
AHL New House Exhibition - 今週の新築ハウス紹介 Feb.13-Feb.14


Hi there. I'm spinn.teramoto, the mastermind behind the House music lounge "Akihabara Housing, Ltd." It's another sunny, spring-like weekend in Tokyo, and I'm going to do my introduction of new-build house music.


I'm going to show you all the songs that I've actually downloaded and purchased. These songs were chosen in a serious competition. Let's take a look at it right away!

1. AFFKT - Orange Crocanti


This is cool. Strange tones appear and disappear along with a bass line that crawls through the darkness. This is a track from the latest ep by Spanish artist Affkt.

2. The Realm x Atjazz x Kelli Sae - On The Road

最高の案件ですね。Incognitoの「On The Road (part two)」を、ハウス・マイスターのAtjazz師、The RealmそしてKelli Saeがカバー。ロックダウン中のロンドンで、一級アーティストが連絡を取り合って「On The Road」を演奏する、その心意気にぐっと来ます。

The best case scenario: Incognito's "On The Road (part two)" covered by house-meister Atjazz, The Realm and Kelli Sae. The spirit of a group of top-notch artists contacting each other to perform "On The Road" in London during the lockdown is inspiring.

3. South West Seven - Angel (Jimpster Remix)

秋葉原住宅が「BEST HOUSE OF THE YEAR 2020」を贈ったロンドンきってのハウスミュージックプロデューサー、Jimpsterの最新リミックス仕事。抽象性高くビルドされた音が華やかにブレークする瞬間が最高です。

This is the latest remix work of Jimpster, the best house music producer in London, who was awarded "BEST HOUSE OF THE YEAR 2020" by Akihabara Housing Ltd. It's the best moment when the highly abstracted sound breaks into a gorgeous sound.

4. Rawdio - Dharkan

めちゃ良い。ベルギーのヘント出身Rawdioが、自身が率いるHouse Cookin'からリリースしたディープなディープなトラック。暗いフロアで、スモークとミラーボールの光を浴びながら聴きたいね…。

Very good. Rawdio from Ghent, Belgium released this deep, deep track on his House Cookin' label. I'd like to listen to it on a dark floor, under the light of smoke and mirror balls...

5. ZIGGY - Steppin' In (Original Mix)

これもいいなあ。ロンドンのレーベルBubble 'n' twistからリリースされた、イタリアのアーティスト・Ziggyの「Steppin' In」。こういう「中火」くらいの炎で熱を入れてくれる曲は、展開作る上で本当に助かります。

I like this one too. This is "Steppin' In" by Italian artist Ziggy, released on the London label Bubble 'n' twist. A song like this that gets the heat going with a "medium flame" is really helpful in creating development.

6. The Moon - Let It Rain (Richard Earnshaw SugarSoul Mix)

イギリス南端のサウスコーストの街・ボシャムのRichard Earnshawが、The Moonの「Let it Rain」を彼らしい華やかなサウンドでリミックス。気持ちいいですね…。

Richard Earnshaw of Bosham, a town on the South Coast of England, remixed The Moon's "Let it Rain" with his own gorgeous sound. It feels good....

7. Jon Delerious - Can't Hold Back

カナダ・バンクーバーで1997年から活動している老舗、Noric Traxからリリースされた、Jon Deleriousの「Can't Hold Back」。清楚な佇まいで重ねられるシンセリフの反復にうっとりします。

Jon Delerious's "Can't Hold Back" was released on Noric Trax, a well-established label in Vancouver, Canada since 1997. The repetition of the synth riffs, layered with a clean appearance, is enchanting.

8. Mariner + Domingo - Walk On

いいですね。ベルギーを拠点とするSound Avenueからリリースされたのは、MarinerとChris Domingoのコラボ曲で「Walk On」。品のある音像は、かつてシカゴのGuidanceレーベルからリリースされていたハウスのことを思い出させてくれます。

It's good. Released on Belgium-based Sound Avenue is "Walk On," a collaboration between Mariner and Chris Domingo. The classy soundscape reminds me of the house that used to be released on Chicago's Guidance label.

9. Rasmus Faber featuring Dyanna Fearon - All Of My Dream

これはみんなが笑顔になれる曲。スウェーデン・ストックホルムのRasmus FaberがDyanna Fearonと共に送り出した「All of My Dream」は、歌の力が存分にきらめくいい曲でした。最高。

This is a song that will make everyone smile. "All of My Dream" by Rasmus Faber of Stockholm, Sweden with Dyanna Fearon was a great song with the full power of the song shining through. The best.


【Track of the Week】Rasmus Faber featuring Dyanna Fearon - All Of My Dream


I decided on this song as my "Track of The Week." The power of the song, the power of the keyboard solo, the power of the bass line, the power of the rhythm, and the power of the harmony. These power of the ensemble of these elements brought a deep emotion to my heart. It's a great song!

Here's the new house music for 2021!


Here's the playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of Akihabara Housing, Ltd. At the moment, we have collected 42 songs. If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well.

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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
