AHL Weekly House Expo Aug.12-Aug.13: 週刊新築ハウスレビュー
Hello everyone. I'm spinnage, the director of the House Music Lounge 'Akihabara Housing,Ltd'. From a room in Tokyo, where a typhoon is approaching and the occasional heavy downpour is falling, I'm going to introduce you to some new-built house music from around the world. The summer holiday season has reduced the absolute volume of releases, but I've chosen seven tracks from it this week.
All of the songs I will be featuring here are songs that I actually purchased as downloads. I chose these songs in a serious competition. Let's get started!
1) Mo'Cream - About Last Night
イタリア、ミラノのプロデューサー、Mo'Creamの「About Last Night」。スモーキーなピアノリフから匂い立つ優しい響きが心地良い。
'About Last Night' by producer Mo'Cream from Milan, Italy. The gentle resonance smelling from the smoky piano riff is pleasant.
2) Sebb Junior - Sound of Life
スペイン・グラナダのプロデューサー、Sebb Juniorの「Sound of Life」。軽いタッチのボーカルハウス。シンセベースの音が好み過ぎでした。
'Sound of Life' by Granada, Spain-based producer Sebb Junior. Vocal house with a light touch. The synthbass sound was too much to my liking.
3) Marc Cotterell - Follow Me (Vincenzo Gerri Remix)
米アルバカーキのプロデューサー・Marc Cotterellの「Follow Me」を、UK在住のイタリア人プロデューサー・Vincenzo Gerriが華麗にリミックス。華やかさと堅牢さが響き合う素晴らしい仕上がり。最高!
'Follow Me' by US Albuquerque producer Marc Cotterell is brilliantly remixed by UK-based Italian producer Vincenzo Gerri. The result is a wonderful echo of glamour and robustness. Best for!
4) Potenza CY - Off The Shelf (DJ Spen Afrocentric Remix)
米バルティモアの大兄貴DJ Spenがリミックスを手がけた、Potenza CYの「Off The Shelf」。トライバルなビートの上で繊細なタッチのピアノがラインを描く。うっとりしました。大好き。
'Off The Shelf' by Potenza CY, remixed by US Baltimore big brother DJ Spen. A delicate touch of piano draws lines over a tribal beat. Enraptured. Loved it.
5) Demuja - Deep Inside Your Soul
オーストリア・ザルツブルグのプロデューサー、Demujaの「Deep Inside Your Soul」。透明感をもって響くシンセパッドと艶のあるシンセベースのマリアージュが心地良いです。
'Deep Inside Your Soul' by producer Demuja from Salzburg, Austria. It is a pleasant marriage of transparently resonant synth pads and glossy synth bass.
6) Paul Rudder - Findin' MY Way
スペイン北岸部・アストゥリアス地方の街ヒホンのプロデューサー、Paul Rudderの「Findin' MY Way」。とろけるような甘い響きに、Bleep風味の尖ったベース。気に入りました。
'Findin' MY Way' by producer Paul Rudder from Gijón, a city in the Asturias region on the north coast of Spain. Meltingly sweet sounding, sharp bass with a Bleep flavour. Liked.
7) Natasha Watts - I Am Me (Atjazz Remix)
ハウスじゃないけど、最後にこの曲を紹介させてください。ロンドンのディープハウスマイスター・Atjazzがリミックスを手がけた、Natasha Wattsの「I Am Me」。星降るようにドリーミーなサウンドは最高に心地いい。
Although it's not house, let me introduce you to this last track. 'I Am Me' by Natasha Watts, remixed by London deep house meister Atjazz. The starry, dreamy sound is supremely comforting.
【Track of the Week】Marc Cotterell - Follow Me (Vincenzo Gerri Remix)
今週の「Track of the Week」には、このストレートなハウスを選びました。長いイントロのあとに奏でられるキーボードとシンセベースの掛け合いがスリリングでいきなり引き込まれます。その後の展開もドラマティックで最高です。お気に入りになりました!
For this week's Track of the Week, I have chosen this straightforward house track. After a long intro, the keyboard and synth bass interplay is thrilling and draws you in from the start. The subsequent development is also dramatic and great. It has become a favourite!
Tracks are available on my DJ Chart!
DJ chartになっています。先週紹介した7曲とあわせて全14曲のリストです。ぜひ活用してくださいね!
The title is currently missing due to a bug on beatport, but the link is to my DJ chart as normal. It's a list of 14 tracks in total, including the seven I introduced last week. Please make use of it!
New Release!
きたる8月24日に、フランス・リールのOHMELYA Musicより僕Spinnageの新譜「Dawn E.P.」がリリースされます。新曲「Dawn」「Maneye」の2曲に加え、レーベルオーナー・CEV'sによる「Dawn」のリミックスも収録されます。みなさま、ぜひぜひ応援よろしくお願いします!
On 24 August, OHMELYA Music in Lille, France, will release a new album by me, Spinnage, called 'Dawn E.P.'. In addition to two new tracks, 'Dawn' and 'Maneye', a remix of 'Dawn' by label owner CEV's will also be included. I would like to thank you all for your support!
Here's the new house music for 2023!
Here is a playlist that picks up and accumulates the new releases of 2023 that I recommend as "Akihabara Housing. Ltd". At the moment there are 299 tracks gathered. House lovers, please continue to check this playlist if you like.
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House Music Lounge
秋葉原住宅 (Akihabara Housing, Ltd. )
X (ex. Twitter): @ahl-house
Bluesky: @ahl-house.bsky.social
それではまた来週お会いしましょう。So I'll see you next week.
Let There Be House!