
AHL New House Exhibition Sep. 4-Sep. 5 : 今週の新築ハウス紹介


Hi there. This is spinn.teramoto, the director of the the house music lounge "Akihabara Housing, Ltd." It's the first weekend of September, and it's surprisingly cool here in Tokyo, so I'll be introducing you to some great new-built house music from around the world as usual.


The songs I'm going to cover here are all ones I've actually downloaded and purchased. I'm going to introduce them to you right away!

*この記事は、毎週末に新築ハウスミュージックを紹介している僕のblog「New House Exhibition 新築ハウスレビュー」にまとめて収録しています。/This post is one of a series of articles included in my blog, "New House Exhibition" where I introduce new-built house music every weekend.

1. Akabu - Timeline (Sean McCabe Club Rework)

華やかなスタイルが好きで僕もよく聴いていた英ブリストルのSean McCabeの31曲入りコンピから、Dave Leeの別名義Akabuの未発表曲「Timeline」のrewarkです。シンセベースがめちゃ気持ちいい!

This is a rewark of an unreleased song "Timeline" by Dave Lee's alias Akabu, from a 31-track compilation by Sean McCabe of Bristol, England, who I used to listen to a lot because of his gorgeous style. The synth bass is really nice!

2. Chriss Stussy - Deviant Shadow

ケリー・チャンドラーのレーベルKaoz Theoryからリリースされた、オランダ・アムステルダムのDJ・Chriss Stussyの「Deviant Shadow」。この透き通ったサウンドにうっとりします。

"Deviant Shadow" by DJ Chriss Stussy from Amsterdam, Netherlands, released on Kerri Chandler's label, Kaoz Theory. I'm fascinated by this crystal clear sound.

3. Mark Cotterell & Dominic Balchin - Baby Do You Feel Me (Sebb Junior Remix)

DJ Spen率いるPlastik Peopleからリリースされた、Marc Cotterell &b Dominic Balchin「Baby Do You Feel Me」をスペイン・グラナダの伊達男Subb Juniorが華麗にリミックスした曲。クールで熱い!

Subb Junior from Granada, Spain remixes Marc Cotterell & Dominic Balchin's "Baby Do You Feel Me" on DJ Spen's Plastik People label. Cool and hot!

4. Robert Babicz - Golden Days

イギリスのSeladorからリリースされた、独ケルン出身、マルタ在住のRobert Babiczの「 Golden Days」。アシッド味の展開が格好いい。気に入りました。

"Golden Days" by Robert Babicz, a native of Cologne, Germany, living in Malta, released by Selador in the UK. It has a cool acid flavor. I liked it.

5. Cerfeuil - Durance


I came across this song on the top page of Beatport, in a chart chosen by Disclosure. It's not a new-built song, it's from May 2020, but it stuck in my chest with great clarity and I couldn't get it out. I had to buy it. Great.

6. Cerfeuil - Luster


The artist Cerfeuil, according to soundcloud, is a duo from Lyon or Paris, France. This song, "Luster," released in May this year, is wonderfully clear and irresistible. I put it in my cart immediately.

7. Shimza Ft. Maleh - Fight To Love (Louie Vega Remix)

南アフリカ・ヨハネスブルクのDJ/プロデューサー、Shimzaの「Fight to Love」を、Louie Vegaがディープにリミックス。じわじわ盛り上がっていく展開がスリリングで熱い。

Louie Vega's deep remix of Johannesburg, South Africa's DJ/producer Shimza's "Fight to Love". The slow build-up is thrilling and hot.

8. Austins Groove - Mistakes

オーストラリア・バイロンベイのアーティスト、Asutins Grooveの「Mistakes」。ピアノとパッドシンセによるコードプログレッションが気持ち良すぎて全く抗えませんでした。大好き。

"Mistakes" by Asutins Groove, an artist from Byron Bay, Australia. The chord progressions with the piano and pad synths are too good to resist at all. I love it.

9. Savin - So Many Times

ロシアの首都モスクワのDJ、Savinの「So Many Times」。エッジの立った音色が次々現れては絡み合う、シンセの快楽に溢れた曲です。気持ちいい!

"So Many Times" by Savin, a DJ from Moscow, the capital of Russia. This song is full of synth pleasure, with edgy tones appearing one after another and intertwining with each other. It feels good!

10. Waitz - Somethin' About

イタリア中部のレカナーティのDJ、Waitzの「Somethin' About」。スピード感のあるディープテックの魅力にハマりました。

"Somethin' About" by Waitz, a DJ from Recanati in central Italy. I fell in love with the speedy deep tech.


【Track of the Week】Akabu - Timeline (Sean McCabe Club Rework)

「今週の1曲」にはこの曲を選びました。シンセベースも気持ちいいけれど、歌も、シンセが奏でるハーモニーも、全てが気持ちいい曲で、印象に残りました。Dave Leeが持つクラシックなソウルやディスコの魅力と、Sean McCabeの透き通ったシンセ捌きが良い感じにマリアージュしてる。最高です。

I chose this song as my "Track of The Week." The synth bass is nice, but the vocals and the harmonies that the synths create are all very nice and memorable. It's a nice marriage of Dave Lee's classic soul and disco charm and Sean McCabe's crystal clear synth work. It's great.

Special Offer
”AHL Audio Conditioner 2021”

涼が欲しいですか? こちらをどうぞ。夏の暑さにひんやりした質感の音を届ける1時間のオーディオ・コンディショナーです。お楽しみください!

Want some coolness? Here it is. This is a one-hour audio conditioner that delivers cool textured house music in the summer heat. Enjoy!

Here's the new house music for 2021!


Here's the Spotify playlist I've been accumulating by picking up this year's new songs in the name of Akihabara Housing, Ltd. At the moment, I have collected 283 songs. If you're a house lover, be sure to check out this playlist as well.

Follow Now!


House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
Twitter: @ahl-house

それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!

(Translation by DeepL)
