France. What's great this time is that it's been remixed by Zetbee, a big fan myself, who brings us electronic and elegant deep house from Brno, Czech Republic! Stay tuned!


A snippet video is also available for you!

僕が最初に出会ったZetbeeの曲は、6年前の「Let Me In」でした。それ以来彼の曲やリミックスワークをおいかけて、気がついたら手元には37曲ほど彼の音源が集まっていました。このコラムでも何度も紹介してきました。そんな彼にリミックスしてもらえるとか、本当に光栄です。嬉しい…。

The first Zetbee song I came across was 'Let Me In' six years ago. Since then, I've been following his songs and remix work, and have found myself with a collection of 37 of his songs in my possession. I've introduced them many times in this column. I'm really honoured to be remixed by him. I'm so happy...

Here's the new house music for 2023!


Here is a playlist that picks up and accumulates the new releases of 2023 that I recommend as "Akihabara Housing. Ltd". At the moment there are 169 tracks gathered. House lovers, please continue to check this playlist if you like.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
