
AHL Weekly House Expo July.22-July.23: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー


Hello everyone. I'm spinnage, the director of the house music lounge Akihabara Housing, Ltd.. From a cool room in Tokyo in the middle of summer, this week I'll be introducing some great new-built house music from around the world.


All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!

*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1) Demarkus Lewis - SmokeStaxx

ダラスの鉄人・Demarkus Lewisの新曲「SmokeStaxx」が、仏・リールのHi! Energyからリリースされました。ほのかに90年代の香りがするオルガンのリフが心地良いです。

New track 'SmokeStaxx' from Dallas iron man Demarkus Lewis, released on Hi! Energy in Lille, France. It has a pleasant organ riff with a hint of the 90s.

2) Hallex M feat. Phil.D - The Dream (Laroye Remix)

Hallex Mのアフロハウス「The Dream」を、パリのプロデューサー・Laroyeがリミックス。アフロの雰囲気はそのままに、重ねられたシンセがさらに現代的な響きを聴かせてくれます。

Hallex M's Afro house 'The Dream' is remixed by Parisian producer Laroye. The Afro vibe is maintained, but the layered synths give it an even more contemporary sound.

3) Abel - Can't Let You Go

ロンドンのディープハウスマイスター・Atjazz率いるAtjazz Record Companyからリリースされた、Abelの「Can't Let You Go」。とろけるようなRhodesの響き。Rona Rayの歌声。どちらもセクシーで最高!

Abel's "Can't Let You Go", released on Atjazz Record Company, led by London deep house meister Atjazz. The melting Rhodes sound, Rona Ray's voice, both sexy and awesome!

4) Rapson & Nathan Thomas - Magic (DJ Spen & Reelsoul Hocus Pocus Mix)

米ボルティモアの大兄貴・DJ SpenとReelsoulがリミックスした、Rapson & Nathan Thomasの「Magic」。曲名通りマジカルなコードプログレッションとコーラス。気に入りました。

'Magic' by Rapson & Nathan Thomas, remixed by US Baltimore big brother DJ Spen and Reelsoul. Magical chord progression and chorus as the song title suggests. Liked.

5) Fimiani - Believe In Yourself

ベルリンのToy Tonicsからリリースされた、Fimianiの「Believe in Yourself」。この濃厚な90年代ハウスクラシックテイストがたまらない。リバーブの深いボーカルが嬉しい。良い~。

'Believe in Yourself' by Fimiani, released on Berlin's Toy Tonics. This thick 90s house classic taste is irresistible. The deep reverb vocals are a delight. Good!

6) Muzikman Edition, Brian Lucas - Home

DJ Spen率いるUnquantizeからリリースされた、Muzikman EditionとBrian Lucasの「Home」。スラップベースを背景にソロをとるローズピアノの描くラインに心奪われました。

Muzikman Edition and Brian Lucas' 'Home', released on DJ Spen-led Unquantize. I was captivated by the line drawn by Rhodes Piano, soloing against a slap bass background.

7) Sascha Dive - Ramenko (Sascha Dive's Soul 2 Soul Remix)

独フランクフルトのプロデューサー、Sascha Diveがリミックスを手掛けた、Pornbugsの「Ramenko」。タイトなビートとふんわりしたパッドで構築された、静かでドラマティックな曲です。

'Ramenko' by Pornbugs, remixed by Frankfurt, Germany-based producer Sascha Dive. It is a quiet, dramatic song built on a tight beat and fluffy pads.

8) Marc Cotterell - Just To Believe

米アルバカーキのプロデューサー、Marc Cotterellの「Just To Believe」。スラップするベースが気持ちいい、ピュアで正しいハウスミュージック。最高です。

'Just To Believe' by US Albuquerque producer Marc Cotterell. Pure, righteous house music with a nice slapping bass. Best for.

9) Bruce Leroys, Helora - Tempo (Art of Tones Remix)

5月のリリースですが見落としてました。仏・ペルピニャンのプロデューサー、Art of Tonesがリミックスを手がけたBruce LeroysとHeloraの「Tempo」。跳ねるシンセベースの描くラインが心地良いです。

It was released in May but was overlooked. 'Tempo' by Bruce Leroys and Helora, remixed by French-Perpignan producer Art of Tones. The line drawn by the bouncing synth bass is pleasant.

10) Fleur De Mur - Ease My Mind (Micky More & Andy Tee Extended Mix)

イタリアのGroove Cultureレーベルを率いるMicky MoreとAndy Teeの2人組DJがリミックスした、Flaur De Murの「Ease My Mind」。曲名通り、リラックスしてみんなで笑顔になれる素敵ハウスミュージックです。

'Ease My Mind' by Flaur De Mur, remixed by the duo of DJs Andy Tee and MIcky More who head the Groove Culture label in Italy. As the name of the song suggests, this is great house music to relax and make everyone smile.

【Track of the Week】Abel - Can't Let You Go


I've enjoyed some gorgeous summery house music this week, but this debauched dreamy track would be so nice to listen to outdoors before the hot summer sun goes down, it feels like a modern revival of the electronic, sexy house that was popular in the early 00s. It has become my favourite track.

Tracks are available on my DJ Chart!

DJ chartになっています。The title is currently missing due to a beatport bug, but the link is to my DJ chart as normal.

Here's the new house music for 2023!


Here is a playlist that picks up and accumulates the new releases of 2023 that I recommend as "Akihabara Housing. Ltd". At the moment there are 278 tracks gathered. House lovers, please continue to check this playlist if you like.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house
Bluesky: @ahl-house.bsky.social

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)


寺本秀雄(spinnage / spinn)