
AHL Weekly House Expo Apr.22-Apr.23: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー


Hello everyone. I'm spinnage, the director of the house music lounge Akihabara Housing, Ltd. From Tokyo, where we're celebrating the fourth weekend of April with temperatures dropping again after experiencing heat that foretold summer on Thursday and Friday, I'll be introducing you to some great new-built house music from around the world.

All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!

*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblogシリーズ「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」の一部です。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1) Daniel Rateuke - Namaqu

独デュッセルドルフからアフロハウスを奏でるDaniel Rateukeの新譜。タイトなビートとリフレインがディープハウスとしても解釈させてくれる。素敵。

New record from Daniel Rateuke from Düsseldorf, Germany, playing Afro house. Tight beats and refrains allow it to be interpreted as deep house. Lovely.

2) Monique Bingham, DJ Vivona - Over Him, Under Him (Enoo Napa Afro Mix)

南アフリカ・ウムラジのプロデューサー、Enoo Napaがリミックスを手がけた、Monique BinghamとDJ Vivonaで「Over Him, Under Him」。Enoo Napaらしいディープでスケールの大きなアフロハウスでハマります。

Monique Bingham and DJ Vivona's "Over Him, Under Him," remixed by South African Umraj producer Enoo Napa. With Enoo Napa's signature deep, big-scale Afro-house that is addictive.

3) Laroye featuring Javonntte - Let It Go

ストックホルムの信頼のレーベルLocal Talkからリリースされた、パリのプロデューサー・Laroyeの「Let It Go」。ジャジーなキーボードとボーカルの描くラインが気持ち良い。最高。

'Let It Go' by Parisian producer Laroye, released on Stockholm's trusted Local Talk label. Pleasant jazzy keyboards and vocal lines drawn by the singer. Best for.

4) Mr.Tune - DJ Spinnin' (Slamtwisted Remix)

イタリアのHOUPHからリリースされた、Mr.Tune「DJ Spinnin'」のSlamtwisted Remix。享楽的で楽しいトラックです。そろそろこういうハウスが楽しく聞こえる季節だよね!

Slamtwisted Remix of Mr Tune 'DJ Spinnin', released on Italy's HOUPH, a joyous and fun track. It's about time that this kind of house sounds fun!

5) Hipp-E, DJEBALI - Hang Around

アムステルダムのPIVからリリースされたのは、米西海岸のHipp-EとパリのDJEBALIのコラボで「Hang Around」。めちゃ安定感のあるベースラインに安心して身を任せられる。気に入りました。

Released on Amsterdam's PIV is 'Hang Around', a collaboration between US West Coast Hipp-E and Parisian DJEBALI. You can feel at ease with the bassline, which is extremely stable. Liked.

6) Loupes - Snake Charmer

ロンドンのプロデューサー、Loupesの「Snake Charmer」。ハウスらしい、四つ打ちキックの快楽に溢れた曲です。

'Snake Charmer' by London producer Loupes. The song is full of house-like, four-fisted kicking pleasure.

7) Ricardo Argomaniz - Love Seek (Marcus Raute Remix)

ナポリ出身・ロンドン在住のMarcus Rauteがリミックスを手がけた、Ricardo Argomanizの「Love Seek」。寡黙だけど官能的なディープハウス。格好いい。

'Love Seek' by Ricardo Argomaniz, remixed by Marcus Raute, born in Naples and based in London. Silent but sensual deep house. Cool.

8) Larry Quest - Shoredance

ポルトガル・リスボンのプロデューサー、Larry Questの「Shoredance」。オーセンティックなEピアノのフレーズにストレンジサウンドが絡んでいきます。こういう曲作りたいなあ…

'Shoredance' by Lisbon, Portugal-based producer Larry Quest. Strange sounds intertwine with authentic E piano phrases. I wish I could make songs like this...

9) Soichi Terada - Takusambient (Alex Attias Remix)

東京の大ベテラン・寺田創一の「Takusambient」を、Alex Attiasがリミックス。原曲のニュアンスを活かしつつ、よりアップリフティングなサウンドに仕上げてる。気持ちいい!

Alex Attias remixes Tokyo veteran Soichi Terada's 'Takusambient'. It has a more uplifting sound while retaining the nuances of the original. Pleasant!

10) Tete De La Course - I Got It (Niles Cooper Remix)

デンマーク・オールボーのプロデューサー、Niles Cooperがリミックスを手がけた、Tete De La Course「I Got It」。派手なピアノリフが気持ちいいガラージスタイルのハウス。最高。

Tete De La Course 'I Got It' remixed by Danish Aalborg producer Niles Cooper. Garage-style house with a nice loud piano riff. Best for.

【Track of the Week】Laroye featuring Javonntte - Let It Go


I've chosen this song as our 'Track of the Week'. It has a very gorgeous, open sound that makes you enjoy just following the soaring E piano phrase wherever it goes. Best for!

Tracks are available on my DJ Chart!



On 25 May, my new single 'Highway' will be released on OHMELYA in Lille, France. What's great this time is that it's been remixed by Zetbee, a big fan myself, who brings us electronic and elegant deep house from Brno, Czech Republic! Stay tuned!

僕が最初に出会ったZetbeeの曲は、6年前の「Let Me In」でした。それ以来彼の曲やリミックスワークをおいかけて、気がついたら手元には37曲ほど彼の音源が集まっていました。このコラムでも何度も紹介してきました。そんな彼にリミックスしてもらえるとか、本当に光栄です。嬉しい…。

The first Zetbee song I came across was 'Let Me In' six years ago. Since then, I've been following his songs and remix work, and have found myself with a collection of 37 of his songs in my possession. I've introduced them many times in this column. I'm really honoured to be remixed by him. I'm so happy...

Here's the new house music for 2023!


Here is a playlist that picks up and accumulates the new releases of 2023 that I recommend as "Akihabara Housing. Ltd". At the moment there are 153 tracks gathered. House lovers, please continue to check this playlist if you like.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
